overweight and ttc

It does indeed mean i have another year to go :/

the doctor said that 19/20 couples conceive within two years...doesn't really help tho does it!!

guess ill just have to keep trying and hope for the best
Well that's positive especially if they cannot see any reason so far for problems.
Fingers crossed its before Christmas :) what a lovely present that would be x
Hello ladies can I join you.
Me and dh are 25 (almost 26)
We have been trying for #1 since April it will be our 8th month ttc next cycle. Af is due to hit 2moro started spotting today.
I'm approx size 20. And only 5'1 so very overweight for my height.
I have very regular cycles lie clockwork I have positive opks every months and ovulation pains. I charted last month to confirm ovulation and my crosshairs on ff. (chart in sig)
hello keds!
thats great news that your regular :), are you trying to lose weight or happy as you are?
your chart looks triphasic too me, is it heavy spotting?
i think charting and using opks are great, it means you can pinpoint ovulation to the exact few hours - giving you the highest chances.

i check in daily so hope to speak to you more! :) xx
Spotting is very light so far to the point where i almost missed it. And its not got heavier yet but af is due today or tomorrow so its probably just a slow start im guessing temp will drop tomorrow and the witch will arrive with a vengence.
I will definetly tey and check in daily its nice to have a groul of like minded ladies in a similiar situation.
How long have you been ttc for? Xx
well my fingers are crossed for you that af does not arrive! :)

I have been ntnp from april but got serious since july with using opks and charting. I thought i had pcos or endometriosis, but was confirmed to be pcos a few weeks ago. It's been hard but i feel slightly more positive now. x
:hi: I was having a looksy on the ttc#1 forum and saw the link to this group and was hoping to pop in and get to know you all before we start ttc as of next month, I don't think I can be faffed with the whole ntnp like my ticker says lol, I just want to give it our best shot and go for it.

I'm Emily, very overweight, but I'm on slimming world at the moment and have lost 17lb so far since our wedding in July, this coupled with agnus castus actually got me my first af in 5-6 months a couple of weeks ago :happydance: I'm somewhere around cd 15 I think

So the plan is to keep the weight going down, carry on with the agnus castus, regulate my cycles and hopefully get a bfp.

Hello! I'm another Emily ;) I'm just over 18 stone - about 253lb (a UK size 20-22) - and I want to get pregnant but my periods are all over the place, and have been for years. I started getting them at 11 and they were fine, went on the combined pill (Cilest) at 16, came off for just over a year when I was 19 and was very irregular. I began using the mini-pill (Cerazette) and came off that in December last year when I was 23. My periods since then have been as follows:

16th March - 7 days, heavy, bright red (sorry for the TMI!).
15th May - 6 days, reasonably light, dark red.
8th June - 3 days, brownish discharge.
27th September - 7 days, heavy, bright red.

I don't know what is going on any more - I bought a thermometer to try and temp but since I was on holiday until the beginning of October, I haven't bothered starting this cycle.

Last week I had some shooting pains in my right breast and a bit of an ache in my left, and the ache has continued on and off since then, in both. They generally don't hurt, just feel a bit odd! I've never really noticed this before, but since my periods are infrequent I wondered if maybe I just hadn't paid attention. I've also got a bit of a weird feeling in my lower abdomen - I wonder if I'm due on again soon... I've tried to BD more this month, but I had some EWCM at the start of this week and my partner hasn't been feeling well (man 'flu) so I missed that. I had it for a few days so don't know if it was just my body playing tricks anyway lol...

As you can see, I'm not very in tune with my body! I have convinced myself I won't ever get pregnant, but all I seem to dream about lately is babies... :p It doesn't help when I'm a nursery nurse!

Anywayyyy... I've caught up with all the other posts on this thread, and feel like I've got to know you all already haha :) Good luck everyone, hope you get pregnant soon :D
Emmy: hello! Congratulations on the weight loss :) it's very impressive! And of course getting married.
I'm also using herbal supplements and other things to help me regulate my periods, haven't tried Angus yet though. How long did it take you to feel/find a difference in yourself?
I agree on the why wait to lose the weight first when your obviously seeing a big difference in your body now?! :) go for it ! It's what I'm doing.
P.s LOVE the Christmas ticker... I'm a big kid when it comes to holidays!

Emily: hello :)! Sorry to hear your periods are irregular, I'm in the same boat but due to pcos. Have you been to the doctors to see if they recommend anything to regulate them? Temping is a nightmare for irregular af, I also use opks as they help me pin point ovulation and then I can pick up what my body is doing through the symptoms I felt that day. Same with cervical position and cm.
Using herbal supplements can also help regulate cycles!
Wow a nursery nurse! What a fulfilling job that must be :) although hard when ttc. You and the rest of us will all get pregnant:) it's all about how and when Destiny thinks we are ready.

Anyway have a lovely weekend! Xx
Comet, it tends to take about 2-3 months to get into my system. Both times I've taken it I've seen a big difference in how regular af was. I went from 178 day cycle to something like 65 and then down to 43 if I remember correctly. So the plan this time is to not stop taking it

I've started doing opks this cycle too so I can keep an eye on things, though it might even turn out that I don't ov until next month anyway :)
Emmy: ah I might have to give that a go too then!

Magic: how is everything with you? Have you had the rescheduled scan yet? X
I haven't been for tests yet - the nurse I saw for my travel vaccinations said to go back once I'd been on holiday, but it's so difficult to get an appointment and I'm worried they'll just tell me to "lose weight" anyway... I want to lose about six stone, but I've so much on my mind at the moment that it's not going to be possible until the new year (not far away, thankfully lol).

I did try to keep an eye on my cervical position, but it just always seems to be in the same place - high and hard to reach! The CM seems a bit random too, but I've read this can be the case - especially if you aren't ovulating (I'm worried I'm not!).

Do OPKs work out to be expensive? I've looked at a few in the shops (I assume they'd be cheaper online) but can't imagine ever being able to afford them - I'm a 'poor' student, and only work occasionally on the days I'm not at uni! Wish I could take TTC more seriously, but I've seen the stress some people go through each month and it puts me off a bit. I just wish I knew whether I had any chance of conceiving naturally. My boyfriend is worried about his fertility too - he didn't use protection with his ex, and nothing ever happened - but she got pregnant straight away with someone else.

Not sure about herbal remedies - I used agnus castus for about a week to try and get my period started again after taking Cerazette, but I ended up with really tingly arms. I also went for tests as part of a 12 week WeightWatchers trial through my doctor, and one of my liver results came back high. Afterwards it was fine - I didn't lose a massive amount of weight, so my concern is that the agnus castus was to blame... Might look into vitamins, but again the cost worries me.

Did an HPT this evening (well, three, because I messed the first two up - but they were only from the £1 shop) and it was negative. Boobs have been a bit achy again today and felt nauseous - but at least if my period comes I can try again next cycle :)
Wow been away for a couple of days and so happy to see lots of new ladies on this thread!

Ive decided that this month im going to make sure i take ovulation tests rather than the ntnp that i have been doing.

have a great baby making weekend xx
Magic: ah wow so soon :) it's great that you get to see the baby again!

Egee: I know they probably have to mention losing weight, but I hate it. It's so depressing to hear. Enjoy the holidays! Not having the stress of dieting might play in your favour and get you a bfp.

I get my opks off amazon, about 50 of them for 5/6 pound, and I only use them when I'm about cycle day 12 - 20 because I usually ovulate then. So they last me a while.

Your partner can always get checked, but he shouldn't worry due to his previous partner. 1) he can't be certain she wasn't sneakily using birth control 2) it might of been her problem but got it fixed or helped with the new partner. 3) sometimes it's luck and timing

Hmm the Angus thing sounds strange! Vitamins you get from tesco are cheap :)!

Mrs lemon: ooo exciting! Hopefully this will increase your chances of getting that bfp!!

Yeah I don't mind if they mention my weight, because obviously I know it's an issue, but I still want to be taken seriously too. My Mum was not much lighter when she conceived me - straight away! - but her cycle was regular.

Unfortunately I'm back from my holiday now; we went to Cuba for two weeks and it was amazing. Wish I was still there lol :)

£5/£6 doesn't sound bad, maybe I can just keep an eye on when I get my period for now and if I can work out any sort of pattern then maybe I could use them.

Hopefully he's fine - he wasn't trying to get her pregnant and to be honest he doesn't have the greatest sex drive ever! But he's paranoid because he's vegetarian and he reckons all the soy can affect fertility. His mum kindly informed us that "He will be fine - you're the one that will struggle because of your weight." I haven't let her forget that lovely comment...

Might have to take a trip to Tesco! I live in the city centre and only have a Metro/Express here - not sure if they'll do them, so it'll give us an excuse to go on a "big" shopping trip at some point haha :)

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