Pagan! -Finding a Sticky Bean


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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I'm Becci and, i'm Pagan!

I'm a practicing Wiccan and i have been TTC#2 for 12 months now. I'm fairly new to BnB, and as to yet have not seen many (if any) threads that are pagan orientated. Paganism (for me) is a way of life and a second nature just as the journey is with TTC.

I wanted to create a thread and a team where members could share there TTC journey, thoughts and events and also how it en-twines with the daily life of a pagan.

My morning routine is to stick a thermomerter in my mouth and then pull a card from my tarot deck!!!!!

How does your pagan lifestyle faire with the drama's of TTC???

All Welcome

Pagan Fertility Prayer

Help Me to Be Fruitful

Great Goddess, Empress Earth,
I pray you, help me to be fertile
I pray you, help me to be fruitful
I pray you, help me to conceive a healthy child
I ask this with all of my heart

I ask this with my body and soul
I ask this in the Lady's name
So be it! Blessed be!

Pagan Fertility Blessing

Bless us with the fertility we seek.
May our minds, spirits and bodies
become fertile with our wishes,
quickly manifesting our hearts desire.​
The Spring Equinox is quickly approaching (19th-21st Mar) and i thought as BnB is a site all about fertility, this would be a perfect time to recognise and celebrate the Goddess of fertility, Ostara.

Click here to find out more about Ostara, The Spring Equinox.

Above is a link which will give you a little snippit of Ostara and why it is an important time in the pagan calendar.

...Remeber, you don't have to be pagan to celebrate it! Just a little recognision is enough to celebrate.

Why not try lighting a candle on the sabbats eve and giving thanks to Ostara.​
How does your pagan lifestyle faire with the drama's of TTC???

Unfortunately since TTC, the two have not been fairing well together :nope:
Something I really do need to get better about!
So you've inspired me, and I just dusted off my cards and
placed them beside the themometer on the night stand! :thumbup:

And thank you for the prayer and blessing! It's lovely. :hugs:
How does your pagan lifestyle faire with the drama's of TTC???

Unfortunately since TTC, the two have not been fairing well together :nope:
Something I really do need to get better about!
So you've inspired me, and I just dusted off my cards and
placed them beside the themometer on the night stand! :thumbup:

And thank you for the prayer and blessing! It's lovely. :hugs:


Hi Tessa

Aww i'm glad you've been inspired, thats lovely :hugs:
Although, i have to say, i have been very much the same as you. For as long as we have been ttc i have only just introduced it with all the wiccan stuff (sounds crazy to want to keep them seperate really!). A few weeks back i was dusting my bookcase and knocked off the shelf my most favourite spell book in the whole wide world, and it dawned on me, "bec you nut! get the crystals and cards out" :wacko:

Have you pulled any inspiring cards from your deck yet me dear?

(ps... Thankyou for posting on the thread, i think it has scared everyone away:blush:)
Im very interested in paganism, as my best friend and other roomates were/are all practicing Wiccans.
I don't really belong to any group of religion I just know what draws me and the customs that interest me.
I also have dusty tarot cards..hahaha but I'm shoping for a new deck....or 2..hehe

I so need to ground myself and put more focus on TTC......and more focus on the Love part of TTC , not just the making.

Looking forward to more chats!!
Have you pulled any inspiring cards from your deck yet me dear?

Yes as a matter of fact I immediately pulled a card... "Temperance: The angel has one foot on the land and the other in water, reflecting that an answer or resolution to the current set of life circumstances contains both heavenly inspiration and the possibility of a practical, earthly outcome…. The mountain in the background represents the goal or spiritual initiation, while the irises indicate the presence of faith. Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow. She represents the bridge between heaven and Earth.”

While it has been a long journey for us to finally feel like we are in the right place emotionally, physically, financially, etc… we lost a couple of pregnancies, which were still very painful. It feels like this is exactly the message I needed to receive right now!

(ps... Thankyou for posting on the thread, i think it has scared everyone away:blush:)

I must admit that pagans used to scare me too! :haha:
It is natural to fear what we do not understand.
But, I've a feeling others will be posting here soon! :flower:

BTW, I'd love to know what your favorite spell book is, as I don't have any yet!
And I agree! It makes total sense that our pagan path would go hand in hand with our fertility paths! :winkwink:
Hi Ladies!

I've been directing most of the focus in my life for the past few years on school, so aside from a few random moments, my spiritual life has been neglected. (At some point along the way I even stopped doing a daily spell that I had been doing for years - and it takes less than a minute!) Unfortunately, this means that ttc has been wholly disconnected from my paganness. In fact, I didn't even think about the connection until Tessa brought my attention to this thread. OF COURSE the two should be connected! This was my duh moment of the day!

What's funny about this is the very day I got my menstrual calendar app for my phone, I also found a pretty nifty tarot app. And yet it still took someone pointing it out to me to see it. I guess I really have been wrapped up in thesis writing!

I don't always self-identify as a pagan, but that's a pretty good label for me. I've just never felt comfortable placing myself in one spiritual category...I'm kind of a Buddhist, kind of a Taoist, kind of a pagan...etc. The beautiful thing about paganism is that you can fit a lot of ideas into it, and you don't have to be in 100% agreement with any other pagan. At least, that's the way I see it. ;)

Thanks so much for starting this thread, Snuggs! And thanks, Tessa, for pointing it out to me! I'm going to have to think of more ways to consciously connect my spirituality with ttc...

Yes as a matter of fact I immediately pulled a card... "Temperance: The angel has one foot on the land and the other in water, reflecting that an answer or resolution to the current set of life circumstances contains both heavenly inspiration and the possibility of a practical, earthly outcome…. The mountain in the background represents the goal or spiritual initiation, while the irises indicate the presence of faith. Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow. She represents the bridge between heaven and Earth.”

While it has been a long journey for us to finally feel like we are in the right place emotionally, physically, financially, etc… we lost a couple of pregnancies, which were still very painful. It feels like this is exactly the message I needed to receive right now!

Before I got to your impression of the card I was thinking "wow, that really hits the nail on the head for you - how perfect!" lol :hugs2:
Im very interested in paganism, as my best friend and other roomates were/are all practicing Wiccans.
I don't really belong to any group of religion I just know what draws me and the customs that interest me.
I also have dusty tarot cards..hahaha but I'm shoping for a new deck....or 2..hehe

I so need to ground myself and put more focus on TTC......and more focus on the Love part of TTC , not just the making.

Looking forward to more chats!!

Welcome CHILLbilly :wave:

It's good that you have such an open mind with all paths of life. Some people are so narrow minded when it comes to things like this and that's a real shame i think as i'm a firm believer that you "shouldn't knock what you don't know!". Good luck with the tarot shopping:thumbup:, keep us updated on your purchase... i'm such a nosey parker sometimes hehe.

PS I love your final quote. I think that's a statment that we all should carry on our shoulders!. It's so easy to let TTC take over our lives only focusing on the final product (even though that is the best part:baby:), but it's the journey it's self that helps to shape our mind and life. :flower:


Have you pulled any inspiring cards from your deck yet me dear?

Yes as a matter of fact I immediately pulled a card... "Temperance: The angel has one foot on the land and the other in water, reflecting that an answer or resolution to the current set of life circumstances contains both heavenly inspiration and the possibility of a practical, earthly outcome…. The mountain in the background represents the goal or spiritual initiation, while the irises indicate the presence of faith. Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow. She represents the bridge between heaven and Earth.”

While it has been a long journey for us to finally feel like we are in the right place emotionally, physically, financially, etc… we lost a couple of pregnancies, which were still very painful. It feels like this is exactly the message I needed to receive right now!

(ps... Thankyou for posting on the thread, i think it has scared everyone away:blush:)

I must admit that pagans used to scare me too! :haha:
It is natural to fear what we do not understand.
But, I've a feeling others will be posting here soon! :flower:

BTW, I'd love to know what your favorite spell book is, as I don't have any yet!
And I agree! It makes total sense that our pagan path would go hand in hand with our fertility paths! :winkwink:

That card is so inspiring!...I'm sorry to hear of your losses:flower:, i'm glad you found comfort in the message you received. I think thats one of the great things about tarot and runes and angel cards, No matter how bad things get, you can always find comfort in what we deal :friends:

My favourite (and first spell book i purchased) is Soraya's Book of Spells. It's very basic, easy and i guess light hearted.
Another of my favourite people is Cassandra Eason. If you've not heard of her, take a look. She does a lot of crystal work and chakra work.


Hi Ladies!

I've been directing most of the focus in my life for the past few years on school, so aside from a few random moments, my spiritual life has been neglected. (At some point along the way I even stopped doing a daily spell that I had been doing for years - and it takes less than a minute!) Unfortunately, this means that ttc has been wholly disconnected from my paganness. In fact, I didn't even think about the connection until Tessa brought my attention to this thread. OF COURSE the two should be connected! This was my duh moment of the day!

What's funny about this is the very day I got my menstrual calendar app for my phone, I also found a pretty nifty tarot app. And yet it still took someone pointing it out to me to see it. I guess I really have been wrapped up in thesis writing!

I don't always self-identify as a pagan, but that's a pretty good label for me. I've just never felt comfortable placing myself in one spiritual category...I'm kind of a Buddhist, kind of a Taoist, kind of a pagan...etc. The beautiful thing about paganism is that you can fit a lot of ideas into it, and you don't have to be in 100% agreement with any other pagan. At least, that's the way I see it. ;)

Thanks so much for starting this thread, Snuggs! And thanks, Tessa, for pointing it out to me! I'm going to have to think of more ways to consciously connect my spirituality with ttc...


Welcome brennakay :wave:

I love your view of the whole Pagan thing. I very much feel the same sometimes. A lot of the practices i so i guess would scope over many many beliefs and, as you say, Pagan is a massive umberella that accepts sooo many ideas and versions of our beliefs with no right or wrong :flower:

And, no need to thank me, i'm just happy you all spotted the thread and weren't affraid to post..... :kiss:

Im very interested in paganism, as my best friend and other roomates were/are all practicing Wiccans.
I don't really belong to any group of religion I just know what draws me and the customs that interest me.
I also have dusty tarot cards..hahaha but I'm shoping for a new deck....or 2..hehe

I so need to ground myself and put more focus on TTC......and more focus on the Love part of TTC , not just the making.

Looking forward to more chats!!

I am the same way! I just saw this post in TTC buddies! I have tons of books and a tarot set of cards also.. I have been interested in paganism for years now!
hey ladies... i used to practice wicca quite a bit but have been neglecting it in the last few years. this thread piqued my interest as i thought this might be a good time to break out the tarot cards and my 4 corners! i like this thread.. it has one new stalker :) i'll post again later maybe i'll get a chance to look at my cards when i'm home tonight...
Im very interested in paganism, as my best friend and other roomates were/are all practicing Wiccans.
I don't really belong to any group of religion I just know what draws me and the customs that interest me.
I also have dusty tarot cards..hahaha but I'm shoping for a new deck....or 2..hehe

I so need to ground myself and put more focus on TTC......and more focus on the Love part of TTC , not just the making.

Looking forward to more chats!!

I am the same way! I just saw this post in TTC buddies! I have tons of books and a tarot set of cards also.. I have been interested in paganism for years now!

Glad you found us Camo :happydance: ... Just noticed your siggy, sorry AF got you :hugs:... I'm hiding for 2 weeks next time she's due, hopefully she won't find me then :loo: lol
hey ladies... i used to practice wicca quite a bit but have been neglecting it in the last few years. this thread piqued my interest as i thought this might be a good time to break out the tarot cards and my 4 corners! i like this thread.. it has one new stalker :) i'll post again later maybe i'll get a chance to look at my cards when i'm home tonight...

Hi Hannah :wave:

Welcome to the thread! Glad to see it's going to have another stalker. The thread has got off to a slow start, but hopefully more people will see it:thumbup:. It's wonderful that it's stirred up your need to deck your deck out:happydance:. If you do have chance to look at your cards when you get home, maybe you can post us a message??

How long were you practicing for? I started becoming very interested in it all about 7 years ago, but became dedicated around 4 years ago. Still feels like i'm a beginner sometimes:dohh:, especially when my friend talks about starting 30 years ago!!
I'm kind of a Buddhist, kind of a Taoist, kind of a pagan...etc. The beautiful thing about paganism is that you can fit a lot of ideas into it, and you don't have to be in 100% agreement with any other pagan. At least, that's the way I see it. ;)

Same here! :winkwink:
Some may not agree with this, but I tend to use the things that work for me and leave the rest.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of the cards you ladies pick!!
Are there any certain spreads you like to do, or do you just tend to pick one card at a time?
I pick an angel card daily, but my favourite tarot spread is the cross spread. Simple, easy but gives enough information for some insight :thumbup:

what's your fave?
I pick an angel card daily, but my favourite tarot spread is the cross spread. Simple, easy but gives enough information for some insight :thumbup:

what's your fave?

Is the "angel card" from your regular tarot deck? I try to pull one a day, and when time allows, or looking for specific answers~ I like the celtic cross best too! :winkwink:
How long were you practicing for? I started becoming very interested in it all about 7 years ago, but became dedicated around 4 years ago. Still feels like i'm a beginner sometimes:dohh:, especially when my friend talks about starting 30 years ago!!

hi snuggs, and hi everyone!

i guess i've been reading about wicca since about 10 years ago? had to think about that one... i used to know some women who were also interested and we used to get together and learn about the tarot cards and stuff... i also just take what's meaningful to me and ignore the rest!

i have the Daughters of the Moon cards but won't be able to check them out until later as my parents are visiting and i don't exactly have a ton of privacy! will post later when i get some time to pull a card. i only got as far as learning the basic sense of all the cards, but don't know any specific spreads so i usually just pull one card.

this is exciting! will help with my pma in the 2ww :) i can't wait to see what other cards women will be pulling... fun!
I have the Daughters of the Moon cards but won't be able to check them out until later as my parents are visiting and i don't exactly have a ton of privacy! will post later when i get some time to pull a card. i only got as far as learning the basic sense of all the cards, but don't know any specific spreads so i usually just pull one card.

Hey Hannah... Have the rents left yet? :haha: Pullled any good cards??

Was wondering if any of you ladies have ever used the Sacred Geometry deck?
This deck really "spoke" to me and so I purchased them some time back.
I just dusted them off and rewaxed them... I just LOVE, love, love these cards!!!
I've been re-reading this thread and noticed theres a few of us are very close to test day!!!!!!!!
Good luck to you all!!!!!!!!!

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