over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Libby I like the farm scenes :) did O ever show up?

Oh man oh man...it's hot! We had a tornado warning last night and I had the kids sleep in the basement with me last night. I am sick....sick...sick...so brutal! I feel like I have to eat all the time to keep from being nauseous but it doesn't go away...so I'm sick and not getting skinny out of it ;) and constipated...lord help me!

Spyrals any more tests, did AF show?
sad to say AF showed today on time, 16DPO as always! at least now I know. Not sure if we can make our fertility appointment tomorrow.. DH has chest pains this morning and ended up in hospital with a mild heart attack and having to have a stint put in one of his arteries. He's feeling okay though and everything went well. I'm in the hospital now. Fun times!!! He's supposed to be discharged tomorrow morning so we'll see. I probably wouldn't risk him going anywhere.
Oh my goodness spyrals! I'm so sorry! I'm so Glad dh is OK! That's scary :( I hope he recovers quickly!
Oh my gosh! spyrals! How scary! I'm so glad it wasn't worse. I hope he recovers quickly. That must have been terrifying.
And thank you guys. The paintings were fun. The kids are very excited to do it again sometime!
Spyrals, I'm sure the doctors office will be very understanding about your needing to reschedule at the last minute. My gosh, if there was ever a good reason! I hope your DH is feeling better already, and I'm sorry AF showed up.
It is CD16 for me and still no ovulation. Fantastic.
Praying for a speedy recovery spyrals! in the last year i've had two family members have the same procedure, quite scary even when docs tell you it's "nothing to concern yourself too much over". Anytime you have something man made put in your body I think is cause for concern. Both family members are doing great though!
Sorry AF showed up, now onto the next month! Always another shot!

CD 31 for me, typically I have a 28 day cycle, but knowing I ovulated soo late(CD19/20) I figure I'll have a 32/33 day cycle this month, but fingers crossed I don't! I haven't tested again, probably will tomorrow morning! Kinda cramping though like af is on the way.

Hoping ov comes for you soon Libby. Also, In reading about your bonus kids (how my step mom always referred to my sister and I, so it's always stuck) mother i have to say I grew up in a situation very very similar. Now being an adult I look at my step mother and think she might be a saint having to deal with my biological mother for 20+ years who is also a terrible, terrible person. She fell in love with a man who had custody of two young girls (my sister and I were both under 3) and one crazy, psychotic ex, how she did it I'll never know! My father was given full custody of us in 81, that gives you an idea of how crazy my biological mother really was, rarely did a judge grant full custody to a man esp in the early 80's. Nevertheless, my step mom is one of my best friends, and really the only "mother" I've ever known. So I praise you and have nothing but respect for what you are doing. Keep it up, they'll thank you in years to come!

Corn, tornado warnings are soo scary and I couldn't imagine dealing with all that while being so terribly sick. Big hugs to you and hopefully you start feeling better soon!
Spyrals, I'm so sorry! How stressful. Keep us updated and I'll be thinking of you. I'm sorry it puts your fertility appointment on hold, just an added bummer to the situation. I'm glad your family members are well, gbeans. It is so stressful. Weirdly enough, I know a biotech researcher who did a lot of work on stents and then decided to become a lawyer (the woman is a genius, so obviously she's partner of one of the largest firms in the world in only 15 years of practicing), and she did the intellectual property defense for them. She is so quick to talk about the downsides of certain medical products, but not a peep from her on those, so I bet they're pretty solid. And I'm sorry af showed up on top of everything, Spyrals.

I liked the paintings too, Libby. Thanks for sharing. How fun that everyone did one. Has work calmed down for dh at all? I'm ready to get both Nora's and your doc's number and yell at them for you! Although, I think I ovulated pretty late too a few times. One of my friends did with each one of her kids, so I'm not counting you out on this month yet.

I love that you had such a great relationship with your stepmom, gbeans. That's so nice. I'm glad you had a good mother figure to step up for you. But wow - that really is a bad sign when a mother loses custody -especially in the 80s like you said. I only know one person that lost custody of her kids recently. But when you party all night every night and drugs are your priority, it makes for an easy decision.

It's grossly hot here too, Corn. Just finally rained. Do you get tornadoes a lot there? What a stressful night. I'm about to eat my third meal of the day already - but I have no choice. It's that or puke/not be functional. I feel your pain!
Beans, I only wish we had custody of the kids. It breaks my heart to take them back to her every time. Half the time they don't even want to go back. The eldest boy keeps asking her to move closer to us. I love it. She told him maybe Libby and daddy would move closer to them. He told her that wouldn't be fair because she's the one who took them away from daddy! Good for him, I say! Idk what I've told you guys but Beans and Spyrals probably wouldn't have read that far back. DH and his wife (at the time) and her parents and the kids all lived here at the farm. One day he went to work just like normal, with no indication that there was a problem, and came back home that evening to a completely empty house. She had planned in advance that when he left for work they would pack everything up and be gone before he came home again. She left his clothes and their bed. That's it. She took every penny out of their checking and savings accounts. She didn't leave him a bar of soap or a toothbrush even. She left a post it note saying he could email her if he wanted to speak to her. He called and called her and emailed and she wouldn't tell him where his children were. He called the police and they said that at that point there was nothing they could do because she was their parent, too. It was months before she would tell him where they were living. After about a month she finally met him somewhere so he could take the kids for a visit. It was the most brutal, evil thing to do to a person. I just hate her so much.
Thanks Annie, nice to meet you (sorry my manners must've subsided bc I didn't acknowledge your welcome message to me, please forgive!) Your avatar is one of my favs EVER!
Thankfully we finally had some storms roll in last night and cooled everything down to a comfortable yet humid 85, lol.
Oh Libby, that's so heartbreaking. I don't know how people (esp. mothers) can be so heartless, selfish, and downright ugly. And to knowingly put your own children through such a devastating thing as keeping them from their father is absolutely despicable!
No worries, Beans! I didn't even notice. We're good :)

Libby. Oh my god. I just knew how terrible she was to deal with and as far as doing a crappy job taking care of her kids. I had no idea that she left like that! I must have missed that post. I feel so bad for Ben. That is such a cruel, disgusting thing to do. And stealing the money is so trashy and petty. That's so weird that the police didn't do anything. So those Amber alerts that involve parents are actually only situations with non-custodial parents? Anyway. You two are even more saintly than I realized. How does he even keep composed around her? Are you guys going to pursue a different custody agreement at some point? I know someone whose dad abducted her and her siblings for a few months and then the mom stole them back in a scary way and traumatized them all over again. People are crazy.
What did I miss!! I've been catching up on some work, how can it pile up so much after 3 days?!?! Went shopping today to Homegoods, argh I hate that store as I can't walk away empty handed.
Haha, I don't dare go in one anytime soon. We really could use a lot of stuff now that our living space will be doubling, but I don't think there will be money until February.

Sitting here with my new dog! Good first day - he's a big sweetie. But wants so much reassurance that my hands are numb from petting.

So dh and I went away this weekend and used AirBnB. We go to pick up the key and the woman mentions offhand that her husband and her would be staying with us! In their studio-ish apartment! Crazies. We got a hotel.
OMG Annie are u serious? Like in the same room? Where there two beds....were they sleeping on the couch? That's so bazaar! I don't understand what goes through people's heads sometimes.
Yay new puppy! I'm gal you had a good first day, he sounds mild and sweet. Mines like that too...she's always wanting reassurance and lovin.

I moved my scan to the 23rd so my husband could come, I need him there for support. Holy hell I've been constipated! It's killing me! I am now drinking Metamucil and eating prunes and hoping for soft poo! I'm also feeling "yucky" 24/7 but it's not stoping me frm eating.
Oh Annie! New puppies are so fun! Yay!!
Idk how DH keeps it together around Nora. She's evil. He bent way down in her face e last Sunday and yelled at her like I've never seen before. Violet has pretty severe ADHD. Like seriously bounces off the walls and furniture. I'm not even speaking metaphorically. She literally bounces off chairs or couches over across the floor until she bounces off the actual wall back in the direction of the chair or couch again. She can't help it. Unless she has her medicine. Last school year Ben and Nora agreed that violet would be on medication on school days to help her sit still enough and focus enough to actually learn and participate. She started her medicine a few weeks into the school year last year. We all noticed a drastic difference in her behavior. No bouncing. No impulse control issues. Actually was able to sit and talk to you and pay attention to things that weren't cartoons. Wonderful effect. So when the school year approached we assumed Nora would get her medicine refilled and start her back on it for her school days. Well this last visit with the kids violet told me she doesn't have to take medicine this year and she told me she doesn't understand why. So I told Ben we needed to ask Nora. So Ben asked her last Sunday. She said she just decided to let violet try out the school year without it and see how it goes. She never said one word to Ben that she was thinking of doing this. Never sought concurrence from him. Oh I've never seen him so mad. We had waited until the kids had gone inside her house to ask her about it. When she said that, he bent way down til he was practically nose to nose with her and said "what the hell do you think gives you the right to unilaterally make serious medical decisions for MY child?! You have no right. You aren't a qualified medical professional. Hell, you aren't even a qualified parent! You arent their only parent! You arent even their best parent! Don't you EVER think that you get to decide the course of action for MY children regarding so much as a runny nose without consulting me first!" And then he turned and walked back to our car. I couldn't believe any of it. I couldn't believe she had the audacity. I couldn't believe he was so harsh. Not that it wasn't deserved, but he usually tries to be more diplomatic.
I just hate her so much.
Spyrals, you have to be careful with the Home goods stores! Dangerous places where your money magically melts away right out of your wallet!!!
I can't wait to hear how your scan goes, Corn! I'm hoping everything is going very well for you and Annie and your little beans!
CD21 here and still no ovulation. I'm afraid it isn't going to happen this month. And testing will have to wait. DH is going to stupid Canada in two weeks for work for two weeks. (OK so maybe Canada isn't stupid but I don't want to be away from him. I kinda like him, ya know!?) So I'll probably go to Georgia to visit my family. I'm thinking maybe I can get appointments scheduled for when I get back.
I'm getting crabby about life right now. I'm sorry. I'm just annoyed about Nora and DHs job and my lazy ass ovaries. Ugh.
looool Annie. I had to read the part about AirBnB to dh, we laughed. That's nuts! Did you have to pay a deposit beforehand? We just got a couple of new puppies (my first dogs ever) and one of them is like yours, needed a ton of attention and reassurance for the first few weeks, she's better now but gets sooo excited and crazy. I would love them more if they stopped digging holes in our yard!

Libby it sounds like a never ending source of drama in your life. That's too bad, its admirable that your dh is usually diplomatic but once in a while a foot does need to come down. Yelling can be scary but it sure is effective sometimes.

Well Homegoods did it to us.. we got away with two huge mirrors and one didn't fit on the wall we wanted and a rug! Decided not to go again for a few months. Haha. How do they have so many awesome things?!?! I want them all.
Libby sorry for the drAma! I guess there's only so much you can take of someone's bs before u lose it! It's so weird about no O :( I'm sorry ...maybe u could benifit from a trigger shot to get u ovulating. I'm sorry things r so stressful.
Libby - oh, wow. I cannot believe she would take her off meds without a word, and at the start of a school year! I honestly think my word choices would have been similar to Ben's if I were in that spot. You guys need a break from crazy!!! I'm sorry O hasn't come. You've been getting positive OPKs for the most part each month, right? Are you talking about Clomid, Corn? There are a gazillion women on this site that use it. It sounds like good stuff!

So the apartment was pretty much a studio layout except for a bedroom that opened straight out into the middle of everything. And I didn't see a door on the bedroom. They had just done a build-out that was the size of a small walk-in closet. She points it out and says (as we're walking out the door as if it's a total side note!!!): "....and me and my hubby will be sleeping in there." Lol and dh and I aren't sure if she was wearing pants. She had a black tank top and tiny black boyshort underwear, but the edges were up in the thigh creases. It would be a stretch to say she wore that to dance class or something. It had to be underwear, but it's like we can't believe it all. We texted my BIL and he wrote back, "Get ready for a coke-fueled sex romp and say goodbye to your kidneys." Lol! We got our money back. But that meant finding a hotel last minute in Toronto during the international film festival and it was crazy expensive. booo.

Spyrals - are you going to return the mirror? Hold strong, lady! You're going to come out of there with 5 more things in its place, if you're like me.

Corn - sending you good poo vibes :) I can't wait for your scan! Glad dh can make it. Is he liking his new job?
Welp I was going to suggest to dh that we get airBnB when we go to Germany in november but not anymore! lol. The shorts thing is hilarious too. How weird. Definitely sounds like they were into more than a sleepover :))
Who said anything about returning?!? We'll find a wall. We actually went back to get this huge artwork centerpiece mirror thing. It's so cool! We barely got it in the car though. Seriously, not going back there. Promise.
Had our fertility clinic consulation today.. It was so expensive! Eek. $400. Anyway they want to do HSG on me even though I'm ovulating normally and I'm pretty sure if anything is wrong it'd be DH - that test is like $1000 from what I read online.. Im just going to wait I think! I'm regretting going. On second thought we should have just gone to a lab and done semen analysis there. You live you learn right!
How's your bean Annie? Are you going to find out the sex early? Is he/she kicking yet? :D
Annie...thanks for the poo vibes...but now when I go to the bathroom, it makes me puke at the same time,,,so I'm on the toilet with the garbage can in my face. My stomach is so sensitive I can't handle any smells. My dog had wicked terrible gas, and last night I almost lost it. Poor dog she doesn't know what she's done wrong when I yell at her to go away :)

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