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PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Sorry I have been MIA recently. Liam is just getting over his ear infection and cold. Still has issues sleeping with a plugged nose, and still on a nursing strike AND biting me when I try. Except for night time. He will take the boobie no prob at night. I have not a fricken clue what's going on.. :nope:

But I am sooo tired and my house is a mess. But DH comes home in a few weeks! Yay! So I will finally have some help! :happydance:

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend thus far! xx

EDIT: Oh and I am sick now too. FFfffftt
Aw yay Kimmy! I can't wait to see pics! And.. I want some cupcake! :hissy: :haha:
Yummah Kimmy! Have a wonderful day xxxxx
Kim bless you, you're up against it! But always so positive, I love that about you. I hope these next few weeks fly by :D
Agreed Kim. You are inspirational xxx
Sound like you really have got everything ready for the naming ceromony tomorrow :D i hope its a wonderful day :D

:hugs: on liam's feeding hunni hope it gets better soon and hope the ear infection and cold goes soon :D Glad DH is home soon, how long will he be home for?

Chloe and me are doing really well, shes crusing like mad around the furniter and using everything to stand up on, she basically cruises everywhere she wants to go now, unless its in the middle of the floor then she crawls :haha: It's her daddy's birthday in 9 days time and i have no idea what to get him, i've got him all his things off chloe, but no idea what to get him off myself :dohh: I'm currently having a break from my pre-course booklet been doing it for the last 1 and half hours so through i would have a 20min break and come on here. However i have been watching the 4th harry potter on the telly while doing it :haha:
have a fantastic day hunni

kim your doing sooo well to sitck thru it all, feel better soon,

philippa, wow! cruising!!!! maddox just crawls at lightspeed

ive been buying for lil mans birthday!!! having his party on the 29th oct :D
Just i dont think it will be long until she walks unaided im hoping she does it by 11 months as i start uni exactly when she turns 11months

:yipee: for lighting speed crawling chloe is bored of this now though :dohh:
:hi: mummas!
How are we all?
The naming ceremony was fantastic :) Had such a lovely day. We had about 70 family and friends there. Archie's great-grandad composed and read the ceremony, it was really lovely. Luckily we only had 1 small shower at the beginning so it wasn't ruined atall. Can anyone tell me how to upload pics from facebook? I'll add a few x
I think if you load the pic, press F5 to reload it properly, right click on pic and Copy Image URL xx
Awww lovely! Amazing cakeage :cloud9:
Thanks bird, I've got the best job in the world!x
glad you had a lovely day, i want the cake looks lovely.

Im on tenter hooks as riot in my local town
What a fab cake Kimmy! Love the family pic too, glad you had a lovely day. I'm just trying to arrange Florence's Christening - can't get my head around the catering!

Diarrohea and vomiting here today. First projectile vomit was yesterday but I put it down to jumperoo-time too soon after milk. Usual constant sciky-dribble through the day (nothing unusual for F). Second projectile this morning (got the carpet and walls this time though) so only gave banana and toast for lunch. Went to get her out of highchair and completely covered in poo - no joke, her vest was full from bum to neck! Just had to shower her down in the bath, chuck the clothes and scrub the highchair. Poor baby, now having a long nap (I hope!).

How are we all?

Oh bless poor Florence and mummy too :hugs: I hope she feels better when she wakes.
We've been back to docs again, to explain that Gaviscon made his reflux worse... So we're going with the wait-it-out option and hoping he'll grow out of it. Infant Milk vomit is certainly less offensive than Follow-on vomit so we're returning to Stage 1 for the forseeable.

Poor little poppet is FINALLY cutting his first tooth, I caught a glimpse of a hairline opening in the gum earlier and he has been hysterical with pain :(
F is on follow-on in the evening (the Hipp one), which smells rank! Strangely she's not sick after that one (no more than a posset with a burp anyway) but after her 2 BFs during the day, up it comes. Hope they both grow out if it soon. Yay for the tooth! X
hey ladies,

:hugs: for sicky babies,

the cake looked fab!

hoping the riots stop in the uk, its horrible watching it from here
Hello mummies!

Updates on both babies and mummies please (it's been over a month since anyone posted on here!)
So a little update on Archie and me...
*He can now crawl at last :happydance:
*He has his bottom front 2 teeth
*Can wave hello and goodbye, play peekaboo and loves to climb (mostly on me!)
*Has had his FOURTH haircut :shock:
*Is around 22lb and in size 9-12 month clothes. His feet are size 3.5G
*Sleeps around 11 hours at night (although the dummy is posing a problem when it falls out and he can't find it :dohh:)
*Has 2 X 1.5 hour naps during the day (more often than not)
*Is on 3 meals a day, all homemade, plus snacks. His fave meal is fish pie. He's much better at feeding himself fruit, veg, small sandwiches. LOVES anything bread based :laugh2:

He's such a little character, and although I get broody everytime I see a newborn, I love how he's developing and changing everyday :cloud9:

Nothing to report from me! I still work 16 hours p/w and love it. Have made lots of new friends at babygroup and cut a few old "friends" out of my life (having a baby shows you who your real friends are doesn't it?)

So how about you? :flower:
Great post K! I'm on my iPod so will give full update when on the computer but we're all good - crawling, climbing, eating like a horse etc etc! X

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