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PAL after Recurrent Losses - come join us!

I feel like I could take on the world with all this awesome support!! I'm definitely going to my scan and I'm gonna go with Gav! Yesterday I was contemplating not going or going on my own!!
Round, that sounds like a nightmare of a day. You are going to need some of that "safe alcohol" to get you through. I don't blame you for not wanting to tell anyone your news. I hope you can get through the day with your sanity still in tact. I can't even imagine peeing on one stick and then announcing. I didn't even do that with my first pregnancy!

There is a woman on this site who recently got her first bfp after trying for a while. She set up a pregnancy journal and even bought some baby stuff. She wasn't even 5 weeks and her levels weren't rising properly. I was following her and was admiring her innocence. Sadly, she lost the pregnancy. It's amazing how jaded we have to become in order to survive.

Ya, it's going to be a hard day. I haven't seen alot of these women since my last loss in November of last year. They are my DH's friends wives. I've been avoiding them for so long, that I feel like I owe it to my hubby to make an effort with them. It's going to be so hard not to make sarcastic comments. I feel like I can't relate to them at all.
One of the women, litterally peed on a stick and called everyone she knew to say she was pregnant. Can you imagine? I've peed on like 400 sticks, had several betas, 4 ultrasounds and I'm still in denial.

:rofl: Gotta love how our PAL minds work!
Yay go Em what time is it hun i will be here waiting for u xx
It's at 11. Actually feeling really calm!! Feels strange saying that :haha:
Thanks Lucy, that's wonderful!! And I love the name Benjamin! What a fantastic Christmas present. Did you have any treatment or was it just put down to bad luck? Many congratulations to you and thanks for popping back, success on here and success stories keep me going!!

Thank you he is the best present ever especially as my dr said I would most likely mc as I had bleeding and cramping every time my hcg numbers doubled it was a shock and then getting positive scans. We went through recurrent miscarrage testing but they didnt find anything and our 3rd baby was sent for testing but everything came back normal. I have to say I do wonder whether its something to do with the placenta as Benjamin had to be delivered early as at my 36 week scan it showed my placenta was failing and they wanted him out.
Round, do you have a smartphone? You could sneak off and be sarcastic with us!

Em, glad you are feeling more calm. Rub some on me now.
Luce, that placenta did what it was supposed to, even if it failed at the end. Benjamin was meant for this world.
No more cramping now it left just like it came all of a sudden. Congrats Lucy thank you for sharing your story.
Ladies, someone save me! I am beyond constipated - sorry foe the TMI. Anyone else? Any ideas how to cure? I have become miserable in last hour. I am drinking tons of water too. WTH?
I don't know . Maybe try some coconut oil, that is what my naturopath would recommend.
Good to hear the cramps are gone 9.

Titi, the only time I've ever experienced constipation was after my ectopic surgery and I was pumped up on pain meds. Apparently they cause constipation. I was so miserable I wanted to die! I'm a very regular girl. I have no solutions. Prune juice?

Em, I'm going to start chanting "em, em, em" instead of "ohm" to calm myself down tomorrow!
9babies - I have been having some horrible cramps. I don't know that I would say severe, but there certainly were not mild and they were more than uncomfortable. I was terrified but after seeing how much everything had grown in there in just 5 days I realised how much everything needs to stretch out. I usually have them for 30 minutes at a time on and off through the day. I am told it is normal, but it is different for everyone and even more scary after a loss, or multiple losses when we associate those pains with a loss coming.

I was concerned about no sickness yesterday but that is back with a new strength today so I am feeling confidently pregnant today!

Wishing you all restful days today.
Titi- the nurse told me to take mirilax to keep constipation away as I don't have it yet but it works when you are constipated too. Not sure what have over there. I hate taking anything though...

My sweet tooth is back, skittles, whoppers and strawberries...(just a little)

Round- hope you have a smartphone so we can all go with you to the get together

9b- my worst cramps were from icky tummy but I get pulling cramps too, I feel something almost constantly.

It's raining in MN! I'm sooooo happy! It's really rare to have rain and not snow this time of year. It isn't that much warmer than freezing though and could turn to ice or snow tonight. I don't want a white christmas.
Its overcast here in Seattle, I WISH it would snow, because I would love a white Christmas. We had one a few years ago and it was magical but usually its just kinda gloomy here on Christmas day! As long as we can have the fire burning I'll take it!

I think we decided that if our scan next week looks good we are going to tell our parents on Christmas day. We would like to hold off telling other people until 12 weeks. Are any of you going to be making announcements on Christmas?
Omg ladies just been crying an adoption programme has just been on tv! These poor children who's parents dont want them an there's people like us struggling! An parents on there waiting for children but the system is to slow! It breaks my heart! 1 poor lil boy had been with his foster carer all his life since s baby an the birth mother is trying to stop them adopting him permanently! Omg! It's just wrong poor child!
Embo u will b fine! Heart is urs Tom?
My cramping is every now an again an it's stretching our babies r growing 1mm a day now!! That's massive considering the size of our bubbas!! X
Hope and Croy, I would love a white Christmas. All we get here is rain in the winter. I haven't seen snow in years. Croy, I'm having a hard time thinking ahead to Christmas. I lost my first baby on Christmas Eve and my second one I was on the operating table a year after my first loss on Christmas eve to have a D&C. They saw a glimmer of hope and decided not to do it that day, but later in January, we had to terminate. For me, Christmas does not equal joy. I think I just need to get through tomorrow's scan. I've already told my parents and sister. If I make it to the second tri miraculously, I will tell friends then. I think it is really sweet you are going to announce on to your parents on Christmas. Now that you mention it, we haven't told my husbands family. Maybe we will on Christmas if all is looking good.

Did you say when your next scan was?

Davies, that is so frustrating! Those babies could have the best homes if the system weren't so messed up.
Just checked front page embo titi heart thinking of u all Tom I no your a going to have fab babies in ur scans will be here waiting for you all good luck ladies xxxxxx

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