Ovulating 29/30/31 May? Looking for a TWW buddy? *6 BFPs

Squirrel, I see that too and I'm usually bad at seeing them!! Oh my gosh I have everything crossed that this is your sticky bean!! Been thinking about you lots lately as its nearly s year since this thread started! Please keep us updated!! I know you usually get early bfp but mine only came 14/15dpo and Chrissy's came really late! Take care xxx
So I just returned from my follow up OB appointment. I am not sure I mentioned it on here, but in my labour Charlie's shoulder got stuck coming out and about 5 nurses had to run in and help to get him out. I was so exhausted at that stage that I don't remember much about it but it scared the hell out of my hubby. Anyway, we haven't thought much more about it as everything went all ok. Today my OB told me that him getting stuck was actually very serious and they often need to break the babies clavicle because they can die if stuck too long. She said because I was 37 weeks and only 3.5kg (average) baby if I was to get pregnant again, I wouldn't be able to have a natural birth I would be scheduled for a C- section. Apparently my pelvis is not big enough for that size baby! She said I was so worried about labouring early but in retrospect it may have been better if I did. I am very lucky by the sound of it. Also lucky that I am not intending to have any more children!!! So I think my body really did evict Harry early because it knew he would have been too big! Just didn't evict Charlie in enough time. Interesting though as you would expect you would only grow a baby at a size that your body could cope with.
Ruby, I don't think you mentioned the shoulder dystocia before. That's so scary! :( And yeah, with him not being huge, either, that does sound like your body just can't handle babies past a certain size. I've wondered that as well, since I've had early babies, and my only full term baby was growth restricted, so she was smaller than the others. I guess it's a good thing you're done having babies, so it won't really matter for the future.
I didn't think it was a big deal when it happened- probably because I was so exhausted by then. Been reading a bit about it and it is not very common- trust it to happen t o us! Freaked my husband out a lot and I thought he was over reacting! No more babies for me!
Hi ladies,

So sadly it's another chemical for me :( line was down to just a trace this morning. To be honest, I was expecting this and don't feel as bad as I was expecting to. Will update more later.
Squirrel I am so sorry to hear that. I'm guessing you used fmu and a frer again. Thanks for updating us as we know it hasn't been easy for you coming onto this thread. I really hope you stick around though so we can cheer you on through your pregnancy that I know won't be too far away! Take care x
Aww, Squirrel, I just came on to post about your test, so am really sorry to see your latest update. I am still positive that you will have your much wanted third baby, and we'll be here for it all when you do x
Ruby, I've seen a video of a shoulder dystocia delivery and it looked pretty worrying for everyone involved, so it's probably best that you didn't realise what was happening at the time. It's great that Charlie arrived safely and that you're now aware of the issue in case you ever did happen to have more children.
Squirrel, I'm so sorry. :( I know you were anticipating this, but it still doesn't make it any easier. :hugs: On the upside, maybe the clomid is what helped you fall pregnant this month, and if that's the case, hopefully it will do the same thing for you next month. :hugs:
Ganton/ Spiffy: Where are these babies?? :)
How are you both feeling?

Spiffy, who would have thought you would have held out this long being 4cm already!
I know! I felt like I've been expecting it to happen any day now for a long time. I know its silly, but I think I've convinced myself that if it doesn't happen tonight with the help of the full moon, then it just wont happen until I'm induced next week. :dohh:
I'm not surprised that I'm still here but I totally thought you'd have a baby by now, Spiffy. I hope that new moon does the trick for you tonight. I think it's full moon today (Friday) in the UK, but I'm not expecting it to have any effect on me as it had no bearing on my last 2. I have a sweep booked for next Wednesday so I'm thinking that's quite a likely day.
Squirrel... So sorry that you had another chemical. Hugs to you!

Spiffy... Wow, I too am surprised that your little one hasn't arrived yet. He really wants to stay in there longer than his siblings! How are you feeling otherwise, apart for anxious for baby's arrival?

Ganton... Wow 39 weeks! You too must be excited for this baby's arrival. Are the boys excited? Do they think it's a baby brother?

AFM, if I've been away it's because I've been struggling with a colic baby and not getting very much sleep. Any quiet moment I have, I opt to sleep instead of going online. As I write this it's 5am, and my darling son just dozed off. I slept more tonight than I have in weeks because my DH decided to take tomorrow off work and took 2 shifts with baby so I could sleep a solid 4 hours. It's amazing what a little sleep does.... And a loud fan so I don't hear baby crying and can fall asleep.

Did any of your other children have colic or extreme fussiness? What about gas that was very difficult to pass? If so, any tips?
Chrissy, I hear your pain! I was up for 4 hours Sunday night with Charlie (2-6am) crying and seeming to be in pain. It was exhausting. Since then though he has only been waking once around 2-3am and it has made a huge difference on how I feel! From everything I've read their peak period of unsettleness is around 6-8 weeks then it settles down. I know this was true with Harry but he was a this worse in the evening 5-8ish whereas Charlie was unsettled in the middle of the night! Have you read about PURPLE crying? It's quite interesting. https://purplecrying.info

Charlie seems to have reflux which is worse at night for some reason and I've found raising his bassinet on one side has really helped and burping him really well before putting him down. If he doesn't burp in about 5 mins I lay him down and pick him up again, the movement usually brings a burp up!

Are you solely BF? If so maybe introduce a bottle (formula or expressed) so hubby can do one of the night feeds. With Harry I would go to bed around 9 and DH would do a dream feed around 11/12ish so I could get a decent stretch of sleep.
Also I find a white noise app on my phone helps. Babies like a bit of noise.

Look after yourself and know that it does get a lot easier xx

I love this so thought I would share x
Chrissy, sorry to hear Felix is struggling with trapped wind :hugs: Oscar had that for the first few months too and like your little one, hardly slept at all and he was also fussy whenever he was awake too. With him it was all down to a posterior tongue tie. It wasn't visible, but all the signs were there. It was 80% tied down! The poor little guy couldn't latch properly and always took in air when he fed so he was constantly windy. Once it was treated at 7 weeks he was much better.

For trapped wind I found these things somewhat helpful:
- cycling his legs
- pushing his knees up to his tummy to try and help move the air
- circling my hand over and over across his back or tummy
- lots of back/tummy tapping

We tried gripe water and infacol (which are the main treatments you can buy here), but I don't think they did much to be honest. The biggest thing that helped was getting his tongue tie fixed and then when they get a bit bigger and start rolling around and moving more, the wind travels through them much quicker and they struggle less with it (in theory :) Isla isn't a windy baby, but she does frequently get days where she really struggles with trapped wind and she wasn't even a windy baby!).

I hope he starts to settle soon and you start getting more sleep. There's a reason they use sleep deprivation as a torture technique, it can have such a devastating effect on every aspect of your life!
Well, no baby yet! But its okay, because DH reminded me last night that the weekend would be a much more convenient time for baby to show up, in terms of having people come over to help, so we're hoping for tonight or tomorrow night. I am starting to have more contractions during the day, though, so I think the progesterone from that last shot must finally be leaving my system, which gives me hope that things will start progressing soon.

Ganton, I'm in awe of your patience. I've never made it to 39 weeks before, but I know id be going crazy wanting baby out already. I think its amazing that you seem to be so calm and okay with baby coming whenever he/she wants to (especially since it not like we have much say in the matter anyway :winkwink:).

Chrissy, so sorry to hear that Felix is being so fussy and not sleeping much. :( I definitely recommend having him sleep at a slight incline, since none of my babies have slept very well when they're flat on their back. I wish I had more advice than that, but like Squirrel said, son of it is just waiting until they get a little older and can take of the wind on their own. :hugs:
Chrissy, if it's trapped wind causing problems for Felix, then all the things that Squirrel has suggested could help to move the air around and help him get rid of it one way or the other. However, if he's obviously in a lot of discomfort and pretty inconsolable, reflux is a possibility. My DS2 had silent reflux (i.e. no vomiting) and he was distressed after every feed, but had a 3-4 hour crying session every evening/night without fail and nothing would calm him. Eventually he was on omeprazole for it and he was a different baby.

Spiffy, I hope you get your wish for the baby to make his appearance this weekend. You'd think the shot would be having very limited effect by now, if at all, so I hope there's a good chance this weekend. You've made it to a great gestation too.

As for me, there's not much I can do other than be patient. I thought this one may arrive a bit early, but with going 8 days over with DS1 and then DS2 showing no signs until the afternoon of his due date, I was always prepared for a long wait for this one too. I think I'll get more impatient if I go overdue, but feeling fairly calm about things at the moment. Today, I have been for a walk and done loads of cleaning (including hand and knees cleaning the kitchen floor) and DH has been doing his bit to help things along, so if none of that works, then this one obviously just isn't ready yet.
Hi ladies, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! It is a long weekend here which is nice! I am hanging out to see if any babies come this weekend!

Ganton, I hope all your efforts pay off and baby makes an appearance shortly!
Spiffy, we are getting closer to your induction date so I hope baby comes before then!

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