Over 35 and Pregnant!

Awww the nursery looks fantastic Sweet Mama!! Very creative!

I told my sisters over the weekend and my mum - they were all overjoyed - my eldest sister cried then made me cry - but thats as far as it goes for now - nobody else is to know until I know that everything is ok this time.

I am going to see if I can have an early scan at about 8 weeks.

Feeling very tired and sick today :sick:
Sweet Mama that is beautiful. It's made me all broker. Good job I'm pregnant!

Pip x
Morning everyone :hi:

Sweet_Mama - your nursery is absolutely adorable!! I love it!! I just shouted out loud to my OH "I want a nursery like that" and made him come and have a look!!! We need to move into a new place first though so got a little while before we can start planning for a nursery. Long story but basically we're selling my OH's flat and had an offer accepted on a new place but our buyers fell through at the last minute. Luckily we've got some more buyers now but we lost the place we loved as they found someone else. Racing against the clock a bit now though as we'd like to be moved in by August/September if possible with a baby coming end October/beginning November!! You must love walking into that gorgeous nursery and looking at all the lovely stuff. How exciting!! :happydance:

Re telling people about being pregnant - I told a couple of close friends and a couple of work colleagues really early on (including my boss but I have a great relationship with her, practically a friendship - I feel really lucky to have this - also she's got a couple of young children so is very understanding). They all knew I had a m/c last year and I just thought it would be better for me to have some support again - and I was so excited I found it hard to keep it to myself. Then we told my parents at about 7 weeks after I had an early scan but my OH wanted to wait till 12 weeks to tell his friends and his Mum. His Mum is 87 (she had him when she was 40) - and she was really sweet and had a little cry but then said she thought she might be a bit old to be a grandmother! I think she means that she won't be able to help with babysitting etc. She then phoned my OH to say she was really excited and only wished her husband was still alive so she could share the news with him. Very cute.

I haven't really had any negative or strange reactions - except maybe one of my neighbours when I told him on Friday he kept patting my tummy and telling me what a big bump I've got (I've got a bit of a tummy but it's really not a big bump!!). I've decided already I don't like people patting my tummy - I think unless really close friends/family - I'm expecting this to get even worse though as I get a proper bump!!
Congratulations MissKittyK :happydance: Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy
Congrats sweet mama and leeze, welcome!!!
this board is growing that is great and so reassuring.
We have not told anyone yet, waiting for this weekend (Mom's day here) to tell my Mom/his Mom then 12-13 weeks for everyone else! Should be interesting.
So glad I found this thread. I am 36 and 5.5 weeks pregnant with #2. Our son is almost 8 years old. We got pregnant on the first try. We were shocked and excited at the same time. Fortunately we kept everything from when our son was a baby. Always said we wanted to have #2, but when the time was right. I will have to creatively modify some of my maternity clothes. Tops now are much more form fitting. Last time I was working full time, and now I am a stay at home mom. I am able to take naps during the day so I can spend time with my family at night. Can't wait for the bump to show. Last time I was completely in maternity clothes at 11-12 weeks.

Congrats to all the :bfp:.
Hi - I've not been on here since I lost my last at 8 weeks after only finding out at my 12 week scan - I was devastated and it has taken both me and my OH a long time to get over it - it was good to read other peoples stories and realize that I was not the only one in the world that was going through the same pain. That was in September 2009. I have just found out I am pregnant again - 6 weeks - I'm 37 (38 in July) - this will be our first child. I want this more than anything else in the world but I am terrified. Its the running out of time aspect that worries me the most - it has taken us over one and a half years to get pregnant again - I just fear I don't have this much time left again if I loose this one. I'm dreading going for my first scan but I am trying my hardest to keep positive!!

The very same thing happened to me as well. I found out at my 12 week scan that I lost the baby at 8 weeks. We were so crushed.... But have faith, a few months later I got pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl :)
Hello, just found this thread - what a great idea :) I am 40, OH is 44, this is our first baby together and OH's first child, but I have two teenagers from my first marriage (15 and 17) so a big gap there...I also had a miscarriage in between them in 1994 at around 7 weeks.

We were ttc for a year and starting to swing between belief that it would happen for us to despair that it wouldn't - now we are incredibly excited and can't wait for the baby to be here :happydance:

So far I'm not sure that this pregnancy has been different from the previous ones - morning sickness was not as bad as first time round (hyperemesis til 15 weeks, lovely), but worse that the second (nausea for a week then nothing!) - was nauseous all the time from about 8 weeks to about 15 weeks and threw up a few times, but it was bearable. I do feel tired a lot but who doesn't?? And I have two jobs and two teenagers plus a voluntary role and a social life of sorts... Had one incidence of raised blood pressure at an appointment in the first tri which got the consultant all bent out of shape, but ever since, my bp has been lovely and low and aside from piling on the pounds, which I have always done in pregnancy whatever I do, I am apparently as healthy as anyone and was discharged from consultant care altogether after 20 week scan :flower: So, go us over 40s!! My midwife said she reckons that over 40s now are as healthy as 30 somethings were a generation ago and that the old stereotypes about age and pregnancy are no longer so relevant. She said I no way look 40 anyway (I think I love her) :haha: x
I'm back!!! MMC Dec 09, chemicals in Oct 10 and March this year make me very hesitant but a BFP is a BFP, who knows what will happen, hopefully it's for keeps this time.

I'm 41 and will be 42 in Dec and my DF is 27, this will be our first. AF isn't due for another 3 days but having been on holiday for 2 weeks, and just before cracking open yet another bottle of Magners, I thought ... hmm go on then, get one of the ICs out.

I have never had a line on an IC in all my BFPs so imagine my surprise last night when the line started to appear after a few minutes last night. I was convinced I was seeing things but a CB digi a few minutes later showed 1-2 weeks.

I am absoultely amazed, especially so soon after the last chemical. We started tests in January and I had a hycosy in mid March. My tests all came back as good-normal for my age, no blockages, good progesterone and FSH levels. OH had a slight issue with his and was advised to take zinc and selenium which he does (when he remembers)

Something seems to have helped, I'm not sure what but I'm so glad to be back in the BFP gang :wohoo:
hey ladies - Im cautiously joining you -hopefully for a whole 9 months :) fingers crossed!!

Congrats on all the bfps! x
It is all of the positive energy, Truly. It looks like the support from the experienced ladies is really starting to pay off with the number of bfps we have seen in the last few months.

Welcome to all of the new ladies to the thread.
Welcome ladies.


Pip x
Hi all! Just found this thread. I'm Andrea, 41 and cautiously pregnant after a m/c 18 months ago. DH is 40 and its our first child together and my first altogether!! Wasn't sure how to feel at first but am starting to come round a bit. It was a massive shock as we were told we only had 1% chance of conceiving naturally.....shows how much the doctors know!!
I saw my midwife today and got to hear bean's heartbeat. Such a great sound.
Hi all! Just found this thread. I'm Andrea, 41 and cautiously pregnant after a m/c 18 months ago. DH is 40 and its our first child together and my first altogether!! Wasn't sure how to feel at first but am starting to come round a bit. It was a massive shock as we were told we only had 1% chance of conceiving naturally.....shows how much the doctors know!!

That's lovely Andrea. It is such an anxious time but I've just learned to try and roll with it.
So glad I found this thread. I am 36 and 5.5 weeks pregnant with #2. Our son is almost 8 years old. We got pregnant on the first try. We were shocked and excited at the same time. Fortunately we kept everything from when our son was a baby. Always said we wanted to have #2, but when the time was right. I will have to creatively modify some of my maternity clothes. Tops now are much more form fitting. Last time I was working full time, and now I am a stay at home mom. I am able to take naps during the day so I can spend time with my family at night. Can't wait for the bump to show. Last time I was completely in maternity clothes at 11-12 weeks.

Congrats to all the :bfp:.

Congrats!!! My son is 9 and I am 36. Unfortunately I didn't save many baby things, although I managed to keep the swing and a couple of old cribs lol.
MissKittyK - congrats to you, too! Even though we kept everything, I know we will have to buy clothes. My son was born in june and this baby is due in december. So, whether it is a boy or girl, some clothes will be needed. I just can't wait to start getting things ready for the baby. I will probably wait until we know what we are having.
Hello ladies!! Just saw the link for this wonderful forum from another one so I thought I'd join.
I am 43 pregnant with my first (did have an early MC in Dec).
Have been TTC for over 2 years..this last year we did 3 rounds of IUI and all BFN's. Last round was in November so RE thinks both Dec and Jan pregnancy was result of the stims I used for Nov IUI. We had a 5% chance to conceive....and after the MC I went off everything but prenatals and got pregnant!!!
We are super excited and taking it one day at a time and celebrating every day I am pregnant. I have some complications that make me high risk for preterm labour, low birth weight and high high chance of Csection....so one day at a time.
Waiting to hear when our gender id scan is. very excited bout that!!!
Looking forward to sharing this journey with everyone!!

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