Overweight or obese and TTC?

Ughgh metformin!!!?
How long have you guys been on it
My doc wont give me metformin or clomid untill iv lost 2 more stone.
Im just under 13stone and the doctor now has me on a slimming pill, Its the only Legal one in the UK, had to wait a month and then went back to get weighed and I wasnt happy with it even though id lost 2lbs, so she gave me the Pills. Thank god!
Yeh iv been on them slimmin tablets they never worked for me as i have ibs n they messed it up pretty bad.
aww soz they didnt work for ya, Im hoping they work for me, I am losing weight on my own but it just needed a kick up the bum xx
I'm sneaking over from WTT... :ninja: 1.5 months and I'll be TTC so until then I think I will stalk this thread if you don't mind :haha: I'm currently overweight and will be TTC before I get to my ideal weight. I've lost 49 lbs so far but I've got quite a ways to go still. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last March and have very irregular AF. My last appointment PCOS was mentioned as a possibility but she didn't want to discuss anymore until I was ready for TTC. So my next appointment is the 14th of this month.

I was on metformin for diabetes but I'm diet and exercise controlled so I no longer take it. I'm going to bring that up at my next appointment too.

:dust: I hope you all get your :bfp:'s soon as it gives me hope!!! :happydance:
Ughgh metformin!!!?
How long have you guys been on it

I've been on it just over 4 months.
Side effects were vile to begin with :sick:

Side effects of metformin suck!!! I learned that if I took that and no other pills (vitamins etc) in the evening right BEFORE my meal it helped. :shrug: If I took it with other meds, in the morn, or without eating I was miserable :sick:
Gd luck babymaybe, hope ur apt goes well.
Heaaay girls
I hope you dont mind if i join in?! Its so refreshing to see a thread like this!!! Im VERY overweight (classed as morbidly obese) but people tell me "you carry it well" cos im tall. Which is basically calling me fat if they admit it lol

Anyway, fingers crossed for all you girls i hope it works for you, ive just started trying for number 2 :)

I hope all you ladies are well, happy and healthy :)

heey can I join?
Im 19 stone, TTC no 1 and its all been negative from my doc :( trying AC and losing weight tho :happydance:
Gd luck u 2 gals on losing weight n ttc, im sure it will all work for us all one day.
Yeah fingers crossed for us all.
Don't worry caity86, my doc is negative to me too about my weight. Sod em though....it'll happen :)
So great to meet you all

Is anyone else on soy or metformin?
hi ladies, id like to join your thread. im ttc#3, this is my 3rd month now.. witch showed yesterday morning. :wacko: im classified as very obese, and have hbp. my gp always says i need to lose weight. he wants me to try to lose 2 pounds a month... ehhhh its been tough. with my children i was overweight, yet not as heavy as i am now... interesting you mention soy Glowbug. i went and purchased some yesterday but am not sure if i should use it this cycle. im not sure if im even O'ing. im going to definately use bbt and ff to see whats going on.. :hugs: to you ladies
Hello everyone who has just joined.

So how is everyone trying to lose weight? We are doing a low gi diet, half an hour of exercise each day, even if it's a walk
Hi there, Hope you don't mind if I join you ladies. I'm currently overweight by about 35lb and trying my hardest to lose it as well as TTC. I'm a UK 16 / US 12. Praying for a baby for everyone who wants one! x
Hello everyone who has just joined.

So how is everyone trying to lose weight? We are doing a low gi diet, half an hour of exercise each day, even if it's a walk

Weight Watchers, gym, swimming and walking and lots and lots of :sex: Haha! x
:friends:Hi do you mind if I join? I'm really, really, really overweight- 5'4 and 18st7 and have been ttc since May last year. I did lose 22lb in the 3 months before ttc but because of month after month of BFNs and other heartbreaking circumstances (3 deaths to grieve over between 31st Oct and 13th Feb) which if I'm being honest, I think have actually took me into a bit of a depression, I'm now back to where I started with my weight :cry:

I daren't go to the doctors because I know they'll just say 'lose weight'. I don't smoke or drink, and have a normal BP and although since coming of the pill I've had a period every month, they aren't really regular- for a few months they were- about 30-33 days, then every now and again I'd have a 27 day or even 39 day cycle. Last month I started on Agnus Castus and had my first 28 day cycle and my skin really cleared up too so I feel a bit more positive now :thumbup:

I hope we all get BFPs soon followed by happy healthy pregnancies :dust: Buddies welcome! x

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