over 35 TTC #1. anyone? beuller?

Oh Corn! You sound miserable!! I'm so sorry!
Annie, I just don't even know what to say about all that. I can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all! So, you rent a place from these people and they assume it's cool if they stay there, too!?! They had to be swingers or axe murderers. Do they not get alot of people asking for refunds!?!
So now its looking like DH will not be going to Canada. So I'm going to send a message to my doctor. Yes I had been getting positive OPKs for a few months until this month. I even got one last month when my doctor is so certain there was no ovulation. I finally got very upset about it last night and cried myself to sleep. DH doesn't really understand why its so upsetting. He's already got four kids! I just feel like I must have done something terrible for this to be happening. All the people all over the world getting pregnant while actively trying not to, and my ovaries won't send out a damn egg! Its upsetting. My anxiety has been through the roof the last week.
Aw, I'm so sorry Libby. It's time for your doc to step it up. There's no reason to be going through this stress all of the time. There could be a very simple solution to help you out, but instead you're crying at night month after month. I know the feeling about watching people unintentionally get pregnant. Especially after I had the mc, I'd look at all these teen moms and people bitching about being pregnant/bitching about their kids and I'd get so upset thinking that maybe I didn't deserve to have one for some reason. Just see a specialist and they can guide you and you can share the worry with someone who's seen all of this a million times and has a plan for you. And I'm so glad dh isn't going out of town! xoxoxoxo
Libby...I'm so sorry ur upset :( I don't want you to be sad. I agree with Annie, there's a solution and you need a dr that is proactive. You have been through enough!
Libby, I'm so sorry to hear that you're so upset! After last month fake positive hope this month I don't have much hope at all, though we TTC this month, I'm not going to test or obsess about it because I feel like the chances are so small, mostly due to dh's health and medication.
Our appointment at a fertility clinic last week went okay. I wanted them to do a semen analysis straight away but they forced my dh to talk to his cardiologist about whether it's safe to have an orgasm. He's been having plenty though! Haha. Anyway they refused to do it until he's talked to his doctor. He's actually at his heart doctor appointment now, which is a routine appointment anyway. So after this I'll book a semen analysis at the clinic. Only thing about it, the initial consultation was expensive. And they want to do a test on me to see if I have any blocked tubes even though I'm ovulating just fine as nothing's wrong with charts, and I've been pregnant before. I also had an exam last year at my obgyn and everything looked fine. The test they want to do costs around $1000 and I feel like they're doing it for no reason other than to rake up some bills. I'm going to wait for the SA results before I do anything invasive to myself. If everything is fine at dh's end then I'll do that test. So now I'm kind of kicking myself and wishing that we went to a lab to do SA and not a fertility clinic. Anyway you live and you learn!

Libby, this might be a stupid question so forgive my ignorance, but why do you think you're not ovulating even though you've got +OPKs? Have you had ultrasounds done and there was no egg released before? Sorry if you've already explained.
Spyrals, i don't blame you for not wanting the invasive test done until after the easy test on DH is all clear! It seems crazy to do it in the opposite order.
This last cycle I never even got close to a positive OPK. The previous cycle I thought I had but my doctor believed I didn't. He said that sometimes your body comes close enough to sending out an egg that the hormones are high enough to trigger a positive OPK even if it never actually sends the egg out. Based on my intense pregnancy symptoms and timing and everything, he believes that is what happened that month. After not getting a positive OPK this cycle, I'm inclined to believe he may be right. So I'm planning to send him a message and let him know that this time, the OPK didn't even begin to indicate ovulation.
Annie, Corn, how are you guys? How is all that glorious sickness?
Libby I've been thinking of you! I really really hope ur dr does some investigating to refers u to someone that will. I'm doing ok, scan today so I'll let you all know how it goes, hopefully something's in there.
Ok Libby thanks for explaining. That makes more sense to me now. How are you testing? Do you test daily? What do you use? I'm using Wondfos and I test daily and then sticky tape them to a notepad. Are you taking Clomid? So many women are on that, I thought it was easy to get on it or something, not sure.
So my scan went good....there's a baby in there and only one ; ) measuring right on target. I was so nervous there would be no heart beat.
Yay Corn!!! So happy for you. Must be so exciting I can only imagine :D Did you tear up? And where's the scan pic?!
No I didn't tear up :) I was almost in tears before because I was so nervous. After I was just in shock that things were ok so far. We had a scan last pregnancy at this time too, and everything was fine, then I had a missed miscarriage later. So it's hard to feel good about it still, but I happy I got to this point again. Here's hoping for a better outcome :)


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So cute in there :)) Hopefully he/she will continue growing to full term this time! Wishing you all the luck!!
Yay corn!! Glad it went well! I'm so excited!! Give your belly a hug from me!
Spyrals, I'm not on anything at this point. I think how easily you get Clomid depends on your doctor. Lol. My doctor is a very relaxed, wait and see, kind of guy. Usually, that is exactly how I like it. I've had doctors before who rushed to worst case scenario and had me scheduled to see surgeons before I could process what was going on. So I like his style most of the time. But I'm so worried and panicked about this that I think I'm gonna have to fuss to light a fire under him.
I use the wondfos, as well. I do them everyday, starting the day after AF stops. I copy my results into a chart. I don't keep the actual strips for more than a few days, for comparisons sake.
This week is crazy busy. We had open house at the munchkins school last night. Nora was there, putting on a show for everyone, volunteering to work the PTA sign up booth. She makes me sick. Anyway, little one is having accidents atschool. She said its totally behavioral. If hes doing something he enjoys, he just wont stop to go to the restroom. First DH and I have heard of it. His teacher couldn't believe Nora hadn't told us. DH had a chat with Violets teacher and asked very generic questions about violets eyes and sight and behavior and all. Teacher looked confused, said violets eyes are fine, though she can't see without her glasses, and no she isn't having any social issues. Nobody is picking on her and the teacher herself had never seen even the slightest turn in on violets eye. She said Violet has trouble paying attention and zones out into her own little world and bounces and flits and waves her arms around and crosses her eyes when she does that. So basically, yes violet would benefit from her ADHD meds and No she doesn't need eye surgery. Ben told her the reason for his questions and teaches seemed appalled at the idea of violet having surgery for a non existent eye issue. Other two boys are apparently doing great!
Yay, Corn :) That's great! I know the feeling. I had an OB appt yesterday and heard the heartbeat on the doppler and was surprised that everything was normal. Not that I sit around worrying all day, it's more like I'm detached and don't get very excited or really think about it all that much. MC's f--- you up. Maybe when we have the anatomy scan in October, I'll start trusting in good news. You guys, any and all cystic acne treatment recommendations welcome. I have never had acne in my life, but this pregnancy is bringing out severe stuff! I'm even motivated to go to the gym today for once, but don't want to make just the short trip from the pool to the locker room without make up :(

Libby, what is his plan for you if you're not ovulating? And nothing surprises me about Nora anymore. Can't the teachers email you two updates? Hopefully they get the reality of this situation now and reach out directly with important stuff. What's this about eye surgery?? How did I miss that? I need to go back through the posts, I must have missed one. Did Nora ever get V an appointment with a psych?

Spyrals, ugh, that all sounds so frustrating. I don't blame you for skipping the expensive test either, if it's not even addressing your main concerns. How is dh feeling? Must be very much improved if he's ready for sex! Yay!
So we just got back from the eye doctor with V. This guy said no way is eye surgery necessary! Yay! V was terrified sitting there frozen the whole time we talked to the doctor. Nora didn't seem thrilled that this doctor said he doesn't recommend surgery. But for now that seems to have calmed her insistence on getting the surgery. I'm so glad! Couldn't be more thrilled. Not sure if V understood that she's probably not getting surgery. I hope Nora will explain it to her. They left in a hurry and N didn't seem happy. Don't care. Not putting a child through surgery if its not really necessary!
Dr. Wants me to go to specialist. Got to set that up. It'll probably take a couple of months to get in.
Libby I'm glad things r moving forward for you. Hopefully you will get what you need very soon! And that's great that she doesn't need surgery...thats alot for a little girl to go through.
I'm so glad things are moving forward, Libby! And yay for Violet. What kind of person is disappointed that a child won't need surgery? What the hell. I don't understand her motivation on this.
I don't even want to say what I think her reasons are for wanting V to have the surgery. Vanity.
So Nora just called. The little monkey fell down and broke his arm. I'm so bothered. When I asked her how he landed on it,( I was curious if he landed sideways on a step or rock or something or if he tried to catch himself and landed too hard), she said she didn't know because she wasn't out there with the kids. So they were all out in the yard. Unsupervised. Now the twins will be 8 soon. They're kind of getting to the age I might trust them out in the backyard, but the Littles are only 4 and 5. I feel like they're still too little to be outside unsupervised.
I'm just so ugh. How are you guys? I hope your little monkeys are both cozy and wonderful!
Oh no - I hope he's not in too much pain! I'm with you and I'm not one of the helicopter-parent types...I totally agree that four is way too young to play outside unsupervised, and 8-year-olds aren't babysitters. And oh my god...vanity?! Like, so she doesn't have to wear glasses? Is that what we're getting at.

Nothing much going on here. Have been miserable with a cold and not getting along with family or dh (for two separate reasons, but dh and I are on the mend now). I am just lovely to be around right now! I hope you're doing ok.
Yeah I think she's hoping to get rid of the glasses. I also think she thinks violet isn't pretty because of the eye turn. Whatever. I hate her. We get the kids tonight so I will be able to ask the little what happened and check him out and make sure he's OK. Not that I'm a doctor but I just need to put my hands on him and see that he's solid. It's hard to have to wait so long to see for myself that he's OK.
I'm sorry you're having trouble with everyone. Don't they know they're supposed to do whatever you want for the next few months?! Crazies! Tell them I said get it together! You just keep yourself and monkey as comfy as you can! Hugs!
Libby I've been thinking of you....hope u are hanging in there. I've had a crazy week. Both kids have had issues, my youngest has strep throat, my oldest had a passing out/seizure episode which freaked me out and has been referred to the children's hospital. Hopefully it's nothing major. Have my next scan two weeks from today eek! Nervous!

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