Well you did perfectly timing! Having that bfp for you birthday would be amazing, wishing you so much luck

I know how you feel, I keep thinking back to when I thought it would all happen so quick and easy. It's been a journey I couldn't of even imagined up. Some people are lucky that it just happens first time but I also think the trying brings partners closer together.
As for me : I have my doctors appointment tomorrow for bloods and a cervix check then she is referring me so that's good news! I also start my first accupunture session, as it is very recommended for people suffering with fertility issues like pcos etc. Nervous but excited!
Forgot to mention, I don't know what all your views are on psychics and all, but a while ago I got a conception reading and she told me that I would conceive or find out I'm pregnant on the 28th around November ( so either October 28th or November 28th) . Sounds silly but it really got my hopes up, here's to hoping right?
I know this month will be a pretty definite no go due to no period, but my doctor did say keep bd ing as my body can still ovulate randomly
Sorry for the long post haha!
Magic, how is everything? X