Dairy, sorry for your loss.
3 years ago I was under a RMC, with one of the UK's leading specialists in RMC. She thought I was probably super fertile, which means that eggs that shouldn't really be fertilised were being.
Her idea was to make me less fertile! The idea being that only eggs that were meant to be would be fertilised and continue onto a healthy pregnancy.
She told me to take progesterone from OV day for 13 days. After 13 days take a PG test, if not PG stop the progesterone, if I was PG then continue taking.
I became PG first month trying this and my rainbow is 19 months old!
The progesterone won't necessarily mean you will definitely get and stay pregnant, but what it should mean is that only viable eggs will be kept, thus reducing the upsetting process of recurring MC. (I am an older mom, so the thought of becoming less fertile did concern me, but the thought of more MC scared me more!)
This could mean it will take longer to get pregnant, but when you do get pregnant it is more likely to be a 'keeper'.
Hopefully you will get some helpful advice like this from your specialist.