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PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

G'mornin Jo! Hope you get everything you want to done! x
i'll do most but probably not all. its already 26c - forcast to rise to 32c so I'll do as much as I can before it gets too hot
Ugh, I hate the heat. You really do have to be done by 10am here before it gets into the 100s already! Crappers. and the bugs.. I hate the bugs.
Aww we dont have cheaks until 1-1/2 years around here, lol. Chloe is now walking unaided with out us, but obviously using her walker so proud :cloud9:

A naming ceromony sounds lovely we had a full blown christaning for chloe.

Does anyone see if as a problem asking family from 1hour away to come to chloe's 1st birthday party. We are doin her 1st birthday party more for our family and friends rather than loads babies (as chloe doesnt know loads yet) and i said i wanted to invite my nanny and aunite ect from york only about 1hour away from me and my mum said you wouldnt do that for a 1st birthday.
invite anybody n everybody hunni, if they dont want to travel then thats theyre issue.

wow chloe on walking with her walker without mummy n daddy
I'd invite whoever you want to, it's then their decision whether to travel or not!
Got Archie's naming ceremony outfit today, it's a Sarah Louise ivory linen romper (traditional style) with little satin boots to match, cute! We're not christening Archie as me and DH aren't religious and want to leave that decision upto Archie when he is old enough to make it. This naming ceremony is just a celebration of his life :)
6-9 month check went well, HV was very pleased with Archie's development and the way I'm coping as a mummy (think GP had been in touch after I started the medication)
Very proud and happy mummy here :D
Oooo also forgot to mention...Got myself a beautiful dress and shoes for the naming ceremony too :D
photies , photies , photies!!!

Glad your HV is pleased with you and lil man Kimmy x
Can't find a link to the shoes but they're dark blue high heel platform slingbacks :D (lovely IRL but not in the description!) Here's a link to the dress...Looks much better on!
Well done Kimmy and Archie! xxx
Very pretty dress Kimmy! I like the bows and the pattern. And well done Archie! :D

I say invite whoever from wherever you'd like P. I am inviting friends from 3 hours away. The 1st birthday is a big deal in my family. But we are weird people. lol

Liam just amazes me with his motor skills! I'm putting a video up on fb of him picking up his food at supper! The results are in at the clinic from last week, but the ONE person that could read them to me over the phone wasn't there!! UGH! So I will call again tomorrow. The wait is killing me.
Hi mummies! How are we all?
Kim did you get your results?
Lou how is Florence doing with the sicky episodes?
I thought I'd made an epic mummy fail last night...Put Archie down for a nap at 4.30 as he was shattered. He woke up right on que at 5pm but was still shattered so I put him back down...He woke up at 5am :shock: (please note, he slept all night in his day clothes, no bath or last feed - naughty mummy! :haha: ) x
Haha Kimmy, I would call that a result, not a fail! Funnily enough, we skipped bathtime too and didn't put Florence to bed until 9.30pm because she had a 2-hour nap in the car which she didn't wake from until 6.30pm, bad parents! She still bloody woke at 5.15am though dammit!

The sickness hasn't improved really. I've worked out it's after milk. I have stopped feeding her at the same time as solids and she keeps everything down for a few hours then is sick after her milk feed. It didn't happen last night for the first time in ages. The only difference was we gave her a jar of food rather than homemade purees! Maybe she doesn't like Mummy's cooking! Going to take her to the docs this morning just to check her out as we're off to France tomorrow for 10 days and I don't want to worry while we're there.

Been meaning to ask you Kimmy, did you get Archie's hair cut? Been thinking about getting F's done as it's getting quite unruly!

Let us know what the doctor says if you get chance Lou, and enjoy your hol!
Archie has so far had 3 hair cuts :haha: (trims really) and it's getting ready for doing again :dohh: x
After yet another night of 12, 3 and 6 I am insanely jealous of all this sleeping through talk :(
I think it's 'just' a sleep regression, he's learning so much at the moment. I expect he'll stretch out the 3am feed eventually, he was doing so well a month or two ago. At least i hope he does, because he demands another one at 6 :dohh: The midnight waking appears most nights but not all. It's like having a newborn back again, waking every three hours!
:hugs: Nic, I'm sure you'd rather a full 8 hours but its all I've got!

Doc thinks its mild reflux. Solids are staying down because they sink quickly, milk is staying up around the valve to the stomach and coming back up. She's always been a bit sickie, its just more noticable now it looks like proper puke! Good news is she should grow out of it and we don't need to do anything.

Lovely dress kimmy and im glad the 6-9month check went well :D I agree i would call that sleep a result not a fail, im sure it didnt hurt him once to not be bathed and changed before bed, we have done that with chloe once.

Sorry about the sleep regression tulip

And least you got some answers triple.

Sorry i aint been on for a few days ladies we have been away in york for my cousins wedding, which was an amazing day and the 1st wedding me and dh been to since getting married (on that note it was 2 weeks yesterday until our 1year annerversairy :shock: )

Well while in York i found Peter Rabbit shop, well it was a bad, but good find :haha: went in 3 time, and spent £35 in there, but thats not bad to say 2 of the items i got should ahve cost that alone at full price (they had a big sale on) think the items i got are worth somewhere between 75&100 altogher and i spent 35 well good buy then, however dh want not to impressed :haha:

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