PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Hopefully after a little r&r you might score better Kimmy :hugs:

Yep - wonderful OH - house isn't perfect by any means but he is keeping on top of everything and you don't get that sinking feeling....

Hopefully nothing sinister with the hv - the fact that he's gained weight at each visit ( and she gave us the option of not weighing ) I don't think it's the BF....

I had a bad night - well slept 11 - 11.45 and then 12.15- 3.30 which was great - but then he went back down by 4.30 and I didn't drop off till after 5am and he was up again at 6 - so little sleep for me..... He's been good all day - a couple of moments where he got over-tired but we caught it before he went too far.....

Good catch on the overtiredness h. This happened to Florence yesterday and she screamed non-stop for 2 hours. Nothing would help - clean nappy, cuddles, bouncer, extra feed (she sicked it back up). Daddy walked through the door, quick cuddle, sparko! Typical! We've been out for a long walk today in the gorgeous weather = different baby! I can't complain though, she sleeps like a trooper at night - goes down at 10.30 wakes once for a quick feed around 3am and down again until at least 7am. Only problem with this is that my boobs haven't caught up with the decreased nightime demand and I wake up soaked! xxx
Evening girls, seems everyone in the same boat at the moment, lets hope when they begin to grow over next few weeks it all settles down.

My Ollie had a great 2 days and has settled down slightly but has got the tummy gripe back is sleeping well but takes ages to settle last night was so hard but Noel has been brilliant despite working shifts.

He gets up on the 6/7am shift whichever he wakes up and takes Ollie downstairs and gets to spend a couple of hours with him before we all get up, he loves it and I get some sleep.
Thanks ladies, you all make me feel so much better and not feel so alone :hugs:

Liam and I had an okay night, but he would latch on to my boobs and suck for a few and then start to cry.. I think my milk was overwhelming him as they are a bit full. So we went back to the nipple shields for 2 feeds and back to the boobs this morning. And we are making some progress with him sleeping in his bassinett.

I have to do errends and it really sucks. I can't wait for september to come so I can have help. I can't even go get my mail or do laundry (have to go to a facility) without help or a carefully planned outing. :(. I'm starting to remember to eat now, it's getting better. But now that I have said that I've jinxed it! :haha:

I wake up soaked to Triple, odd feeling isnt it?

:hugs: kimmy xx
Well, time to clean the bathroom before little man wakes up. Maybe I'll make a mad dash to the mailbox.

Hugs to all! xx
Ollie is 11 lb 1 1/2 oz!!!! :thumbup: and no more home visits :)

Bloody hell Dillon weighed that at his 9 week jabs! Well done Ollie and mummy!
go Ollie!!

im having real bother with maddox and sleep - hoping its just a growth spurt
Great news on the weight gain hb! And hope Maddox settles soon Jo and that it is just a growth spurt :hugs:
I'm feeling a little better, went out for a meal with DH last night followed by some "us" time, feel like we really re-bonded and it was lovely :cloud9: Archie is poorly for the first time :( he's got the snuffles and a cough, spent most of today sleeping and is off his milk :( poor little guy.
poor archie :(

ive started introducing baby rice - hope it helps i cant survive much longer!!

Nic - how you coped ive no idea!! a week of bad sleep and i am almost in tears every time he wakes up!
It ain't easy. See how I get so envious of all these amazing sleeping babies? One waking per night is my idea of heaven...
Hopefully it'll settle soon Nic and you'll be rewarded later. Whaddya fancy? Teeth coming through without a whimper? Potty trained within a week?!

Florence has become a smile machine and it's just so cute :cloud9:.

I think we're going to have to start putting her to bed earlier. Last night she just screamed from 8pm to 10pm and it can only have been tiredness. Does 8 weeks sound about right to you ladies?

Hope the baby rice helps Jo, are you mixing it in with some of your milk?

Great weight for Ollie h! I love chunky babies (could be biased there!).

Glad you and DH got some quality time together Kimmy. :hugs: for Archie.

My DH is going out to "wet the baby's head" today (rugby, beer, night out, messy). My sister is coming over to help me, not ready for a night alone yet!

yeah i exress some off and mix it up :)

we're doing 3/4 wake ups atm
Thing is Lou, hes a total angel during the day, so I know I'm very lucky... Sadly I seem to forget that at midnight, 2am and 4am LOL! Hubby ordered me out to the spare room at 4:30 and brought D into bed with him.

On the plus side he tookhis dummy to drop off for his nap this morning for the first time in about 2 months. I'm hoping he'll also use it in the night now and not need a bottle...
Fingers crossed the night dummy is back. My DH actually said last night wouldn't it be great if we could sellotape the dummy to Florence's mouth to stop it being spat out! I wouldn't be surprised if that's been done by some parents! X
Hope Maddox sorts his sleep out soon :hugs: and that the babyrice does the trick

:hugs: Archie - get well soon, glad you got some time with OH Kimmy :)

Have a nice night with your sis Lou - glad you're not alone - I'm not ready for that either!!

AFM - Ollie would not settle at all yesterday - on us or otherwise - I desperately tried to get him to nap all day and he got gradually more and more overtired - ended in a meltdown in the evening - OH eventually got him to sleep and held him while I got a nap - he slept on OH 9-12 and then I held him till 1am and we got him in his moses basket till 2am - so a good sleep for Ollie in the end it was just a nightmare getting there!! he the slept 2.30 - 4.45 and 5.30 - 7.30 - he's been touch and go today but better this evening thank goodness ( touch wood ). I wish Ollie would take a dummy - we've tried 3 different shapes and he just wants boobs!!! I think he's be easier to manage if he did.

Also - when he wakes up he goes extra wriggley and rubs his face ( sometimes quites "aggressively" ) with his hands - issue is that he won't fall asleep by himself and if he is slightly awake when we put him down he goes through this also and wakes himself back up - is this normal and is there a way to deal with it? I really want to be able to get him to fall asleep in his moses basket as at the mo I am having to hold him till he is fast asleep and if he stirs while I am laying in down it can be back to square 1!!

Sorry H..... Dillon still does that - hence the self-settling problem (by which I mean LACK of self-settling). We've got to the stage where we can *usually* put him down if his eyelids are drooping and he'll continue to go off. Sometimes it doesn't work though, he'll flinch and start squirming and rubbing his face.
At least it is normal - I am thinking of re-visiting the failed swaddling in an effort to stop this...

PS just noticed your siggy re Megg :cry: :( I really thought that this was her sticky bfp - so very sad :(

Heartbreaking, innit? The day that Meg, Fliss and Pip are all holding their forever babies I am getting shitfaced in celebration.
Hope the baby rice does trick for maddox jo and he starts to sleep better

hope archie gets well soon kimmy

hope you have a nice night with your sis Lou

Im really lucky chloe self settles really well both day and night, today she amanged to fall asleep in her door bouncer bless her. she is still trying loads of new flavors and loving all of them. she was 15lbs 5oz the other day
Woot Hb!! Thats a fab weight!! And Chloe too! LOVING the good weights!

Liam was 10 pounds as of yesterday! :cloud9: Yay boobie juice!

Aw :hugs: Archie! Get well soon! xx

I'm really upset about Megg.. that sucks sooo bad. I can't even imagine.

Hugs nic and jo and everyone with sleepless nights! I hope the rice works for Maddox and the dummy works for D!

I have a baby with a very odd sleep sch. He will sleep all day one day and then up all day the next. Hrm.. but last night was great! He woke up every 2.5 hours for a nappy change and a feed :cloud9:

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