over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Spyrals! I hope it gets darker!
Libby love ur creativity! I have never tryed making a wreath :)
Happy anniversary Annie...ur one and only anniversary as a couple ;)
If my pregancy works out this time it will be born around our 5th anniversary...I guess I don't have to worry about gifts next year ;)
I am a lazy bum today! Not feeling well, queezy, tired, and my bladder/uterus is achy so I'm laying around today. Made the kids fried rice and smoothies for lunch once they r fed I can relax.
Corn, what a wonderful anniversary gift your little munchkin will be!! I get so happy thinking about you ladies and your little beans! Spyrals, sounds like you're sort of in there with them!! I'm working on it! Lol
I don't actually have any of their pieces here with me in Texas yet. Last time we went back to Georgia we didn't have room in the car to transport them back safely. Time before that I brought home the first original painting my Nana ever bought. They both have promised me some of their pieces but we haven't gotten them here yet. If I can get them to send me pictures I'll put them on here for you to see.
Pie really is just wonderful, isn't it? I've always been a fan of pie. Well not always. As a kid I didn't like pie or cake or cookies. I only wanted hard candy. I've always been a little old lady. Lol
Happy anniversary, Annie! I bet your DH is a hottie. I always liked preppy. My aunt recently told me that my DH looks just like Zac Effron to her. I can see what she means but DH doesn't look so polished. His hair is darker and curly and his skin isn't so Hollywood bronze. Lol. And he's big and burly. I'm 5'4". Violet is still a couple of inches shorter than me but I'm sure it won't be too long before she passes me!
Thank you all for the kind words about my wreath. It is sort of therapeutic making them. I have made one for my MIL and am doing one for my mom now. I think making them has helped me feel better after my disappointment this last cycle. Thank goodness. I was getting a bit depressed.
Wow - a big, rugged, smart Zac Effron? Lucky girl! I do love curly hair too. I just realized dh wears very VERY preppy clothes, but doesn't look preppy personally. Beard, tattoos down one arm, and a haircut his sister describes as sort of "counter-culture." The shaved sides, longer on top, with a part or slicked back? Like Brad Pitt in Fury. haha the haircut was my idea. I was like, "I'm not trying to be cheesy, and I swear I'm not trying to make you look like Brad Pitt, but how about show this photo to your barber?" I'm glad you're feeling a little better, Libby. Those first few days after the disappointment are hard. You're right though, craft stuff is so therapeutic. I like to knit (but haven't in a long time), and ordered a kit from Wool and the Gang to make a scarf next time I'm anxious about shit. They have a nice website and adorable personalized packaging when it arrives. I even follow them on Instagram. Whoever their marketing director is, s/he is ready to move on to Fortune 500.

Aw what a fun anniversary present, Corn! That's cute. What's the due date? You have me desperately wanting Chinese now. I'm about to meet my friend for dinner, but I haven't found a good Chinese restaurant here yet anyway. Dh and I are going to Toronto for TIFF next weekend so I'll hit up Chinatown. Damn you! I'm just about drooling! Rest up, lady!
Wow your DH sounds like he's got a David Beckham vibe going on! (I'm thinking of him in those adds where he wears the nice suits, but is still so not preppy, but is, all at the same time). So yeah, your DH will forever be David Beckham in my mind. I love the curly hair. DH is forever asking me to cut it so short. I put it off until he throws a fit so I get at least a little time with his curls! Lol
DH only has one tattoo. He got it when he was 19, just before we met actually. It's one of those tribal bands around his bicep that every frat boy got when we were in college. His is actually a Celtic knot band instead of the straight tribal. I think they were both pretty popular right then. Lol.
Several years ago I started learning to knit but then stopped. Idk what happened. I think it was around the time I started getting sick and hurting so much, before I found out about the RA. sometimes my fingers just won't do things. They're brats.
I'm petitioning DH for enchiladas for dinner. I'd really like a margarita in between TWWs. And the enchiladas. Seriously, they're so good at this place. I can't even tell you. Idk if he's going to feel up to the Mexican place. Y'all keep your fingers crossed for me! Lol
Wow Zac Effron and David Beckham...my my some one scored them selves hot husbands! At first I was thinking Zac from saved by the bell ;) wrong Zac! My husband is spanish and has lovely black curly hair. I've always loved dark skin and curly hair, love to run my fingers through it when I kiss him. But he loves to cut it super short cause he hates it curly, so I have very limited time with his curls. ;) When we were first married he would grow it out long for me, but we r past that, I'll do anything for u stage now haha
And I'm 5'9 and my DH is 5'11 so no heels for me! When I got divorced I bought lots of sexy 4 inch heels thinking I was gonna marry someone tall next time (my ex was 5'7) but they r collecting dust in my closet. Life is hard when ur 5'9 ;)
Now you all have me drooling! Damn. Mine is bald and he's 5'7 and I'm 5'3. So we make a short couple.. lol. I've always had a thing for short and bald men (more testosterone! teehee), all my friends think I'm weird and we never competed for guys! I had tall boyfriends before - one was 6'4 and I found it so difficult to even hold hands, let alone kiss him when I want unless I climbed a ladder. Now I don't have that problem. haha
I just went and got two boxes of FRER's. I'm hiding them from dh because I've been instructed not to test till a couple of days from now! yeah right.
Libby, you might as well post a pic of the magical enchiladas. I'm the same too, when I have AF I go and drink wine while I can. Today I went to the dentist to get 4 fillings (4 more to go, fml) and he was so sweet. He was cooing at me and using special anesthetic and it was so cute! Then his wife got bitten by some bug and she had to go to the emergency room due to an allergic reaction.. lol. I had a fun day today that's for sure!

So, am I right ladies in figuring that since HCG doubles every 48 hours, I won't get any stronger line tomorrow than today? But only the following day?

Annie, knitting is wonderful. I have fond memories of my mom knitting. As an adult I've knitted too, its so relaxing. They say it lowers blood pressure (I tried to get dh to knit, no luck). Last year I was going to knit this super chunky wool blanket for the bed or sofa. They are so beautiful and easy to do. I never got around to it but I do have a half knitted sweater! I get made fun of SO BAD for knitting though, its almost enough to put me off it.
Libby well if you ever get those photos or paintings I would certainly love to see them :)
Dh said today he might get sent to Germany for a week in a month to do a course for his work.. here's hoping that's the case, I'm so going with him! I've never been to Europe so it'll be pretty cool.
Spyrals, I always had a thing for short stocky guys. Idk why. They just seem so solid. I guess I like that. DH is very solid, too. He just happens to also be tall. It is a little awkward to hold hands with him when walking or something, but we do it anyway. I always like dark hair and dark skin, Corn! Growing up I had blonde hair, blue eyes, pale as the day is long. I guess opposites attract!
Corn, I didn't realize you were so tall! My MIL is 5'9". So intimidating. My SIL is tall, too. They like being tall. I'm like some kind of shrimp when with DHs family.
Went for enchiladas. DH spoils me so.
Germany sounds fun! I hope you guys get to go! Sounds like you had quite an adventure today. I hope the lady with the bug bite is OK!
U guys r funny! Solid guys grrrrrr! Libby I have always hated being tall I feel like a beast! It would be ok if I was thin and lanky but I'm bigger and curvy and get tried of the "ur so tall ur so big comments" I would rather be a short curvy little vixen like u all ;) And somehow I always attract shorties, I had my change with a bald short funny funny guy...like 5'4 short, but I couldn't handle it that short then I would defiantly look like a sky scraper! My ex was short enough at 5'7 and thinner than me ....ya this time I made sure my DH was taller...only 2 inches ;) and bigger than me hAha!

Man oh man...morning sickness has arrived! Can not brush teeth with out violently gagging...and feel like puking..I think toast is my only friend this morning :) yay for being sick! Hope that it's a good sign!
I mean this in the best way possible- I'm so happy you're feeling sick!! That's such a typical pregnancy thing that I feel like it must be a good sign! Enjoy your toast, my friend!
I've often wondered what it would feel like to be able to do things without help. I can't even put away dishes by myself. If I'm going to cook with something up high I have to plan for it and have DH get it down before he goes to work! Popcorn doesn't happen in our house without DH because its on the top shelf of the pantry like six feet above my head. I can't even reach it with a stepladder!
Libby, I just got one of those grabby sticks from the dollar store.. so hilarious. I definitely need one to get things off top shelves!
U guys just need a ladder handy ;) my mil lives with us and she has a step laddering the kitchen, she's 5'0....I'm like why do we have a ladder in here hehehe

Spyrals when r u testing and what dpo r u? I hope to see a test by tomorrow at least!
I do have a stepladder in there and I STILL can't reach the top shelves!
And dear friend I am still processing this- your MIL lives with you!?! Did you hit the mother in law lottery or are you just a saint!?! One of those has to be true!
I don't think me and my MIL would both survive more than a couple of weeks! Lol
I'm a saint ;) No my mil has always lived with my husband....I had two kids, he had a mother, so it was complicated for both of us. Then after I moved to canada she had a stroke six months later. I joke that she did it on purpose to make it all about her ;) she is ok but can't communicate much. She is sweet but needy and wants to be with us 24/7 not independent at all. What saves us is she goes to his sisters for a few months twice a year so we get a break and she feels like she gets to travel so it works out. It isn't easy but it's easier than it was in the beginning.
Hi guys, I found this thread and I skimmed through all these posts for close to an hour and laughed out loud sooo many times. It is truly uplifting to read about women supporting each other through TTC. I'm 35 husband 31 TTC#1 since April to no avail. Reading about BFP gives me such hope. I'm currently on my 3rd round of Clomid as well, but doesn't seem to be helping.
Hi gbeans welcome! Glad we could make u smile :)
Do you find clomid stressful, Is it expensive? I hope it works for you!
I have my first obgyn appt next week, it was to discuss my issues, but now it's for my pregnancy, hoping this one is it!
My friend on another board got her BFP on third round of clomid so you never know!
Welcome gbeans!! Hope being here makes the stress easier knowing that we're going through the same thing (though now it's just down to Libby and I, yay!). Have you done any fertility testing on your man? We've got an appt finally next week with a fertility clinic and hoping to get a test done on dh. Might as well.

Libby I'm on 11DPO, I tested this morning with the new FRER (who everyone says sucks.. have you seen any threads like that? they're all saying it's less sensitive) and the line on it was a lot less visible than yesterday's one. Like, I can't see anything at all and dh says he can? Talk about stress over here. I haven't done any work in two days! Wahh. Dh banned me from testing till 14DPO. So we'll see.. i tried lots of wondfos and they are definitely white as snow. I'm trying to resign myself to having no line on 14dpo. It's not working! :)

Wow live-in MIL, definitely a challenge. My mom lives with her MIL and I don't know how she does it. This is why we're going to build an apartment thing next to our house just in case of that! Must be prepared :-)
Have you all seen this? https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/pregnancy-test-gallery/index.php?p=6&dpo=11
I'm totally addicted to voting on the tests!! Haha
My dream is to have a mil suite! I have a feeling though she wouldn't stay in it, she would still want to be with us, and she can't do simple things. Like for example, she can only use the microwave if she sets it for one minute, she can't do it any other length of time. She was technically challenged before the stroke so now it's really hard.
Anyways...yes I have heard they new frers suck! I have also heard that they give bad evaps. I hope ur lines darken! I think frer will change them back, they must be getting lots of complaints!
Spyrals yes! I saw that! I actually posted my tests from this BFP on there cause my first tests where so faint :) it is addicting!
Spyrals yes! I saw that! I actually posted my tests from this BFP on there cause my first tests where so faint :) it is addicting!

Yeah I have a feeling people wouldn't stay in the MIL suite either. It must be hard for you! You probably have to do a lot of things for her, like another kid. My mum's MIL (I stayed with them a few months recently) is really unpleasant, she's always making awful comments and makes you feel terrible constantly. I think my inner critic that lives inside my head has taken on her voice.

Yeah I just posted my result. So far I've got one person who said it was Pos and one person said Evap. I know it's impossible to get a line if you dont have higher HCG, but then why oh why is the new FRER more faint? Surely they can't put a LESS sensitive detection in a new design? That's what I don't understand. But it's way harder to read than previous design, I do agree with that. But basically, what's driving me crazy while I wait for next result is which test to believe? Corn did you have any wondfo/cheapie early results? If not when did they start showing?

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