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PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

happy birthday Micah, i cant beleive the 1st winter baby is 1. Its crazy.
We went to one of those paint a pot places today and we did chloe a big coaster for £6 we put 1 hand and 1 foot print on it, the people there help you with it. And the £6 includes the coaster the paint and the glazing
Good news on the test results wish :)

Happy Birthday to Micah, time is going so fast.

Quick question for you ladies who have weaned, how did your little ones take to meat I've only tried a couple of jars so far but she refuses to eat them and I'm a bit unsure how to give it as finger food.

Shes also waking in the night about 2.30ish so I feed her as its the only time she seems hungry although I'm not sure she is as she only has a couple of ozs but has so little in the day maybe she needs it? x
Eleanor is looking gorgeous, SEA!
Dillon is BLW and has strips of meat - chicken is his absolute fave, he sucks it and gums it for ages!

D is waking between 3 and 4 and taking 5-6oz, so we're stuck with that for a while. How much is she having during the day?
Thank you, Dillon is looking so cute.

She has about 16oz and thats a struggle she rarely finishes a 5oz bottle, plus a fromage frais and sometimes a bit of porridge for breakfast.
Wow :shock: I guess she does need it then :-/
Shes never had much to be honest 25oz is the most ever, used to be about 21/22oz on a normal day, now she has dropped to 4 bottles of about 4oz and won't have any more. Shes gaining plently of weight so I think 20oz is all she needs just a shame she won't have that amount in the day.

I don't give her much food as I don't want her milk intake to drop further but would like to try and introduce new things, how do you give the chicken, is it cooked and then torn into strips?
It varies, strips of roasted chicken or sliced up chicken breast in a stir fry :)
I love the avatar SEA! So cute!

I am one VERY proud Mommy today! Liam's very first 2 teeth (bottom) Have finally broken the surface! :happydance: My little baby is growing up sooo fast! Let's hope the teething pain starts to settle down now.. ugh.. poor thing :nope:
SEA34 Eleanor looks lovely hunni. I would say try cooking her a chicken breast, ever fry or oven cook and then cut it into long stripes that she can hold, so that when she holding it there is still alot over her grasp that she can bit on.

yay for Liam's 1st 2 teeth wish i hope they stop hurting him now.

I went shopping today and i got chloe 1 dress and 2 tops from boots in the sale for £5 altogether. The dress alone should have been 10 and the tops should have been about £6 each. Also treated her to a beanstalk height chart from argos, its a cloth on, and it was only 2.99 reduced from 12.99 in the sale.
Aw well done Liam! We're still waiting for Archie's first tooth!!
SEA try not to worry too much about Eleanor's milk intake. I was panicking about it just last week when the HV came to visit. She said milk is still important but as long as babies are having a varied diet and plenty of dairy then it doesn't matter too much if they're just slightly under their recommended daily intake. Have you tried making your own meat dishes and food processing them? Just an idea, maybe she'd prefer the taste?
Sea you may find the she eats more food but doesn't drop any more milk :hugs:

Well done Liam! We're still waiting too :dohh: How long til hubby is back from deployment, Kim? x
Thanks ladies, I'll try her with some chicken I think and try and include more dairy, I guess cheese is good for this. Ggod news though she drank a whole 5oz bottle before bed :)

Go Liam, no teeth here yet although she has days of chewing everything and dribbling lots with nothing to show for it.
I dont know if your giving eleanor purees as well as blw but chloe loves cheesy lentils in a puree and with the cheese thats in it, its a good wayu of getting dairy into them
Sorry I can't contribute to the food discussion, but I am defo taking notes! :thumbup: Although, when Liam did have roasted chicken, he went nuts for it!

That bean stock height chart is super cute P! I like the butterfly :flower:
:hi: girls, how are we all?
Not much to update from me, apart from Archie has chicken pox! :( How did Florence cope with them Lou? The spots just came out today but he's had flu like symptoms for about a week now x
aww bless hope archie is ok with the pox hunni. I know it sounds bad but at least he got them before he to old and he cant really scratch them atm. I would kinda like chloe to get them as early as possible.
Chloe is really cruing now, i dont think it will be long til she tryin gon her own, she stood for 15seconds unaided ther other night
Hey girls. Back from holiday, which was great to have DH around for 10 days but boy did it rain...

Sorry to hear about the Chickenpox Kimmy. Florence's came out on a Thursday and it was Tuesday/Wednesday before she was happy again. Keep up the Calpol and he'll be fine. You can get infant Piriton prescribed if she's really itchy.

No teeth here but moving on to chicken and cheese this week. We think she's got "Dada" nailed and is close to working out crawling, growing up so fast!

Maddox can commando crawl and with ease now, and is gaining speed.
they really are growing so fast, im waiting for chloe to start trying to take unaided steps and not just crusing think its only a matter of time, for her to get teh confidence.
its mine and Dh 1st anniversary today really cant beleive how quickly its come round. this time last year i was getting ready to get married with a 28week baby bump :shock:

Also tomorrow chloe will be 40weeks and 6days so will have been here for the same amount of time i was pregnant for

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