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PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Morning girls! We're ok, away from home at the mo, D is loving all the attention. He's eating fantastically, I'm so proud of him. This is him in the Thai restaurant eating satay chicken, followed by stir-fried broccoli!

Kim, I hope your results are clear :hugs:
How are you feeling today Kim? Also hoping your results are clear :hugs: x
Im feeling much better today! I have been cramping and bleeding the last few days, but today is much better. I might even attempt a pool visit with Liam today :).

I should know something next week! I will call them on tuesday and ask :blush: lol

I LOVE that pic Nic! His facial expression is awesome.

How are you doing on the sleep front Kimmy?

Thanks! He was distracted by people walking past the window :haha:
Love the pic tulip.

Glad your feeling better Kimmy, and hope the results come back ok :thumbup:

Chloe is crawling everwhere so fast now, and shes trying to walk, while shes walking she pushing herself up on to her actual feet and hands and trying to push herself up into a standing position. She can also stand for 5-10 seconds unaided :D
Great news P, that's one clever girl you've got there!
Kim, the sleeping was back to normal last night 7.15-5.15, 5.30-6.45 :happydance: I hope this marks the end of crappy sleeping but I'm not holding my breath!
Archie is showing no signs of crawling, he can do a 360 on his belly but that's it! He's really good at weight bearing on his legs though and wants to stand up all the time (despite his centre of gravity being shocking :dohh:) x
Yes chloe want to be on her feet 24/7 when he got her on our laps shes always pulling on us so we stand her up :haha:
maddox is thankfully rather happy on his hands n knees on the floor!
Hi ladies! :wave:
How are you all doing?

That's great about the sleep Kimmy! :thumbup:

aw, go Chloe and Maddox!

Afm, no word on the biopsy yet :( and STILL bleeding. And my family is giving me a hard time about BLW. They don't think it's right and are trying to push TW at me and I don't like being pushed. I get, "he is going to choke!!! He isn't getting what he needs! He can't handle that!" Ugh.. :cry:
Ignore them wish, you're the Mummy. My Health Visitor says "food before one is just for fun" so the not getting enough is rubbish.

Florence slept 11 hours last night - and we woke her up when we checked on her, she may have gone longer. It's the first night we've left her to sleep on her front when she's rolled over - winner!

I can't believe how fast the time is going, this time last year we barely had bumps!

Kim, stick to your guns hon. Your comeback on FB was absolutely perfect and Liam is clearly cut out for BLW. He should be getting almost all his nutrients from milk for months yet. My HV says the same as Kimmy's and is a huge advocate of BLW xxx
Yes stick to your guns kimmy you know whats best for him hunni.

And I knwo i cant beleive chloe is almost 9months old. She's almost 3/4's throught her 1st year of life.
Thank you guys :hugs:

I must say, I am really loving BLW! I changed a nappy today that had little carat bits in them! Awesome!! This morning we ate eggs and toast! Liam LOVES toast. He got a good chunk and gagged and coughed just he is supposed to and took care of it himself! OMG I am just so proud of him :cloud9:
Thats really good kimmy that he did it all himself. One of chloe's favs is egg on toast. I really didnt like the idea of BLW at 1st now i love it and we mainly use it only have purees when blw isnt an option
Kim, just do what suits you. I let myself be pushed around by family members early on and I now regret it. We do TW which suits us fine, but that is MY choice, you make the right decision for you and stick to it.
How is everyone?
Archie's got his 6-9 month assessment tomorrow, HV coming to the house. any ideas what they do??
Then we're off shopping for outfits for the naming ceremony :D
No idea, I don't think they even do the 1 year check in my area :dohh: Probably checking he's not just monging in front of the telly all day ;)
:haha: I expect they'll check he's doing the bare minimum - sitting or at least trying to, making sure you've started weaning etc etc x
Ooo A naming ceramony! How nice! I want to do one for Liam when DH gets home. What are you thinking of putting Archie in? And I know what you mean Kimmy. I wish my family would understand that I don't mean to say TW is evil, it's just not what I want to do. I have no issues with what anyone else wants to do, I just wish they would respect my choices as a parent. I'm glad I am finally standing up for myself now. Let's hope they all learn to back off! :thumbup: :nija:

I have my version of a health visitor comming over today! Let's see what she has to say.. lol :wink:
Morning Ladies

Maddox in creche this morning and i have soo many jobs to catch up on.... but a cuppa n breakfast is first on the orders

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