over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Spyrals hopefully it hasn't effected him that way.
Libby ur breasts have to be reacting to hormone fluctuations. I'm sorry it's so stressful : (
Test is negative. If my hormones are getting crazy, isn't there usually a reason? I'm going to the doctor this afternoon. I'll ask him what the crap is going on. I can keep trying to get pregnant but I need to know everything is OK with my boobs! And maybe he can ask them to stop trying to kill me! They just have been hurting too intensely for too long. It makes no sense. Maybe my boobs are just mean. Lol.
I'm bummed.
Libby, keep us informed about what the doc says! I can't imagine it would be anything other than hormonal. If it was anything else it would probably be just in one boob. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. Sometimes I get pain from my bra being too tight or sleeping on them.
Man Libby I'm so sorry, I thought it sounded promising for sure. It could be you fertilized a egg but it didn't implant. I know that doesn't help, but it might explain the breast soreness and sympoms. It happened to me with my Chemicals. Sorry you are having such a tough time...sending you big hugs!
Oh no - I missed so much! Had a busy few days (I wish I could get alerts on my phone when there's a post in this thread. Or maybe I can...haven't checked into it). I'm so, so sorry, Libby. That's so disappointing. And to know that your body is having unusual symptoms is so confusing. It's time a doctor got to the bottom of all of this. I hope you'll update us on what he says about your mean boobs. Jerks. xoxoxo

Corn - I'm glad things are looking good. xo

Nice to meet you, Spyral! Glad you're joining. I need to go back and catch up more thoroughly, but did I just see a tree crushing your house?! I need to review these posts again!

And also - Libby, you have been proposed to 3 times?!!! Heartbreaker!! I love it.
Well my doctor did a pregnancy test. Not pregnant. He said I'm having an anovulatory cycle. I told him my OPKs seemed to indicate that I ovulated. He said sometimes you almost send an egg and those can be fooled in that situation. He said for now not to worry about it. He said unless it starts happening chronically its best to leave it alone and let my cycle get back to normal. He said that this sometimes confuses your body into thinking your pregnant and so you have very real symptoms because all your hormones can jump to conclusions and start their pregnancy behaviors. So my pregnancy symptoms should start to ease off now that I'm having a period. If this happens more then that's when you look into Clomid or some of the things like that.
I'm super bummed. DH has already decided we need to get fertility drugs and that it's actually a great problem to have because if we get the drugs then the chances of having twins like I wanted increases. He's always so optimistic. Meanwhile I sat in the parking lot at the doctors crying my eyes out for twenty minutes.
I'll be OK. I'm just sad.
Libby I'm so sorry that your sad. I have to say I think you need a new doctor that's more proactive, maybe it's time to go to a fertility clinic where they specialize in that part of our cycles. I'm glad dh is so optimistic. Just getting off work.... I'll check back later xxx
You may be right. Idk. Right now I'm going to think about all this and look into what our insurance might cover.
I just assumed I ovulated like normal, so this is sort of a shock at the moment.
I'm just bummed. I'll be OK. I just need to be sad for a bit.
Libby, I'm so sorry! I hope you're okay. Earlier I was just reading about anovulatory cycles in my book. Does your doc know the cause of it? I'm going to go back and re-read that section, I was half asleep. There's always next month! Don't get too upset about it. You'll ovulate again I'm sure.

Nice to meet you too Annie! How are you and the bean doing? Hope you're feeling okay :D

Had a bit of a meltdown this morning about the info I read last night about blood pressure medication, but I'm calmer tonight and decided to not stress about it until he switches meds and then after 3 months. We'll still keep trying just in case. But I'm going to stop obsessing and focus on something else like my art and doing some renovations in the house. Might as well be productive.
He seems to think it's a nonissue. I've, of course, been online reading about anovulation all evening and I'm starting to think this isn't the first time this has happened. So, I just sent my doctor an email asking him at what point he thinks we might look into testing for hormone imbalances and considering some of the medicines that help make sure I send out an egg. Told him I'm no spring chicken! Lol
He usually responds to emails within a couple of days so I'll see what he says and either go see someone else or see him, if he's on board. Corn, I'm getting serious!
That's good Libby! I mean maybe he's right i had a cycle like that after my chemical... All pregnancy symptoms and bfn. But, there's no harm in doing testing in the mean time. He should just do all work up. Your over 35 and you want to have more than one so he needs to get on this asap! Emotionally it takes its toll on you and it's not fair to make you keep going through this month after month. Keep pushing him, it's your body and no reason why you can't be more aggressive. Go Libby!
He responded. He's still sticking with December. He says if nothing by December then he wants me to go see a specialist. He said it's very common and I shouldn't worry yet because we really haven't been trying g all that long.
I need to talk to DH about it. I'm not sure what I will do. On the one hand, I sort of agree with him. On the other, I sort of think there's no harm in running some of the simpler blood tests in the meantime.
I really like my doctor, but I'm frustrated right now.
Corn, I'm so excited you changed your setting to Pregnant! I just noticed and it made me so happy!!!
Well I'm very tentatively pregnant, but trying to be positive. I'm sorry Libby, I guess it's a decision only you can make. I was going to call the fertility clinic myself before my BFP, just felt like I was getting no where. And online they seem so kind and inviting, so that was my next step. Got my rec for HCG repeat today, so doing that tomorrow. Hope ur feeling a tiny bit better than yesterday.
I am feeling a little better. I'm just so conflicted. DH doesn't know what to think either.
I'm going to look into the socialists in my hospital group. See if I see anything that triggers an opinion one way or the other. Lol
Well I'm hoping your test comes back great! I'm so excited for you and Annie! I want to be in the club, too! And for Spyrals to be in the club, too!
OK I didn't mean I was looking up socialists. That's hilarious. I'm not trying to rekindle a whole McCarthyism type thing. I meant SPECIALIST. Lol. Looking like I'll have to go outside my group for it. The only ones in my group are in Dallas and Houston. Not willing to drive that far! It's a bummer. I like my medical group. All my specialists and doctors are all linked in to my records on the same site so I don't have to report between them. When I see one of them, they automatically inform the others what my deal was. Lol. Of course a regular OBGYN can do alot of this so I might go to one of them in my group.
How are you ladies feeling today?
I hate that this has to be so complicated, Libby! I'm sorry you're having such sad days. I tend to agree with Corn - while he may very well be a good doctor, second- and third-opinions are great, and why is he dragging his feet so much on the simplest of tests? And making the call on anovulatory cycles...I don't know, how about some proof? Is he going off of symptoms or a test result? You don't need to be going through all this emotional pain for several more months based on a wrong diagnosis, although I'm assuming he's using good clinical judgment and knows what's up. I think you'll just feel better with some hard data. Although I need to not project my own personality. I have no patience and can't just wait and see (which is not good). I do love your dh and the twins angle though! He's great. Let us know how your search goes, Karl Marx ;)

Yay for the status change, Corn! I'm SO SO SO SO glad you're getting early care in this pregnancy. I know how stressful waiting for hcg results is. Thinking of you. During this pregnancy, I logged into the portal and saw that my numbers hadn't increased in a week. I was mid-call to dh to tell him it was another mc when I realized I was looking at last week's results. The report was logged in twice. Good thing I didn't start chugging beers, which was my first impulse.

Spyral, is the infertility issue something that happens while they're on the meds or is there supposed to be cumulative damage? I'm glad you realized - it'll be good to switch drugs and get some peace of mind. And I agree, what a terrible side effect to not inform patients of. What kind of art do you do?

I'm alright. Stressful week with a full spectrum of crap and fighting with dh a bit. I got a nuchal scan on Monday and the baby gave us the peace sign haha. The tech guesses it's a girl, but doesn't feel comfortable committing so early. She feels pretty certain though. The measurements were good, but I didn't get the blood test results yet for the trisomies. Tomorrow I have an OB appointment. My doc is out so I'm seeing one of her partners. And I realized we went to the same college, but she graduated two years after me. I feel old thinking about someone younger than me delivering my baby. hahaha feels so wrong.
Libby, absolutely go get tests if you want to! I don't see why you should waste any more months, in case something is not right and could be fixed. I hate it when doctors refuse or don't believe things their patients tell them. If you are timing your bd's, charting and really understand your cycle, there's no reason why you shouldn't get tests if you aren't getting pregnant. I'm getting my dh to go and do the tests just in case, even though we've only been trying 3 months (this is third), because it can't hurt, I'd rather know sooner than later if something's wrong. And if the doctor tells us to wait longer then we'll just go to another doctor!

Annie, god that would give me a heart attack on the numbers! Im so glad you were looking at last week's numbers though. Yes hold off on the beers please, though I totally totally understand that impulse ;)

The meds and male infertility is still being debated. I've found a couple of studies that confirm this, and a few forum postings from people who struggled to conceive and then changed meds and it worked. I'm worried the doc won't take this seriously, he may not be up to speed on this topic. I'm planning to bring the studies with us when we go to our appointment.
Why are you fighting with your dh? It sucks but its a part of marriage isn't it. Wishing you quick and sweet makeup :)
I paint fairly large paintings mostly of women.. sort of modern style.. I'll get around to uploading one or two at some point :) thanks for asking!
Oh good, I'd love to see your work! Thanks for sharing!

That is good news on the meds then, if people were able to conceive once they were off of them. Sounds like male contraception! haha

Dh and I just had a stressful week and we're both pissed off about some things and have short fuses. So we're not really fighting on a specific topic, we're just tired. My dog of 12 years died last Monday, we adopted a new one from a shelter two days ago and it attacked a dog when we brought it home (it had passed its behavioral tests prior though!) - the aggression was severe and over a toy which is quite dangerous with a baby coming in just a few months so we had to return it. Despite the attack, I was already in love with her and it broke my heart & I was ashamed to bring her back. I spoke to a shelter worker privately that I know before calling the shelter because I didn't want her to be euthanized. I was told she wouldn't be and would be adopted out with precautions, so I agreed to bring her in. Then my friend called me an hour later and said they euthanized her between me dropping her off and my friend coming to work. So I'm traumatized. 2 dead dogs in 9 days. It's been about 24 hours of crying. By the way, the other dog is fine, thank god. There is some family drama as well. And apparently we suddenly have no money coming in (I don't work right now and dh has is own law firm). I don't know what the cash flow problem at the law firm is. We're both anxious and no one has the emotional resources at the moment to comfort the other one. We're usually pretty good, but I can't take any critical comments right now and he's incredibly irritable. I actually got out of the car with him at a stop light and walked home yesterday from the shelter. He was furious because it was a really bad part of town. He wouldn't stop talking in the car and I couldn't listen anymore and didn't want to fight anymore. We were one of those stupid dramatic couples on the street with him driving slowly alongside me trying to get me back in the car. I ended up ducking into an alley and losing him. I just wanted some silence! Just a bunch of things adding up. Phew! Thanks for listening!
Oh my gosh, Annie. I get the same way when DH won't stop! I've tried to get out of the car on him before but my stupid safety locks wouldn't let me out! Lol. Now I just tell him "I think you'd better stop talking to me now" and he's learning that that phrase gives him approximately one split second before I start throwing things in his direction. He's actually started stopping immediately and leaving the room when I say that. The last couple of times he has done something nice for me before coming back in. He's a good one, but sometimes the stress is too much and one or the other gets irrationally mean for a minute. I guess that's pretty normal.
I'm contemplating what I might do. Not sure yet. My anxiety makes me want to just curl up in a ball and hope for the best. My bossiness is annoyed that my doctor didn't immediately suggest I come right back in and have blood drawn. My emotional disappointment makes me want to tell him off and go find another doctor altogether. My brain doesn't know anything except that most of the time it's hard to figure out the right thing to do! Ugh. Why am I not five years old with somebody to make all my decisions for me?!
Annie : ( I wish I could give you a big hug! It's been such an emotional week for you so traumatic! I'm glad that little Annie is doing great though : ) I hope things get better with the money situation, that would stress me out too!
On our "romantic" get away to Quebec city my dh and I got in a few arguments over driving. Whenever I drive he constantly makes me nervous by telling me what to do and I'm a nervous driver anyways. At one point i stoped the car in the middle of the street and got out and made him drive, on the way home at a stop light we had a misunderstanding on which way I was going and in mid turn he yelled, No Straight! And I yelled I Hate You So Much!! Lol... Fun times ��

Libby you have been trying for over 6months and ur 35 or over so you meet the criteria for testing. Maybe try looking at ratemyMD.com and see if there's any good obgyns in ur area. At least you will know that either things are normal or maybe there's something that's a easy fix. I just don't like that he's not willing to help you asap, it's putting you through so much emotional anguish. I am so frustrated with Dr's so I don't have much patience.

Spyrals i hope you get to the bottom of that med! No reason why they can't change it I'm sure! Maybe dh hasn't been effected that way by it.

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