PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

11:59-00:08, right
00:08-02:45, sleep
02:45-03:01, left,
03:01-04:10, sleep
04:10-04:12, crying cos i denied boob/pick up
04:12-04:21, left, i caved
04:21-04:34, sleep
04:36-07:05, co-sleep with boob as dummy ..............

i NEED to get tough and enforce a bit of self settle....
Sorry to say it mate.... But you're right. I used to think D wouldn't take a dummy but I just hadn't found the right one. The ones he used when he was BF are obviously the wrong shape now he's used to a bottle teat IYGWIM... so now we have a rounder teat on the dummy, if he needs it he'll take it. But he doesn't take it if he's not ready for sleep :)
i've tried the following

orthodontic style

cherry style

the flat fisher price ranforesrt style ...

any others i could try?
Tommee tippee closer to nature? They're what D took when he was BF. V nipple-shaped x
tried them :cry: he just spits them out

im hoping a trip to uk, change in time zones then clocks going fwds will dispupt all current bad habits and we can start a fresh when we get home
Ive tried all the dummies as well with Ollie, but have just got a tommee tippee smaller cherry one and he loves it. I know it is each child to their own.

We have now changed milks to SMA Lactose Free and Enfamil AR for his reflux and fingers crossed seems a help. He was up last night at 12.30, 3.30, 5.30 and another bottle at 7.30 and drank 16 oz so his evening appetite is massive his daytime is alittle less. I am going to try and make the bottles from 4oz to 5oz tonight and see what happens.

You would think I would have this mothering lark to a tee having an 17 and a 10 year old but sooooooo much has changed.

And now I have to think about setting the time for going back to work noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Maddox appears to be skipping the Sleep of E.A.S.Y so it means im skiping the You time!
hey everyone, sorry been awol, been having a mare :(

Ollie has always had issues settling by himself (he won't - needs holding, stroking, patting to sleep - we're going to do pupd in April when oh has a week off to get it in action ). He also has trouble linking sleep cycles and it's getting worse :cry: when he wakes up/goes to sleep he starts writhing around, flailing his arms, rubbing his face - it's almost like break dancing. Hence his needing to be held as we can soothe him through that. If he starts to wake up he won't drop back off as he gradually wakes up with all the movement ( he can do this for 15mins asleep before he wakes up ) and he invariably is woken. So this causes an issue at night.

His first couple of weeks were hard but then we had 2 weeks of 3 hr, 2hr, 2hr wake ups, the last 2 weeks he continued to have his initial longer sleep ( 3 hours - a couple of times 5 hours! ) but after that 45 mins a time so waking each sleep cycle - so I pretty much don't get sleep then :(.

He now has a stuffy nose so last night he was stirring every sleep cycle, often less if his nose bothered him :cry: so OH took him at 5am so I could at least have a couple of hours.

I rang the hv today - she's coming round tomorrow - from my description she thinks it's wind - but we have been using gripe water and now infacol and have been burping him after his feeds ( often to no avail ) - I just hope it's fixable as I can only live on 2-3 hours of sleep a night for so long. I hate that it robs you of your get up and go the next day - I am keeping up with activities for Ollie but all I do and can do is keep Ollie entertained, feed him and hold him so he gets sleep/naps - o - and walk him around if he's distressed. I try and get out for walks but don't manage every day and struggle to get myself lunch let alone get out to any mummy groups which I think I need to do for me as much as for Ollie - just feeling so tired I guess I am a little overwhelmed.

On the plus side - Ollie has been smiling for the last week - def not wind - in response to me chatting to him and it's a beautiful little smile :cloud9:

sorry for the rant everyone - I know I'm not alone on the sleep front...

H, sweetie. Remember I said D was the same with the writhing? In our case it defo was wind as he'd eventually squeeze out a sequence of huge farts which ensured he was definitely awake :( He's always been a total nightmare to wind too. It gets better, I promise :hugs:
Chloe wont take a dummy but i have found that if i put her to bed witha little soft toy she can suck/ chew she sleeps much better its liek she uses this for comfort rather than a dummy. She was in her own room last night in moses basket and basically slept like she normally does. And it doesnt hurt them to self settle i leave chloe for up to 15 mins once she had a feed if she doesnt go straight to sleep.
Thanks ladies :hugs:

Nic - how do you wind D?

Thanks ladies :hugs:

Nic - how do you wind D?


I try everything until either it works or 10 mins has passed (5 at night). back rubbing, then lifting him up under his arms a few times to stretch him, then over the shoulder with back rub. If all that fails a couple of renditions of row row your boat usually does it but with almost-guaranteed puke.
ok soo - ive ordered various dummies in sizes n shapes n brands to my parents

but .... ideally i need on thts shaped like my middle finger!!! for 20 minutes tonite i held a dummy in for him, sang, shushed, patted nd stroked - refused to lift him out and put him on boob, and all he did ws squirm n twist n complain, put middle finger in his mouth, hooking the tip into the roof of his mouth - he calms immediately and is sound asleep in 3 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get a specialy mad dummy jo get some one to take a cast of your finger and make one
bless ya hun hope its gets better soon x i heard of a 9month old who got like this but worse she is up every 2 hours at night even if she doesnt want feeding as being on breast is only way she will fall asleep
Ollie weighs 11lb 8oz - so gone from 91st percentile to 75th, but he is 61cm long and head circ is 39.5cm so both in 91st percentile.

hv thinks we're just going to have to ride this sleep spell out - 3 sleepless nights :(
Yay for the 75th (Florence is sticking to it like glue). Did you have to ask for head and length to be measured? We haven't been offered that since birth and I'm curious!

Sorry to hear about sleepless nights, hope HV is right. This might sound daft but have you tried a musical mobile to help with the self-settling? Florence loves hers, as soon as we put it up she was entranced and no longer needed rocking or our bed to sleep.

ahhh im worried now lol even more than before lol cam started off on the 25th percentile and has now dropped below the 2nd. do u think i should be worried? i think thats far to light!! i bring it up everytime i see the hv but they just say o we will see next week. if u were me what would you do? xxxx

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