Has anyone had RPL with no diagnoses made and so no treatments and still gone on to have a successful pregnancy? Last year in all of my research I thought maybe the issue was due to Natural killer cells or some kind of autoimmune issue.
I had 4 losses back to back beginning in November 2014. The first was a MMC I discovered at 10 weeks, and the others were a type of chemical pregnancy I suppose. hCG didn't rise high enough for anything to develop, but lingered for weeks three times giving me symptoms and positive tests, but I never had bloodwork done (my choice) so didn't know what was going on.
Basic bloodwork came back with no answers, but I explored some possibilities with a naturopath - MTHFR or an autoimmune condition being high possibilities. My Dr would not do more in depth testing though as I already have two children so she determined it "bad luck".
My naturopath had me go gluten free and work on a gut-healing regimen in case of an autoimmune condition, and had me on some herbs as well. I also self-prescribed baby aspirin, changed my prenatal to one with folate vs folic acid in case of MTHFR and got a natural progesterone cream. I started these changes after my third loss but conceived and lost a fourth pregnancy, but I don't think any of the changes I made would have had time to make a difference yet.
After my 4th loss I met an acupuncturist, who without knowing any of my history, was speaking about the number of pregnancies she has treated where hCG was not rising much, or even plateauing in the first couple weeks and after just one treatment surprised Drs by suddenly shooting up normally and progressing into a normal, healthy pregnancy.
I was going to see her for some pre-conception treatments and take a break for a few months to let my body have a chance to recover but had yet another surprise fast pregnancy instead. I started seeing the acupuncturist a couple days later at the first chance I could get in, and saw her weekly until 13 weeks when I switched to monthly. She said I had lots of blockages in my uterus (specifically disruptions in my kidney qi, which relates to reproductive organs), which lined up with my main theory of an autoimmune condition causing clotting issues in my uterus, in addition to saying some other things that agreed with what my naturopath had told me.
So I have no idea what was really going on with my losses, or what, if anything, that I did differently this time worked, but here I am a 32 weeks with the smoothest, uncomplicated pregnancy I've had yet. Whether or not the acupuncture did anything I will definitely be going for all my future pregnancies if for no other reason than the way it has helped keep my moods even and my alleviated my anxieties.
Ready, how are you doing now? Hope the beta and progesterone levels were some reassurance.
I had repeat draws that aren't looking good.
14dpo 177
16dpo 271
18dpo 283
I'm frustrated and upset and tired of this happening. The one good thing is I'm going to see the specialist on Thursday so hopefully I begin to figure out what is happening. I've also booked an appt with a naturopath who specializes in fertility issues. I feel hope again and hopefully there is light at the end of this tunnel!
I wish all of you the best of luck and pray that you get to hold your rainbows at the end of this.
I would suggest looking for a fertility acupuncturist too, as per my above comment. It may not look promising but there's still a chance this pregnancy may work out
I hope you get some answers either way though - being in limbo is so frustrating.