PAL March 2012- 5 Beautiful Girls and 5 Adorable Boys!!

Oh wow lou! that would be hard work!!!

Good luck whichever way you want it!!
I most def see a line -but (and I'm not trying to put a downer on a new pg), but it could be left over hcg from pregnancy. It can take a few months for it to be back to nothing?
Fxd for whichever outcome you're hoping for.x
Oh really I didn't realise that can happen, perhaps it left over hcg then. Going to test with a digi in the morning, will let u know how I get on.
Yeah it takes a while, I only know as had to be tested until levels went to zero following mc last feb. think it takes between 3-6 months in general.xx
Oooo look at all these precious rainbows :cloud9:

Lou...hope the op goes ok for Ethan..did you test again??

GS...Jacob looks scrumptious

SS....I was a nanny for 11 it true when they say it is completely different with your own child??

Cornsh...:hi: little J is yummy

Essie...glad Hayley is doing so well

:hugs: to everyone...crazy how this time last year we were all in the first tri and bricking it :flower: now look :D

Lou :shock:

I honestly don't think it would take that long for the HCG to come out of your system but then it might be different because you are BF.
I'd def do a digi and then do a Tesco/Asda/Superdrug one as I got better lines on those than the IC's early on.

NSN - I often have a sneak on your journal :winkwink: sooooooooo excited for are so close to holding your little Rainbow :hugs: and yes as a non-maternal person it is different with your own :winkwink: lurk away...just don't be afraid to shout out now and again :winkwink:

I cannot believe I am almost there :wacko:

NSN, I silently stalk as well:haha:
I am so happy and excited for you! Not much longer now!

Lou, did you test again?? I've got the itch for another already, but will wait a bit. I don't think OH could handle it!! :wacko:
So sorry that Ethan needs surgery, sending lot's of well wishes your way!:hugs:

Good to hear from everyone!
I waited afew days and tested again and theres no line anymore - thank goodness. I would love another baby soon, but i just dont want anything to effect my breastfeeding and ive heard pg'cy can slow your milk. Bit freaky why it showed up in first place though :wacko:

addy & Glow - hope your well lovelies

NSN - Im so excited for you not long now and youll have LO in your arms - start of the sleepless nights lol..:winkwink:

Addy ...:haha: that's ok :winkwink:

Ttclou...phew it sounds like you're a little bit relieved :winkwink:

Well....the smooth journey has ended :dohh: excess water and high BP now being controlled with meds after an overnight stay on the hospital. Bye bye birthing centre and hello consultant led :dohh: but seriously...small price to pay :flower:

Oh A I must have missed the no birthing centre bit on your journal (yours moves so fast miss popular!), sorry about that but from a lady who tried twice and failed id say they're over rated!! Hehe! Glad you're well and rainbow is good.
Lou, I do think it could be left over hcg, it's completely poss! I can imagine that would be really hard!x
Any ones lo's struggling in the heat? I've found a wet muslin is good to cover him but do need air con fixed!
Glad they are taking such good care of you Andrea. You will be holding that baby before you know it!:) Take care of yourself until then.:flower:
I was consultant led Andrea and still managed to have a totally natural birth :winkwink: This heat won't be helping you at the moment either :wacko:

You are sooooooooooooo in the home stretch now! my advice would be try not to get to hung up on a birth plan because ultimately what will be will be and the safety of both you and baby NSN are of utmost importance versus how they actually make their arrival :winkwink::hugs:
Hi ladies,

Lou, wow thought you were pg again, im with addy as I've had the itch to but want my body in better shape before I try again. I did the IUD thing as insurance against a oops moment and Hate it. Side effects are terrible. Some days i wanna yank the thing out myself.

Cornish, Hayley loves to jabber. She hits her speach, emotional and social milestones way ahead but is slower in her physical milestones. I really try to encourage her to physically move but most of the time her idea of a great time is to sit and talk with us. I love it. :)

NSN, don't worry to much about missing out in the birthing center. When your lil babes is here and home with you it will be but a memory. Cant wait to hear that you have your rainbow. It really is the best job in the world.

Lou btw sorry to hear about ethans surgery. Poor tyke. Babies are remarkable at healing, im sure he will be fine. Poor mama though, you will fret no matter what. Good luck
SS, I read somewhere that demanding babies turn into smart kiddos. :)

GS, lil Jacob is a chunk. And sooo beautiful, love his cheeks. How much is he weighing now?

Ive had Hayley eating some fruits and veggies. Also some organic grains, barley, rice, and oatmeal. Baby cereal stuff. She is a pretty good eater but she has been off here lately because of the immunizations. Its been a week and she still seems uncomfortable at times. Is that normal? I thought they were supposed to be "back to normal in a few days" nurses words.
Ah thanks everyone...I am actually ok about no birthing centre...all that matters is Oopsie comes out safely and I get to meet them finally...scary yet exciting!

Anyone want to post pics of their babies?? Pretty please :haha:

Add me on facebook Andrea name is Gillian Ure pic is same as my profile on here :winkwink:
GS...can't find you from my phone :hissy:

Quick update from me...been in hospital since Saturday...I'm having the pessary in the morning to attempt to start me off. Petrified is not the word :wacko:

Thanks SS although after all's been put on hold and I'm back on monitoring :dohh:


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