I never had any issues with infection with my c-section scar, either time. I didn't use a mesh shower pouf sponge thing on it...I just let the soap or lather from the shower just run down over it, and after a few days, I'd just lightly wash it with my hand with some soap in the shower. Always use a clean towel to dry off with...change your towel every day during the healing process, and just gently pat the surgical area dry. Keep all elastic waistbands off of it, and make sure clothing is breathable, and allows for good airflow to your scar. If you're having a lot of pain, a high-waisted panty that hugs your scar can provide relief, and it's safe, as long as they're clean, and your scar is kept clean underneath. There are special panties designed for c-section recovery, but they're kind of pricey, and if you can find some that are high-waisted with a snug tummy-control panel, that's usually a good and cheaper option.
If you're doing lots of skin to skin with your baby, just make sure that baby is kept off your incision area. I found the Boppy pillow to be awesome for this...supportive for nursing baby, and also for keeping baby off your ouchie site.
Try your best to not have to go up long flights of stairs, and absolutely do NOT vacuum or do other strenuous housework...recruit someone to help you do that stuff for you while you heal, or let the house stuff slide. It is NOT worth screwing up your recovery, and landing back in the hospital.
Blue, are you being given donor milk while you can't express, or do you have a freezer stash you're going through right now? If not, are you supplementing with formula?