PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

sorry bout the sleep prpblems h. we have probs getting chloe to have long naps in day but dont mind as she good at night.

some people wait until they had the 1st 3 sets of jabs before they taking baby swimming we took chloe after she had had the 1st set, would have gone earlier but we didnt have a costume for her. I agree dont keep him in for more than 30mins at 1st, he may be unsure at 1st anyway as they get used to going swimming you can stay in longer. sometimes chloe wll stay in 45mins- 1hour now
You don't have to wait, we had someone from Waterbabies come to our mother and baby group and she said they can swim at any time, only that the water should be around 30 degrees and if baby is under 12 weeks warmer if possible and they should only be in for around 10 minutes.

I took Eleanor in the water at Centre Parcs for about 15 minutes at 9 weeks before her first jabs (I don't think you are likely to catch anything they protect against whilst swimming which is why it doesn't matter).

As for us she slept from 8pm to 6am last night :cloud9: with the remainder of her bedtime bottle as a dreamfeed at around 9. Been awke for 2 hours now so expecting a battle to get her to nap in the next half hour x
:hi: girls, how are we all? Brilliant on the sleeping SEA!
I'll not lie, I've come in here for a moan! Sorry in advance!
MIL has LO every wednesday morning (she asked so I said yes - even though I'd prefer him to be with me, I didn't want to deprive her of her grandchild) When she picks him up I make it clear that he'll need a nap in X amount of time and his bottle at such and such a time. Well, this is the second week running where I've gone to pick him up and she's said "Oh, he'll probably be tired - he's not had a nap" WTF?! This is like an hour and half after he was due for a nap. So then he was too tired to finish his bottle, napped right through baby group and woke up STARVING and too tired to finish that bottle!! We've just got home and he's napping on me (too upset to let me put him down)
I am completely fed up of this, what can I do? How else can I spell it out?!
As you can see I'm pretty f*cked off :grr:
I would just tell her straigth that if she continues not following his routine then she will only be allowed to see him when she is with you sea so you can be sure he routine is not changed its not fair on him or you, if she wants to be able to see him at her leaisure then she should keep to your rules when she has him. Its not like your being unreasonable your letting her have him, all you ask is that his nap and bottle is at right time. :hugs:
On another note chloe woke up at 1pm and still awake at 4pm refusing to sleep
Ah MIL's! Even my lovely, mild-mannered, supportive one has managed to wind me up since Florence arrived (no she's not bloody hungry, you just watched me feed her, she's a baby, she crys sometimes - arrrrgh!). It's a tricky one K but I think you have to make it clear the consequences of her not putting Archie down for his nap. Next week tell her what you had to deal with when she didn't follow your instructions and insist she does it properly this time. If she does it again call her the morning of the following week and cancel saying that Archie is grumpy and needs to nap. She might decide seeing him is worth doing as she's told.

I sympathize Philippa, Florence is great at night but is refusing naps during the day and gets proper grumpy. Had to take her for a drive today to get her to sleep.

Agree with the girls Kim, put yer foot down love!

Dillon had a good sleep last night (first wake 2am) following the previous night's debacle so I am a happy mummy again.

He got dunked twice at swimming today - it was the nuts! He was so good!

Oh and FYI... Baby GAP half price sale is on. Get in there, girls! xx
yes thats exactly what chloe is like, she slept for 10 mins and then woke up and thats after being awake that long dunno where she gets her energy
It's the Witching Hour at our place, the child won't stop crying, the child won't sleep. I cannot feed her for the next 3 hours, although that's what she would like! xxx
Dilly-pops cluster feeds in the evening Lou. I think that's where I went wrong with my supply in the early days, thinking he couldn't possibly be hungry AGAIN! :(
Exactly the words I use every night! She did gave some long gaps between feeds today so maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt - she drains me dry every night AND we give her an EBM/formula dreamfeed at 10.30pm, little chunky. xxx
if you keep feedign and feeding triple your supply should hopefully slowly increase so she doesnt drain you dry, chloe used to feed every 30misn in evening.
CAnt beleeive how little chloe has slept today
Thanks for the advice girls, I told MIL (in a nice way - she really is good as far as MILs go, juts this nap thing tipped me over the edge!) She was fine about it and says she will try and get him to nap next time. Will see how next time goes and take it from there.
Lou, hope your little chunky gives you a rest from the feeding soon! I'll leave the other mummies to advise as I can't help with BF :hugs:
Glad the swimming went well Nic :thumbup:
Archie's in his cot now, not sure what kind of night we're in for seeing as he's cat napped all afternoon :dohh: (I'm also hoping to seduce the hubby seeing as my ann summers order arrived today :winkwink:)

forgot to add, had the chunkster weighed today...17lb 2oz :shock:
thats a really good weight kimmy :D and hope you and DH get some nice time together
FAB weight Kimmy! :) And I'm glad your MIL is willing to work with you on the nap time :thumbup:
Start of a busy weekend today. we are going shopping for all the food for chloe's christening, and then we have two of chloe's godparents comign over for dinner. Tomorrow we are making all the food for the christening tomorrow other than stuff that needs to be done fresh on the day. then going out for a meal with some of the family who are coming down for the christening.
The sunday we have chloe's actual christening and reception
Good luck Philippa, sounds busy but I'm sure Sunday will be lovely.

I have sat down with a cuppa to watch the telly with a napping baby for the first time in oh about 11 weeks! Bliss!


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