So I have stumbled upon this forum nearly 6 and a half years into my recurrent miscarriage have I missed you??
Hope you don't mind me jumping on board now.
A bit about me...2 healthy pregnancies in 2006 - 7 and 2008 and then 8 consecutive miscarriages
Oct 2010 13 weeks - little girl - chromosomally normal
July 2011 6 weeks
Oct 2011 12 weeks - chromosomally normal - got standard RMC testing, fell through the sysytem on NHS and was forgotten about, had to chase results, very despondent consultant. Decided to see Prof Q myself, travelled over in March 2012, uNK cells were normal, then discovered, after waiting 6 months for results that karotyping had not been done (they 'messed up' and 'put the wrong blood into the wrong tubes' blood had to be taken again. Got an email 2 weeks later saying karotyping normal. Discovered that cytogenetic testing of my baby had not been done, despite givng consent. Went private to see 'the' RMC consultant in N Ireland...promised me he would "get me a baby" at first consultation. ubby not happy. But he did a hysteroscopy on Aug 2012 and offered me a better treatment plan. I took a whole year off waiting for results and thought this would give me the best chance....
Jan 2013- 12 weeks - little girl - chromosomally normal - first pregnancy with a treatment plan clexane, aspirin, high dose folic acid and progesterone. Prof Q advised to add in steriods next time anyway, consultant here agree to do so. Prof Q thought I may be hyperfertile so put on progesterone from OV. Messed cycles up. Took 7 months to conceive. Had DNA sperm fragmentation done...waste of money...but all normal.
Nov 2013 - 10 weeks - little boy - suspected structural abnormality but cytogenetics found normal chromosomes - was on clexane, 150mg aspirin, progesterone, high dose folic acid and 20mg prednisolone. Then followed a year of bfn's and a struggle to be referred to fertility with an increasingly unhelpful consultant (who had previously been exactly the opposite) as 2014 (and 2015) progressed.
Dec 2014 - 6 weeks - clexane, 150 aspirin, high dose folic acid, progesterone, intralipid infusion...didn't get started on pred in time. By Jan 2015 was being told I had diminished ovarian reserve and function and would find it very difficult to conceive. Consultant's attitude and unwillingness to help me was very distressing. Lots of other stress in my life in spring 2015 as my mother nearly died..very difficult. Consultant seemed to be scrabbling around for reasons to get me stop trying and so suggested I may have adenomyosis and ordered an MRI...basically said I would need a hysterectomy if I had this. I don't!
June 2015 - 8 weeks - baby boy - trisomy 10 found in testing - clexane, aspirin 150, high dose folic acid, progesterone, 25mg pred, intralipid infusion. Left through no fault of my own with no consultant care after this loss. had to make arrangements for the pelvic MRI myself direct with radiographers - Womb is absolutely fine.
February 2016 - 11 weeks - baby girl - chromosomally normal - clexane, 150 aspirin, crinone progesterone gel, progesterone injections (ouch!), high dose folic acid, 25 prednisolone, 2 intralipid infusions.
I am at a loss. Noone knows what to do with me. Despite 8 consecutive losses I have not been referred to Mr Shehata and St Marys wont see me as I have two children already...but I have lost 8 and I wanted every one of those eight babies!! We do not have any expertise in recurrent miscarriage Northern Ireland - just a few doctors who tack it on to their general gynae clinics and who are clueless when their one treatment plan doesn't work. I have been involved and have lead some work to improve psychological care for women in Northern Ireland who suffer recurrent miscarriage and miscarriage...but we have a long way to go....
...special 'hello' to you probably have a fair idea of what I mean ^^^