Overweight Advice


Im having a baby!! :)
Mar 31, 2009
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Good morning everyone. Hope your all well :)

Me and my partner have decided to try for baby no 2! :thumbup:

My daughter is 3 and when I was pregnant with her I was "healthy" according to the BMI structure. Im 5ft 1 and weight 154 lbs. I had a fairly easy pregnancy only problem was that I suffered from bilateral notching (one of the veins to the placenta was blocked) making my daughter small for my pregnancy and more checks at hospital. Luckily I was induced 1 day early (as they didn't want to risk it anymore) and she was born 6l b 2 oz.

Im not 3 years older :wacko: but im not 207lbs putting me in the "obese" category. I am slowly losing weight but im really concerned about being pregnant.

I know that being overweight can cause lots of complications(ie help with delivery) but having a previous child does this change the "odds".

Would love to hear from anyone? I have quite a sedentary job (im an accountant so sit at a desk all day) but I have started walking after work with my sister for 30mins which as I get fitter I will start increasing but surely walking for say an hour every day would be beneficial in the long run even while pregnant? I live 60 miles away from my work so I work 9 hours a day and 3 hours travelling. Its a long day and I just don't have energy for high impact exercise at the moment ( I also suffer asthma).

If I kept the exercising and ate healthily is it likely that I could continue to lose weight steadily (or STS) even when pregnant?
Hi there!

I've recently moved over to TTC and this is our first month of trying. At my heaviest I was 208lb, and also in the obese category. I am now down to 179lb, which is a BMI of 29 (only just out of the obese category) however it has taken me 14 months to lose the weight and as I am 30 this year I really dont want to wait any longer. So we are going to start TTC but I will be exercising and eating well and aiming to lose weight whilst trying, and also within the first 3 months of pregnancy where I believe it is still possible to lose weight. Of course it all depends on how ill you feel, whether you get morning sickness cos if you do it can be very hard to keep to a healthy diet when you cant keep much down!

I think only you know how healthy you are, even though overweight. Like i know that i have a good level of fitness, i exercise as much as i can and have had regular blood pressure checks from being on the contraceptive pill so i know that my blood pressure is normal.

I've heard that it definitely is possible to lose weight/stay the same/only gain a few pounds during pregnancy. Perhaps speak to your doctor if you want some further advice. And all the best! x
I am also WTT and obese. I've talked to my doctor about this -- she agrees I need to lose weight of course, but also pointed out that my blood pressure and heart rate are not too high and my blood work seems normal . . . and that there are also risks the longer you weight (I am 29 now, so not old . . . but not young either and not getting any younger). I am working a lot of hours every day as well, but I am working on making fundamental life choices that are better in the long run, like healthy eating and figuring out how to fit in more movement. I am losing weight very slowly, but I believe it is in a way I would actually keep off.

I don't want to weight a long time to TTC either, so I plan to move on depsite being over weight. My doctor explained if you are obese, you might lose weight in the beginning of the pregnancy from morning sickness, then often will not gain any during pregnancy . . . . and this is fine as long as baby is measuring well.
Thanks ladies

Im 27 so in the not old but not getting younger category. I feel fine, im not tired etc.

My first pregnancy was easy, I didn't get morning sickness, backache, nothing. Didn't even get braxtons lol.

So im thinking that this one will be quite the opposite!
Hi girls I am 5ft 4in and weighed about 183lbs when I got weighed at my first appointment with the midwife. I ate healthily and put on maybe 14lbs over the whole pregnancy. My blood pressure was normal throughout and lo was 7lbs 13oz. I had a forceps delivery but I believe that was due to meconium in the waters and having my contractions sped up and an epdiural! I am trying to lose weight atm and managed to get down to 176lbs but want to lose more before we ttc in August. Just because I mananged to keep the weight off this time doesnt mean I will this time! Good luck with everything :)
Hi girls I am 5ft 4in and weighed about 183lbs when I got weighed at my first appointment with the midwife. I ate healthily and put on maybe 14lbs over the whole pregnancy. My blood pressure was normal throughout and lo was 7lbs 13oz. I had a forceps delivery but I believe that was due to meconium in the waters and having my contractions sped up and an epdiural! I am trying to lose weight atm and managed to get down to 176lbs but want to lose more before we ttc in August. Just because I mananged to keep the weight off this time doesnt mean I will this time! Good luck with everything :)
I am overweight, too (if only I was 12inches taller...I'm only just over 5'3"). Even it my very lowest weight, in which I had to be very strict on what I ate I was still 155lbs, which still put me in the overweight category. I now weight more, and technically puts me in the obese category, even though my clothes sizes aren't even in the plus sizes (18+ in North America). I wish I weighed less, and I am trying to at least not gain more.
I am not too concerned about my weight and pregnancy, except for maybe gestational diabetes, which seems to happen to overweight ladies more. Besides that, I am afraid I won't have a cute bump, and will just look like a whale or something, or I start feeling really bad about myself because I could end up over 200lbs. I am hopeful that I would want to eat right because I am growing a new person and I want the best for them, and hopefully I won't gain much weight at all.
p.s: I found a couple of threads about this sort of thing over in the TTC forums and on TTC#1.
Good morning everyone. Hope your all well :)

Me and my partner have decided to try for baby no 2! :thumbup:

My daughter is 3 and when I was pregnant with her I was "healthy" according to the BMI structure. Im 5ft 1 and weight 154 lbs. I had a fairly easy pregnancy only problem was that I suffered from bilateral notching (one of the veins to the placenta was blocked) making my daughter small for my pregnancy and more checks at hospital. Luckily I was induced 1 day early (as they didn't want to risk it anymore) and she was born 6l b 2 oz.

Im not 3 years older :wacko: but im not 207lbs putting me in the "obese" category. I am slowly losing weight but im really concerned about being pregnant.

I know that being overweight can cause lots of complications(ie help with delivery) but having a previous child does this change the "odds".

Would love to hear from anyone? I have quite a sedentary job (im an accountant so sit at a desk all day) but I have started walking after work with my sister for 30mins which as I get fitter I will start increasing but surely walking for say an hour every day would be beneficial in the long run even while pregnant? I live 60 miles away from my work so I work 9 hours a day and 3 hours travelling. Its a long day and I just don't have energy for high impact exercise at the moment ( I also suffer asthma).

If I kept the exercising and ate healthily is it likely that I could continue to lose weight steadily (or STS) even when pregnant?

I have got to tell you about how I lost 45lbs in three months. Cut out all processed foods,soda , white foods, most sugars. I ate things like beans any and every kind, (your body only digests half of the beans the rest are flushed out and they take unhealthy fats with them) quinoa(so good for you "super food") any kind of veggies the more color the better, humus,Turkey,chicken,Greek yogurt,granola anything whole grain, nuts and seeds,I didn't give up 2%milk or coffee creamer as I <3 milk and cannot live without it, tons of water. This food is super good for you and baby, and you lose unhealthy fats along the way. The fats needed in your diet will come from nuts and seeds, as well as fish(every once in a while). Pretzels,dates , raisins,olives can't forget kale And you can eat as much of these foods as you want because they are not full of empty calories which means you get fuller faster. I lost 45lbs in 3 months and never once exercised(gym,or long walks) just the normal everyday cleaning shopping.........

I was close to 170 and went down to 122, which is too skinny, that's why I put a little back on.
I am also 34 yrs old I will be 35 in June.

I also got up to 211lbs with both my pregnancies and slowly lost some but then started eating natural non processed foods and lost it all.
I'm about 20 lbs over the "normal" BMI for my height... currently trying to lose before TTC! I've always been heavier except for a time when I was eating very little and ended up underweight. But if I eat normally I end up overweight. Anyway, I'm trying to find a healthy balance and am definitely concerned with gaining too much during pregnancy, so I'll be.talking to my doctors about it. Good luck hon!
I'm not proud but when I fell pregnant with DD I was 272lb, I had lost about 20lb at that time but was obviously still very big. I was classed as high risk due to my weight but I had a very easy pregnancy, no real morning sickness, no complications, blood pressure stayed at a healthy level, and I only gained about 20lb in the whole pregnancy which after a week of trying to breast feed I had lost (obviously with having the baby too). The only bit which was eventful was the birth but this was nothing to do with my weight. DD was born a healthy 7lb 5. So it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy while being overweight. I am currently trying to lose weight for having number 2 as I'd love to be able to have a waterbirth, something they wouldn't consider with no 1 due to my weight.
Good morning everyone. Hope your all well :)

Me and my partner have decided to try for baby no 2! :thumbup:

My daughter is 3 and when I was pregnant with her I was "healthy" according to the BMI structure. Im 5ft 1 and weight 154 lbs. I had a fairly easy pregnancy only problem was that I suffered from bilateral notching (one of the veins to the placenta was blocked) making my daughter small for my pregnancy and more checks at hospital. Luckily I was induced 1 day early (as they didn't want to risk it anymore) and she was born 6l b 2 oz.

Im not 3 years older :wacko: but im not 207lbs putting me in the "obese" category. I am slowly losing weight but im really concerned about being pregnant.

I know that being overweight can cause lots of complications(ie help with delivery) but having a previous child does this change the "odds".

Would love to hear from anyone? I have quite a sedentary job (im an accountant so sit at a desk all day) but I have started walking after work with my sister for 30mins which as I get fitter I will start increasing but surely walking for say an hour every day would be beneficial in the long run even while pregnant? I live 60 miles away from my work so I work 9 hours a day and 3 hours travelling. Its a long day and I just don't have energy for high impact exercise at the moment ( I also suffer asthma).

If I kept the exercising and ate healthily is it likely that I could continue to lose weight steadily (or STS) even when pregnant?

I have got to tell you about how I lost 45lbs in three months. Cut out all processed foods,soda , white foods, most sugars. I ate things like beans any and every kind, (your body only digests half of the beans the rest are flushed out and they take unhealthy fats with them) quinoa(so good for you "super food") any kind of veggies the more color the better, humus,Turkey,chicken,Greek yogurt,granola anything whole grain, nuts and seeds,I didn't give up 2%milk or coffee creamer as I <3 milk and cannot live without it, tons of water. This food is super good for you and baby, and you lose unhealthy fats along the way. The fats needed in your diet will come from nuts and seeds, as well as fish(every once in a while). Pretzels,dates , raisins,olives can't forget kale And you can eat as much of these foods as you want because they are not full of empty calories which means you get fuller faster. I lost 45lbs in 3 months and never once exercised(gym,or long walks) just the normal everyday cleaning shopping.........

I was close to 170 and went down to 122, which is too skinny, that's why I put a little back on.
I am also 34 yrs old I will be 35 in June.

I also got up to 211lbs with both my pregnancies and slowly lost some but then started eating natural non processed foods and lost it all.

Hey that's fantastic! Go you! I love the sound of this not for losing weight but it sounds healthy without starving!
How many calories roughly were you eating? I might give this a bash. Never had quinoa before
I definitely would not advise you to lose too much weight too fast. Try to stick to your healthy lifestyle and take it from there. You can keep losing weight while you are pregnant. I have two friends who both completed two healthy pregnancies while being obese. Both did not gain any weight while pregnant, and as the delivered very healthy babies this means they both lost some weight during the pregnancy.
It is better to focus on a healthy lifestyle you will be able to maintain during the rest of your life, than to focus on as much weight loss as possible in a short period of time. This is not healthy for your body, and the results are less likely to last. I agree with a lot of advise from Grace: water is so important, eat lots of fruit and veggies and indeed: the more you vary and the more color, the more different vitamins you get. Lose all white rice, white bread, white pasta and go for whole grain. It takes a few weeks to adapt to it and after that you won't even think twice about it.
And really: don't go counting calories, this will only give you stress and make you feel like you can't eat any thing, focus on what food does for your body. Nuts contain a lot of fat, but they are very healthy and will give you energy whereas diet coke contains close to no calories but only poisons your body.
I was reading The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant and she has a rule to follow called SOS - stands for Salmon (or other non-mercury laden fish), Olives (more specifically go Mediterranean with your combination choices), and Spinach (and other leafy greens + sources of iron). I'm finding it is a good guideline for snacks and is helping me reach for the good stuff when I want a snack not on my meal plan - and that is also good for my baby-making endeavours!

Our local hospital will consider me high risk until my BMI is under 30 (I'm currently on 34 eep). I want a natural birth so I have some work to do before ttc to make sure they have no good reason to knock me back for what I want!
0400742: I'm not sure about calorie intake I wasn't counting because the calories are so little in these foods it doesn't really matter on the calorie intake. You really should try it. Once you are used to it you won't crave crappy food again.
I've conceived 4 times whilst my BMI has either been overwight or obese. Two health happy babies born but unfortunately two losses. One ectopic and one for no real reason at 9weeks. Wether the losses were down to my weight I couldn't say but personally I think not.

Im 5ft 3 and conceived my first at 13stone, second at 15stone, third at 16stone 7lbs and fourth at 17stone after coming down from 18stone ALL first time after starting trying (I know im incredibly lucky) so weight has never effected my fertility but I realise everyone is different.

Apart from slightly high blood pressure I've never had any major complications during my two daughters pregnancy's. Although I am gradually losing weight I've found the experience of being a bigger momma as enjoyable as the next mom :) I can still run (even though its not the most delicate of sights lmao) play, dance about and just generally keep up with them. I've never found it a problem.

Good luck hun x
I am 5ft2 and my weight fluctuates bet04een 98kg and 105kg. My bmi is currently 39.4, so have quite a lot to lose before ttc. Ideally, I would like to get down to 75kg before getting pregnant. I dont believe this is realistic for me personally in 4-5 months, but I will try my best. Im lucky that my family nurse (at my gp), is also a personal trainer, and has agreed to help me lose some weight before ttc. Right now im focusing on portion control, eating more fruit and veg, and gettin in 30 mins of walking 5 days a week. I am hoping this works.

I am going to try incorperate some of 0400742s plan too.

Good luck to all you ladies
Hello girls:hugs:
Can I join?

I am turning 29 this July and I am already TTC. I am 5'8"and my BMI is 39-40, I know not that great, but I am still active person, eat healthy, my blood pressure is low and blood work excellent. It has been 5 months of TTC and nothing. I hope it will happen soon.

I started eating extra well in small portions and joined a gym....if I wont get pregnant, at least I will look better;0)
I wanted to add: exercise is important, but most people limit their exercise to cardio training, while it is very interesting to do some weight training as well. Muscles use a lot more energy even while resting, so increasing your muscle mass will increase the amount of calories you burn. Also: while cardio increases your metabolism for 6 hours after training, weight exercises increase your metabolism for 30 hours afterward.
We met with our high risk group today an discussed this topic... I'm 210lbs at 5'5 my bmi is 36 :-( and I don't see myself as bein this big to me atleast. Then again I've never been close to 200 till I came off depo 2 years ago. Our specialist pushed weight watchers on me and dh too actually which I don't mind because I've used it before and been successful. I'm not saying losing weight it's a definite thing you or anyone has to do but we just had An unexplained still birth at 26 weeks and I'm willing to do anything they recommend to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications next time. My concern though is I'm starting an antidepressant today that can cause weight gain so I'm really gonna have a uphill battle. I think for each of us it's a different motivation that helps us succeed but we all have the same goal in mind- a healthy baby in our arms. Good luck!

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