Ovulating 29/30/31 May? Looking for a TWW buddy? *6 BFPs

Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? Spiffy/ Ganton, how have settled back in at home? I hope the kiddies are adjusting well!
Chrissy, has Felix settled a bit now? Hope you are getting more sleep!
Squirrel, you must be approaching ovulation soon so I have everything crossed that this is your cycle xx
Well, Levi is officially 1 week old! We had two awesome nights where he only woke up once during the whole night, but then last night he was up a lot, so obviously he's still trying to figure things out. The other kids ignore him most of the time, but when I'm holding him (especially when he's awake) they get excited. We've had to be careful with DS2 trying to touch his eyes, but at least he's not trying to hurt him. He's been eating really well, about 3oz a feeding, which is awesome for only being a week old. :flower:

I hope that Felix, Charlie, and Erica are all doing well. :flower:

Squirrel, sending lots of baby dust!
Glad to hear Levi is doing so well Spiffy at only one week old!!

I'm still trying to get my head round the fact that all the babies are here! Feels surreal for me still trying :haha: and also fills me with this long journey ahead foreboding feeling...

Ovulation should be happening today as I triggered the day before yesterday. I have two follicles again, with one big one at 22mm the day of the trigger and a medium-sized 14mm one (last cycle was 21mm and 15mm). I was disappointed that I didn't have more as I'd had three brewing last Friday and the more follicles, the more likely I am to get pregnant, but I shouldn't complain. I wish I felt as hopeful as I did last cycle, but I just feel a little defeated at the moment.
Spiffy, Levi sounds like he is doing great! Good to hear! How are you feeling?

Squirrel, yay for ovulation! I hope the tww goes quickly for you and you have a BFP at the end. I can understand how you are feeling a little defeated, but try stay positive :hugs:
How are Oscar and Isla doing?
Squirrel, the fact that you got pregnant last month with clomid means it definitely helped, so don't lose hope! And you know what's funny? In a week or two, new people in the TWW forum are going to see the title of this thread and start posting here, and then there will be others going through this with you again. :hugs: And of course the rest of us are waiting anxiously to see your beautiful BFP! :flower:
We're doing we'll thank you. The boys have been really good with Erica. DS1 really seems to understand so he's really gentle with her and he talks a lot about what she can and can't do as a baby and what she'll be able to do as she grows up. DS2 isn't too fussed by her, but at least he doesn't seem to be jealous. Despite that, last weekend was pretty tiring (I think a bit of the baby blues made it seem even worse) but this weekend feels a bit easier already. I have my first full day alone with all 3 next week though!!!

As for Erica, she's doing very well. She's just back at birth weight today (11 days old). She doesn't have any sort of routine, but sometimes settles for 3 hours between feeds so I'm hopeful that she'll get into a nice pattern. She doesn't like being put in her own crib overnight, but I was expecting that after having my boys, so I'm set up for bed sharing and that's definitely helping with us both getting sleep.

I feel like I suddenly came out of the baby blues when I woke up a couple of days a go, so that's quite refreshing, but I still feel sad that this is our last baby and there are already so many things I'm doing for the last time. I took some cakes to the delivery suite as a thank you gift today, and I could have cried just thinking back to her birth and how lovely it was, but knowing that that time in my life has gone. I'm so grateful to have 3 healthy children, but so aware that time is just flying!

Squirrel, I know it must be really tough for you right now but I know you'll get that BFP soon and I'll be one broody follower to cheer you on through your pregnancy.
Ganton, I've been getting a bit of the baby blues, too, although having my DH here this past week was really helping. I have my first full day with all four of them tomorrow too! I've definitely had a few moments where I've thought, "What were we thinking, having four kids so close together???" But as the craziness of the moment settles back down, and I can take a few breaths, then I'm okay again.

I'm glad Erica is doing well. I'm not sure how much Levi weighs, but I'm sure he's above his birth weight, because he was already at 98% of his birth weight when we left the hospital the day after he was born, so obviously he didn't lose very much. It will be interesting to see what he weighs at his two week check up on Thursday.
The baby blues are horrible, in addition to the sleep deprivation it is very hard! Good to hear you are both coming out of it!

Spiffy, how did you go having the 4 kids on your own? Hope they were all good for you!

Ganton, I hope your day with all 3 alone goes well too!

Charlie has been doing great for a few weeks now, waking once around 3 am for a feed but last night he was up every 1-2 hours from 1am onwards! He was such a grump today and on top of that Harry was being a little brat today too! It's 8pm here and I'm counting down until an acceptable time to end the day and go to bed! Hopefully tonight is better for us!

Chrissy, how is Felix going?

Squirrel, are you symptom spotting yet? X
Ruby, I can't believe Charlie is already over 2 months old! Where has the time gone? I'm sorry you had a rough night and a rough day with the boys. :hugs: I hope you got some more sleep last night.

Yesterday was better than I thought it would be, mostly because Levi slept most of the day, so it wasn't too different than it would have been with just the older three. And today I took them all out of the house to take DS1 to his preschool class, and that went okay, too.

I don't think I've mentioned it, but I'm having a harder time recovering physically this time than I did with the other kids (except for that episiotomy with DD). My lady parts are okay, since I only needed one stich, but my hips and pelvis feel so screwed up. It's like somebody pulled my legs off and put them back on wrong. I've had one chiropractic adjustment, and it helped for a few days, but now it's getting worse again. I've also got some pretty bad hemorrhoids. :blush: I've gotten them after giving birth before, but never this bad. :(
Sorry to hear you are having pain in your hips and pelvis and hemorrhoids are not fun at all! I had them too and took a while to go away 😟. Drink lots of water and eat fibre rich foods!

Speaking of after birth ailments, I really need to ramp up my pelvic floor exercises! Always forget to do them but feeling like I really need to! Ah the joys of child birth!!

Charlie slept better last night but I struggled to sleep after he woke at 5am for a feed. Been tired today but Harry's been at kindy so I've been able to chill on the couch most of the day- housework can wait!! Haha!
Hello ladies... our little thread has gone quiet lately it seems. It's impressive that it's almost been a year since it started. I wonder if random new people will try joining when we reach our common ovulation date of last May.

Squirrel... I'm so sorry to hear you've had another chemical. That is heartbreaking, especially after last month's. I continue to be hopeful that your sticky bean will happen soon. I'm thinking of you. :hugs:

Ruby... yay for Charlie sleeping through the night. That is very exciting! We're currently working on Felix's nighttime routine, and though he goes to bed around 8pm, he still wakes 2-3 times per night (usually 3 unfortunately for me).

Spiffy... how are you feeling? I hope your recovery has been going well and that you're feeling better. How is Levi doing?

Ganton... I hope your days with all three kids are going well. Are the boys loving their baby sister to pieces?

As for me, I've been away for the past week or so at my family's cottage. It's been really nice to be in the country, and also to spend time with my parents. Felix is generally doing pretty good. He's growing and gaining weight, he's now 12lbs and 5oz at 2 months old!! He's sleeping really well in his crib and we've settled into somewhat of a good nighttime routine, but we're struggling with afternoon naps. He naps quite well in the mornings, though usually in his bouncy chair and rarely in his crib. In the afternoon he fights sleep. He refuses to nap and gets overly tired, which means he gets extra fussy and irritable. I don't know how to get him to sleep more, hopefully the doctor will have a suggestion when we go on Tuesday for his checkup and vaccines.

Have any of your babies struggled with naps? How did you get them to nap efficiently?
Hey Chrissy. It's nice to hear from you. I'm glad you've had a nice break and it does sound like Felix is doing really well.

I'm in the middle of trying to get Erica treated for reflux. She first showed mild symptoms a couple of weeks a go but they seemed to stop again so we thought she'd escaped it. She started getting worse again a week a go though and I took her to the doctors on Thursday after a couple of bad evenings. She's been prescribed gaviscon but she was even worse last night despite having the gaviscon with her feeds all afternoon and evening. I'm going back on Wednesday and am hoping for a referral to a paediatrician. It's so horrible watching her cry in pain for hours each day and knowing that I can't do anything to help.

I escaped a full day with all three kids this week as my mum helped out with one or other of the boys on Monday and Tuesday, then they were in nursery the rest of the week. They're dropping to two nursery days this week though and my mum can only help on one day so it's just me and the kids for at least a couple of days. I feel like we're settling down a bit though so I'm not so worried about it now.

Spiffy, I hope you're managing well with your 4. Has your pelvis got any better or are you still having pain. Mine seems to have improved now thankfully.

Ruby, I hope you're getting on well. Are you settling in to a nice routine now with 2 children.

Squirrel, I had a quick peek at your chart and it looks like you're having a confusing month. I hope things work out for you this cycle.
Chrissy, I'm sorry you're not getting much sleep, but it sounds like Felix is growing very well! I don't think my kids hit 12lbs until they're closer to 4 or 5 months old. :haha: As for naps, are you swaddling him? I've found that swaddling and white noise have always helped my kids sleep better.

Ganton, my DD had reflux and it was awful! She would throw up after most of her feedings and didn't gain weight super well because of it. Unfortunately, she was our first baby, and we didn't know she had reflux until we had our second, and suddenly realized that it wasn't normal to be that fussy and throw up that much. Have you tried putting Erica to sleep at an incline? I know that helps keep the acid from coming up. :hugs:

Ruby, I hope all is well with Charlie!

As for me, I'm doing much better! I pretty much feel back to normal physically, so that's a huge improvement. Levi is doing great, too. He was 6lbs 15oz at his 2 week check up, so up above his birth weight, and I'm sure he weighs more now, but I don't know how much. He's only waking up once or twice a night, which is awesome. Unfortunately, my DS1 still wakes up once or twice a night as well, though. :dohh:
Hi ladies, nice to hear from everyone again!

Chrissy, sounds like you have a good routine going! Charlie only naps on me or in the baby bjorn at the moment which is tough when I have Harry! He is pretty clingy! Unfortunately the last couple of nights he has been waking heaps- not sure if it's a growth spurt or sleep regression but decided to wait until his nights go back to a normal pattern before working on the naps. To be honest since Charlie is our last baby I'm kind of enjoying my snuggles . Harry got into his groove around 4 months so not too worried about sleep issues yet.

Ganton, poor Erica! Reflux is horrible! Both my kids had/ have it but not too bad. Could it have something to do with your diet if you are BF?

Spiffy, wow Felix is doing great! You lucky thing! I hope it continues! Good to hear you are feeling better too!

Squirrel, I'm following along on your thread and will be there to see you get your sticky bean which I'm sure is not too far away xxx

Harry is so cute with Charlie. When he cries Harry will go hug him and say "i help Charlie feel better" and will get him his teddy. So sweet!

Not sure if you guys have any suggestions but we noticed Harry has started to stutter at the beginning of sentences for the last couple of days. He talks constantly and is a great talker but I'm not sure if this is a problem that should be assessed or whether he is just trying to say things too quickly and his mouth isn't keeping up with his brain... I am quite sensitive to speech issues given how important I know early intervention is but also don't want to over react!
Ruby, it could just be a temporary issue. I know my DD (who has always been a great talker) has recently started doing this thing where she'll take forever to form her sentence, like, "Mom, where was...hey mom, where we...where we...mom...where we at yesterday?" It drives me crazy, but I think it's just phase. That might be the case with Harry's stuttering, too, or it could be the beginning of a speech problem. You'll probably have to wait and see. You can also call your pediatrician and tell them what's going on, and ask them whether you should worry or not. :flower:
Ruby, it could just be a temporary issue. I know my DD (who has always been a great talker) has recently started doing this thing where she'll take forever to form her sentence, like, "Mom, where was...hey mom, where we...where we...mom...where we at yesterday?" It drives me crazy, but I think it's just phase. That might be the case with Harry's stuttering, too, or it could be the beginning of a speech problem. You'll probably have to wait and see. You can also call your pediatrician and tell them what's going on, and ask them whether you should worry or not. :flower:

Thanks Spiffy! He has improved a bit today while we have been home all day. Seems to be worse when he is excited or tired. He does talk quickly. I'll give it a couple of weeks and see how he goes. He will say things like "there there there's a bus" so repeats the whole word
How are things with everyone? Ruby, I saw on squirrel's thread that you're feeling pretty down at the moment. Feel free to come on here and share if you think it'll help, but I know it can be hard to find the time with 2 little ones especially when sleep deprived.

Erica is doing well, other than typical new baby niggles. She still doesn't really like being put down but sleeps well if lying on my chest and does ok overnight in bed with me. She still cries a fair bit in the evenings but it hasn't worsened over the last week or so and certainly isn't as bad as DS2 so we're still not sure if it's reflux or just colic. We're monitoring it for a bit longer before starting reflux medication.

Today is mine and DH's 8th wedfing anniversary and I realised that this means it's been exactly 5 years since we started trying for our first. I can't believe how quickly those 5 years have gone! Anyway, no exciting plans for our anniversary. In fact, I've seen DH for about 10 minutes after work before he headed out to a gym induction, and he's flying to London for work really early tomorrow morning so will be heading straight to bed when he's back.
Ganton, happy anniversary! Sorry you and DH haven't had the chance to celebrate. :( Hopefully you can make up for it when he gets home. :hugs:

Ruby, sorry to hear you're feeling down. :( I had postpartum depression after my last baby and had to start taking antidepressants when he was 3 months old, so I'm always hear to listen if you want to talk. :hugs:

We're doing okay over here. DH is still taking the night shift with Levi so I'm not sleep-deprived, which is the only thing making it possible for me to stay sane with all these little kids. :wacko:
Happy anniversary Ganton! It was ours on the 26/5.

Thanks ladies! I've been feeling horrible to be honest. Since last Tuesday Charlie was waking hourly for a few nights then back to 3 hourly and sometimes 2. The last few nights I've had such bad anxiety about going to bed and annoyingly when Charlie woke to feed at 3am last night I was so scared I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep that's didn't and was lying awake while Charlie slept! I was coping ok until the weekend and feel like I've been crying ever since. DH is home the next few days and will sleep downstairs with Charlie so I can hopefully have a good sleep upstairs.

I'm really hoping my anxiety improved after a good sleep!

Sorry for the vent :-(
Thank you, and happy belated anniversary to you too, Ruby.

I think sleep deprivation had a lot to answer for so I hope some good sleep when your DH is off will really help you. I'm lucky that Erica sleeps pretty well in bed with me but the boys were much harder through the night. I remember dreading going to bed at night because I just hated being awake st night when everyone else was asleep. Even if I didn't sleep, morning couldn't come fast enough so that I could stop pretending that I might actually sleep.

If sleep doesn't help though, it's probably worth speaking to your doctor to see if there's anything they can do to help with the anxiety x

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