Ovulating 29/30/31 May? Looking for a TWW buddy? *6 BFPs

It's a 20 minute drive to the hospital and a 30 minute drive for MIL to get to our house, so about 50 minutes from when we decide to go until we get there. And that's never been a problem before, because I've always had a clear labor pattern with my other kids, so I knew when to go in. But now I can't trust my usual labor signs. I am so unbelievably frustrated today. I got no sleep last night, my two boys are sick, and I have to take care of them when I can barely function myself. And all because my body can't seem to make up it's mind. :growlmad:
Oh Spiffy, I'm sorry to hear things are so difficult for you. I really feel for you. I hope your body makes its mind up and the baby either arrives soon or you get a break from the contractions so you can get some sleep tonight. I hope your boys recover quickly too. Our hospital times are similar to yours (20 mins parents to us, then 15 mins to hospital), which isn't too bad really but you just never know how much time you're going to get.

I've still not had any signs but I don't really know what signs I could get other than contractions starting or waters breaking. I've been getting mucous discharge for ages and I feel like the baby is about as low as it can go. I don't think it'll take much to send me into proper labour when the time comes, so it's just a waiting game now.
Ganton, in a way, it's nice to not have a lot of labor signs, because you don't have to sit and over-analyze every little thing. And then when it happens, it's nice and obvious. Oh, and just as a random side-note, I had my DD at 38+4, so if you're still pregnant tomorrow, you'll be more pregnant than I've ever been. :flower:
I completely agree and I'm hoping for the same again. A nice obvious start to things so that I can get the kids sorted and get to hospital without any messing around. The April due date thread seems to be full of people who have been having contractions for days, or ended up being induced for reduced fetal movements. I'm hoping to break that trend for them.

I could be wrong as there are still 6 hours left of the day, but I reckon I'll make it to 38+5 (and probably beyond!). I am about to go for a slightly longer walk to the supermarket though so I'll see how I feel when I return!

I hope you're managing to get through your day ok.
I'm doing better than I thought I would. Just sort of dazed, though. I went to my NST today, even though I didn't think I needed to, since baby was on the monitors all night. Turns out I didn't need to go, but because the stupid nurse at my OB's office never called me back to answer my question about it, I felt like I had to go. The sad thing is, I have to go back tomorrow for the second steroid shot, then again on Wednesday for my OB appointment, then again on Friday for another NST. I'm getting REALLY sick of making that drive. :wacko:

Ganton, I hope you get a nice, uncomplicated labor. Nice and obvious, not too long, but not TOO fast, no induction, no concerns with baby or yourself. :flower:
Yep, all that sounds great. Throw a water birth in there and it'd be just lovely :)

Do you have to take your kids with you each time you go for appointments? That must be pretty stressful. I have to take my youngest to my midwife appointment tomorrow but at least it's only a 10 minute walk away. I'm hoping he'll actually be slightly interested in what's going on as I don't think he really has any idea what the baby thing means.

Why have they now decided that the steroid shot is necessary? Did they not decide last week that you didn't need it? I can understand you getting fed up of the drive, but there shouldn't be too many more visits before your little one arrives.
Oh Spiffy you poor thing! How frustrating! But with an hour between your MIL getting there and making it to the hospital you wouldn't want to be mucking around! The good thing is though that the baby is still cooking! Sorry to hear you are having to deal with sick kids with no sleep! Hope you get a nice sleep tonight!

Ganton, when I took Harry to my app's he was really interested and liked listening to heart beat etc. he is only a little older than your son so I think he will be ok.

I have Charlie's paed app tomorrow and my 6 week OB check on thurs which is annoying since they are both at the hospital but I couldn't get them on the same day unfortunately. Luckily the hospital is close and Harry is at kindly both days though.
Ganton, I also thought it was strange that no one suggested doing the steroid shots last week, but then they wanted me to do them this week. :shrug: I guess it can't hurt and it may help, so I'm fine with it, but it's just odd.

Yes, I have to take all the kids with me unless DH is working from home and can watch them for me, but he only works from home one day a week, and this week that happens to fall on the ONLY day I don't have to go to the hospital for something. :dohh:

Ruby, that's unfortunate that you couldn't get both appointments in one day. I try to do that with my kids pediatrician appointments whenever possible (my DD is going to have her 4 year appointment a month and a half late just so I could do it at the same time as DS2's 18 month appointment :haha:).
Any babies here yet?? I hope all is well either way for you both! :hugs:

I had Charlie's paed app today which went really well. All is good and he is gaining weight well- already 5.1kg!

Just had a call from Harry's kindy to tell me that a child bit his face today and Harry was very upset about it. I am trying to work out how to address it with him when I pick him up as I don't want to make a big deal out of it because he is over it and don't want to upset him but also want to make sure that 1) he doesn't get scared coming to kindy as he is quite placid around other kids (just not us!) and 2) I don't want him thinking that it is ok and copying. Argh the things we have to deal with as parents :dohh:
No baby here yet, Ruby. I'm feeling quite achy but not in a contractions type way. Just some sharp pains to the cervix, to the point I had to stop walking and bend over slightly until it passed a few minutes a go. The kids have just been dropped at nursery so I might take myself on a decent walk and see if that does anything (I'll have to laps though so I'm never too far from home!).

DS2 arrived 8 days earlier than DS1, and today is 8 days earlier again. I'm sure that'll have no bearing on events today but it's fun to think about.

It's a tough one with the biting. You don't want to make him upset about it if he isn't too bothered, but also acknowledge it so he knows you understand. Whatever you decide, I'd keep it very brief and light hearted. Maybe just something like "xxxx (teachers name) said that you were bitten today. I'm sure your friend is sorry for hurting you" and a big cuddle. It's tough when kids bite and are bitten, and I've seen it from both sides and I'm still not really sure how best to deal with it.
Hope your walk helps Ganton! Definitely don't go too far though and take your phone!

Harry was fine when I picked him up. It is a pretty bad bite but I didn't make a big deal out of it and took pretty much the approach you suggested. If he starts to talk about it I'll go through it more with him.
Ouch, a bite to the face doesn't sound fun! I'm glad he was doing okay with it, though. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. :hugs:

Ganton, any news? It sounds like you're getting close! :thumbup:

I had another night of strong contractions last night, but this time I didn't go to L&D because I knew it was likely another false alarm. In the end, I was able to go to sleep, and they were gone by the next time I woke up (well, they're never really "gone" but they just come way less frequently and are not as strong). But tomorrow is a full moon, so hopefully it'll get things going for me, since 2 of my 3 kids were born on full moons. :flower:
Ooh, spiffy and Ganton, I have been excitedly reading to find out how everything is going and eagerly awaiting news!! Spiffy, even though I can imagine how difficult it is to cart the kids to and fro hospital constantly, it's so good your little boy stayed in there a little longer. I hope he doesn't keep you waiting too long now! And Ganton, so so close for you! Eek!

Ruby: sorry to hear Harry was bitten at nursery, I think you have the right approach of only bringing it up if he does. Glad your newest little man is doing so well :) he sounds like he's thriving.

So I'm 14dpo (possible 11dpo) and just got a super faint line on an FRER with super dilute less than one hour hold afternoon pee after I'd been drinking water all afternoon. I have marked it on my chart, but I have a bad feeling that this is just another chemical... Otherwise why the late line? There's a chance I didn't ovulate when I think I did as I'd had such disturbed sleep those nights, so maybe that's why my temp went up... Or my body tried to and then didn't ovulate for real until what I think of as 3dpo. There is a strange dip on my chart. That would be nice as then I'd expect to only have a faint line on 11dpo and it would also nean we conceived on our 5-year-anniversary. Been feeling very strange today. Hot, but shivery at the same time.m, exhausted, crampy, strange taste in my mouth. And my temperature is staying high, even though I stopped taking progesterone (I just took it again after seeing that line). I am really scared ladies! After all this waiiting, I so desperately want this to be it for us!!
Oh, Squirrel, that's so exciting! I know you have worries about it being a chemical, but just remember, right now you ARE pregnant! :happydance: And honestly, with diluted pee, I'm not surprised it's a light line this early on. And how awesome that this is possibly an anniversary baby. My DS2 was conceived on our 3rd anniversary. :flower:

Can we see a picture??? :D
Thank you spiffy :)

Yes, that is true :haha: if only just so! I'll cling to that! I do keep thinking that my pee was so dilute as I'd been bursting before leaving work and then got home 45 minutes later, saw the tests had arrived and went again taking the FRER that time.

As usual, image isn't great as getting these squinters on camera is so difficult, so I had to tweak to bring out he line on screen. You could definitely see it in person - showed up in the first minute and was pink. This pic was taken at 5 minutes. Now it's dried it's barely there :( but I definitely saw it for a good 30 mins before it faded a bit. That's another reason I'm scared!! https://s31.postimg.org/t0d6w2c2j/squinter.jpg
It may be faint, but there's no doubting it's there! When do you plan on testing again?
Tomorrow morning with FMU. I am pretty pretty scared to say the least!
Well, if you're not bleeding or cramping really badly, then I would say try to relax and not worry too much. :hugs: I'm going to be checking this thread pretty religiously tomorrow morning for an update!
Thanks spiffy. It would be poetically quite apt if I fell pregnant right as you guys are giving birth :haha:
Squirrel, that would be wonderful, because then we'd still have a preggo mama on this thread to stalk! :D

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