PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Don't forget that 2nd centile is still normal K - just at the bottom end of normal. The food will help him chunk up anyway. Honestly, if he drops off the chart they'll be straight on it xx
i never knew that thanks :) everytime we go his line is dropping more and more :shrug: yeah he def seems 'sturdier' now he is on food lol my mum says to be careful lol my lil bro was really skinny so my mum used to give him an extra supper and try and fatten him up lol now ,19years later, he is bloody huge :rofl: xxxx
Exactly what Nic said, 100 "normal" babies lined up in weight order, Cam would be at one end, Dillon nearer the middle and Ollie and Florence near the other end - but all normal! I've also heard it bares little relevance to adult size, which is why they don't routinely measure length anymore. xxx
thanks girls :) :) def made me feel a lot better :) i had ANOTHER bad mummy moment today :( i was cutting camerons nails and cut quite a big bit of skin :( poor lil guy was crying coz there was blood EVERYWHERE :( i cried more though lol

how is everyone? cam is sleeping in his cot now :) yaay lol my big lil boy lol

Well D had a grumpy tearful day yesterday and has been up since 4 chomping on daddy's finger. I'm in for it today I think. Have just got him back to sleep on my bed.
And I've come down with a sickness bug overnight, yuck. DH is working from home to look after Florence so apart from feeding her I'm spending the day in bed. xxx
Exactly what Nic said, 100 "normal" babies lined up in weight order, Cam would be at one end, Dillon nearer the middle and Ollie and Florence near the other end - but all normal! I've also heard it bares little relevance to adult size, which is why they don't routinely measure length anymore. xxx

That makes me feel better Lou, Archie has always followed 91st :shock: and I was worried it would mean he'd end up being an obese child/adult!
Hope the sick bug goes away, they are yuck :hugs:
AFM...Nappy free Archie at baby masssage= Wet legged mummy!
:hi: to everyone else
Naughty Archie but funny when they do that!

I've had a pants day, finally stopped being sick but still dealing with the other end :blush:. Thank god Florence has been a little darling for her Daddy today and has just needed Mummy for 3-hourly feeds (none of her usual random nonsense). Just trying to force some dry toast down my neck now as my stomach thinks my throats been cut.

I like that centile analogy - obstetrician told me it when I found out I had GD and Florence's tummy was on 97th centile.

Glad she's been a little angel today - well done Flossie!

D was throwing a massive screaming fit this morning, as soon as my workmates walked inm he just stopped and stared!! Went to Nandos for lunch and he was AMAZING, just sat at the table in his buggy, looking around and playing (and chewing on) his linky rings. :cloud: Have picked up some Nelsons granules on the way home too. Hope they work...
I hope you feel better triple! I HATE being sick. :hugs: Glad Florence was good for her Daddy so you could rest!

yea, Liam is on the bigger end of the centile. He's about 11ish pounds now. My friend that had her baby a week before me, her baby is 8 pounds now. Made me worry a bit, but thanks for sharing! I feel better about it now.

Still working with Liam on the sleeping at night thing, but it's been great having his Daddy home to help me. I'll be missing that when he goes back overseas soon :cry:

Fast question: is it normal for baby to wake up screaming bloody murder from a nap? scared the poop out of me! Then he did it again later when DH touched his leg while he was fussy-napping.

Hope you all are having a better day today! xx
Quite often Florence screams her head off for a reason we can't work out. Give the leg a jiggle when he's calm wish to check it's not that. It's probably just one of those baby things set to scare the cr*p out of us!

Feeling so much better today. Florence just did an extra long sleep (5am instead of 3am), like she knew Mummy needed the rest, love her. The last time I was sick was in labour, brought it all back!

When does hubby come back again wish?

D often wakes from a nap crying. For him that means hes still tired :)
Eleanor cries for no reason sometimes even when shes asleep. She keeps scratching herself on the face too must try and cut her nails again.

Daddy was out last night so I was on my own, she went to sleep at 7.15 without finishing her bottle so I gave her the rest at just gone 8 (when I went to bed), and she didn't feed again till 4 :happydance:. I however was awake at 10, 1 and 3 till 5 and she woke half an hour ago starving.

Hope you feel better today Triple x
Dillon skipped a nap again and fell asleep 2 hours early - so at 5am he was playing in his cot. Half an hour of studiously ignoring him and he fell back to sleep!!
Chloe is doing really well in our room she was waking once a night in her own room she isnt making at all. shes getting very big ive kept her on two solid feeds a day also but ive had to increase the amounts at each feed.

Chloe is getting christened this sunday really cant wait. she also turned 5months this sat just been
Great news!! Glad Chloe's doing so well! Archie's getting big now too, 16 weeks today, can't believe it :shock:
How is everyone? Been quiet on here lately, I guess we've all got our hands full!
I stumbled into the CBFM thread yesterday and went back a year...Scary, exciting times :cloud9:
Aww yes im guessing we all do have our hands full now our babies are all alot more aleart and wantin gto play ect, i know when chloe is awake i try and play with her ect as much as i can to try and stimulate her.
Yes i said that back in feb when it was a year since i had my BFP very scary its been that long.
Hi All

Well - been really tough with this sleep issue - I think it is the startle reflex that's the issue, have been working on swaddling but can only do it once Ollie is asleep as he hates it... but I got him to sleep 2 hours one afternoon swaddled in his rocking chair. In his crib was a mission as he had too much wriggle room so experimented and having cellular blankets rolled up either side seems to help. Then our halo swaddle sleep bag arrived yesterday - OH has been taking the 8pm - 12am stint ( so I can at least get some sleep ) and has been just holding Ollie as he slept but yesterday I set up the moses basket and told oh to give it a go with the swaddle bag - Ollie slept in it 9-12 ( after a false start and whinge between 8pm and 9pm )

I then fed Ollie at 12am and changed him then held him to sleep 12.30 - 1am - he stayed in his crib till 3.30am - had another feed and that's where the magic ended - he wouldn't stay down after that and was really asking for feeds at 5am, 6am and 7am ( cluster feeding?? being 6 weeks?? ) and they weren't small feeds - he was really going for it. We had a last feed at 8am and I swaddled him in his chair for a nap - he's still asleep now!! I even had the chance to sort out my car insurance - managed to get it down a bit!! Now I have a massive left boob - oh the irony!!

Might pop to the loo before the little tinker decides to wake up!!

Hope everyone and their LOs are all well!


ps - when can you go swimming and how long can LO stay in the pool for??
I don't think there's a minimum age, there's disagreement over whether you have to wait for jabs... don't have him in the water longer than 30 mins or he's likely to get cold. Sorry to hear sleep is still a nightmare xxx
Cheers Nic - might look for a class - will have to get him kitted out!!!


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