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PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Happy anniversary Phillipa! Wow, time does fly!
Thank you! It was a surprise from Lindsay for D's 8 months :D
Aw, happy anniversary P! :flower:

I love the new siggie too, Nic! Very cool :)
I see your supply is on it's way back up Kim WELL DONE! you are one amazing, determined mama xxx
Chloe has been here as well as long as she was in my tummy :shock:
Thats crazy! She's a whole pregnancy old today!

Nic, it's slowly comming back. Very slowly! But that's better than nothing! Now I am just having issues with my let down. It's takeing longer than Liam wants to suck and wait for it. Sigh. Now he is so upset at my boobies that he gets fussy before I even try to latch him. But he love the boobie juice in a bottle. And hates formula, so I guess worst case I'll pump and feed him. I do have about 3 lactation consultants working with me on this tho so I hope to get him back on there full time! (night feeds are still good at my boob :))
well done kim xx

maddox is as old outside as he was inside !!!
Not here, sorry :( Keep putting him too it, he may eventually get bored of refusing :-/
try lots of skin to skin,

take baths with him and offer him a feed in the bath, combination of warm water relaxing + skin to skin + offering it may interest him?

im not sure what else to suggest, but hope he comes round to it xx
Hey Kimmy, would it be possible to pump so that you get close to a let down and then attatch liam on so that he doesnt get so annoyed?
Yes, but during the day and wont even try to latch at all. But the good news is that my lactation RN says the strikes don't last long. about 5 days tops. So yay! So I'll continue to offer it to him, but pump during the day and BF at night (as he takes it then).

I just hope my supply keeps coming back in!
Yes your doing amazingly hope you get some help and it all gets sorted out :D, i know they aint great for your supply but just to see if they hel him get back on what abbout nipple shields?
I just found the source of the nursing strike. Ear infection. :nope:

Poor thing has a cold and an ear infection on top of a growth spurt. :nope: Doctor gave me meds to give him and he is napping now. BUT on a good note, he is 15 pounds 7oz. He gained 7oz in 5 days! So I must be doing something right! :)

I thought of the nipple shields too, but he still didn't like that either. Now that I know about his ear, I might try to nurse him sitting up? Maybe it wont hurt his ear then? Worth a try at least.

Thanks for all the support ladies! It has meant a lot to me! Esp. with DH gone. :hugs:
aww poor lil man, try warm compresses on his ears before a feed, to soothe them .... just need to be mildly warm, i always liked warm hot water bottles for my ears when i had ear in fections when i was little
aww hope now you know its the ears things get better hunni.
after oly 27days ive requested my coil to be taken out,

going to have injection instead

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