I'm pregnant and feeling rough!
Congratulations on the pregnancy

Sorry you are feeling rough with the sickness. I was lucky with the morning sickness this time and didn't have any at all unlike with DD1 which was awful for first 14 weeks. I see you have a scan booked for a weeks time, bet you can't wait to see you're little one. Have you told many people yet about your pregnancy?
Thank you! Congratulations to you too, and hooray as you're due on my birthday
I'm fighting the nausea with Seabands and Trebor extra strong mints, they work really well most of the time

I caved and booked the scan last night

I'm just so nervous as this pregnancy was so desperately wanted! I'm very excited, especially as hubby will be able to come

And I've told a few friends, and my mum so far.
Hi! Im onto month 14 ttc #2
I have booked appointment with gp next week to hrt advice on where to go from here!
Hubby had sperm analysis which was fine.
I've been to an osteopath and tuens out I had quite a bif twist so im hoping that sorting that out may help too!
How about everyone else? Xx
Good luck for the appointment hunni!!