PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Glad we're all there with the hand chewing! Guess they are just exploring what they've got.

I hear you on the growth spurts wish - Florence's seem to be every couple of days. Saturday she fed every 2 hours (and that was stringing it out), yesterday she was happy with 4 hour breaks, today we've settled with 3. I usually feed just one side but in the evenings I do both when I've got less milk.

I started to express more today than just the last feed of the day (as I have been doing every morning) so I can stockpile some EBM. For anyone who expresses, do you leave EBM for more than 24 hours in the fridge? I've had conflicting advice - from 24 hours to 5 days. Just was to keep it 48 hours so don't want to freeze. Also, how long do you keep frozen EBM? Want some in reserve so I can go out once in a while!

Also, I've decided, today's the day the post-baby bulge battle commences - I HAVE EATEN MY LAST BISCUIT!

Ollie sucks his hands but not in the same way that my friends 5 mth old does - he goes for his fingers a lot.

He has rolled on to his side a few times and started smiling - but not that they are really meaningful just when I am chatting to him.

Lou - good luck with the diet - tho there is no such thing as a last biscuit :)

Ollie still being fussy in the mornings but I think it's wind - had friends over today with their babies and one is a HV - she showed me some good massage moves and suggested moving his bath to mornings....
I follow the advice medela give for ebm 3-5days in fridge 3-6m in freezer - dependung on type . .

Maddox wants to roll but cant.?hell get onto his right side but gts stuck.
Hi girls need a hug!

Both kids are ill,laura got a high temp and ollie got a viral infection,was up all night with both. Managed to get ollie off for a bit but he was grizzling and noel got up picked him up rocked him and set him back off again an hours work down the drain!!!

We finally have a reflux diagnosis so started gaviscon today and awaiting referral to paeds.

So got my six week check tomorrow think the witch is here (silent hooray!) also got a mouthful of ulcers so slightly sorry for myself x
Big :hug: fluffs, you've got your hands full there. Glad you got the reflux diagnosis and hope the gaviscon helps.

Have to say my 6-week check was pathetic - she didn't even look at my c-section scar!

big :hugs: fluffy hope you feel better soon

Chloe is getting so big she is 20 weeks old tomorrow :shock:

She keeps trying to roll for back to front, (been doing front to back for ages) but her 2nd arm keeps getting in the way so she hasnt quite worked it out yet and gets angry.

She is decided she will now refuse to sleep for more then 10-15mins at a time in the day unless im out and about so i dont get much at all done in the day, im so glad she goes down between 7.45 and 8pm at night as it gives me 2hours to get a few bits done and have some time to myself.

She has one how draw/compartment in our freezer full or purees its amazin how many flavors she has tried already, she has broccli, carrot and potato all mixed together today, and she loved it i wasnt sure what she would think as broccli at that age is very strong flovor but she finished the lot. her 2 teeth are really getting bit now i dont think it will be long til they are at full size

Hope everyone else and their babies are well x
Here's a question - are babies needing a lot of sunlight at this age? I have only been out 2 or 3 times a week since he was over 2 weeks old ( my spd is still hurting me :( so it's hard to walk too far ) and when I do take him out he is all wrapped up so not much sun hits him really - could I be giving him a vitamin d deficiency????

On the plue side - I am starting him on a dummy and have found one he likes- it's really looking promising!! On the downside - he was sick over me and everything in the vicinity today - arrrrgghh!!
Unless he's jaundice I don't think daily sunlight is necessary h. The 2-3 times a week will do him good though and I've read that fresh air during the day can help baby sleep at night. Don't pressure yourself though, sorry to hear you're still in pain from the SPD. Fingers crossed for the dummy!

Florence has also been a sicky baby today, pretty much after each feed - which annoyingly was at baby yoga and the weighing clinic! I have an aroma of babysick today. Doesn't seem to be a problem though - she now weighs 12lbs 8oz, my little chunky monkey!

OMG! Florence hadn't had a dirty nappy in 3/4 days - which according to the HV at the clinic today is normal. Well, what I've just spent the last 20 mins clearing up was far from normal! I have never seen so much poop! In the end we just had to take her nappy off, cover the changing mat in tissue and watch it pour out like a hosepipe (sorry!), poor thing. She had been majorly grizzly all afternoon and my head was pounding by the time DH got home. No wonder! She's like a different baby now. Anyone else had this? Wish she would go daily - divide what I've just cleared up by 4 and you have a normal dirty nappy! xxx
awww bless her - about 8w ish maddox started going every 3/4 days nd the first few were pretty bad - they did settle down tho,

H i try to get chloe out as much as possibble but thats more for the fresh air rather than the sunlight as she is always wrapped up, if your worried do you have a garden where you could just hold him for 5mins each day? hope the dummy helps, and sorry about him being sick, Chloe isnt really a sicky baby.

Glad florance is doing well triple, i have has a similar nappy problem chloe didnt go for 2 or 3 days which we were told was normal well when she did it wasnt as bad as you descirded but leaked out of her nappy ect, was like it for a few weeks, much more frequent poo's now she on solids. Have you tired her on a bit of boiled water to see if that helps her?
Thanks Jo, good to know its not going to last!

Philippa - how do you do the boiled water thing (dummy mummy moment!)?

Just updated to my 2 month BF blinkie. Can't believe we've come this far given our issues in the first week *pats herself on the back*.

Thanks Jo, good to know its not going to last!

Philippa - how do you do the boiled water thing (dummy mummy moment!)?

Just updated to my 2 month BF blinkie. Can't believe we've come this far given our issues in the first week *pats herself on the back*.


Yay for 2months breast feeding, well if LO will take a bottle, just boil up the kettle and put a little bit of boiled water in it and wait until it cools enough for her to drink, sometimes helps with them going to toilet
:hi: girls, how are we all?
Archie has this damn cold coming and going! I thought he was better yesterday but today he's snotty again, coughing occasionally and really sleepy. He's still all smiles when he's awake though bless him! We went to a weaning party at the surestart centre so we're all prepared for when he's ready :) Got a free weaning pack too! Great stuff! In other news...I bought a jumperoo today! Tesco, £71. Although I got mine for £64 coz my sister works there and gave me her discount :thumbup:

He's really droolly today too and sucking his fist like mad, could his gums be bothering him do you think? I've invested in some dentinox teething gel so we're prepared anyway.
Yeah I've stocked up on calpol teething gel and TT teething soothers! Hope Archie feels better soon x
aw, hope Archie feels better soon xx

yay for 2 month blinkie!
Just finding it hard to tell whether his gums are hurting him or not :shrug: Any advice mummies? Should I just slap some gel on and see how we go?

EDIT: Archie had to have his first ever dose of calpol lastnight, got to say that stuff is magic!
Not sure about the teething gel hun - Philippa might know as Chloe got teeth early.

Did anyone dose up their LO's on Calpol for jabs? Florence has first round on Friday. Tissues at the ready (for me!).

Have a Q for you Yummy Mummies. Am I a bad mother if I leave Florence in her car seat sleeping for an hour when we get in because it means I can get some jobs done? Feel bad but was good to see my ironing mountain turn into a large hill!


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