I'm thinking of everyone too! I don't really have anything to report. These cycles and dates drag along so slowly.
Annie why are you depressed? That really sucks. I hope your little pills help to make you feel better. Are they safe to take while pregnant? Of course they would be if your doc gave them to you. So sweet that it's a girl, I'd love a girl too. Lucky you!
Libby, I know it's hard to think about hearing bad news. But with all the advances nowadays, they can fix just about everything. I was considering all my options too and I'd even go for a donor egg if I had to. I'd pick a good looking woman and have a pretty daughter

My husband and I discussed this option if necessary. So don't get down about yourself, it might be very easily fixed, and the quicker you find out the quicker you can fix it. Go on, make an appointment! There are many women like you and I at these clinics and they make you feel welcome and hopeful. Whenever I start letting my mind run away with all the terrible scenarios, I just think about my friend who never ovulated once, and she has the most amazing little girl with blonde hair now - donor egg. Her and her dh are very happy.
My dh finished antibiotics for his spermies and this is the first month since. The doc did say it's going to take 3 months to make new sperms but I'm hoping it's faster. There's always that chance. So I have a funny story.. Last week I had to get a pap smear done on my regular yearly checkup. The doc I was supposed to see wasn't in so I got another doctor. He turned out to be a cute young black doctor. I nearly died from embarassment. He felt up my boobs and everywhere you can possibly imagine. I like male doctors but I prefer them to be all old and fatherly, not cute young ones! Anyway I'm still alive after that horrific experience. He was sweet and gentle. It's 3 DPO now and I'm busting to test already, haha.