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PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

Oh nice Kimmy! Yay for crawling and a 4th haircut! That's amazing! go Archie! Sounds like he is doing so well! :)

sorry I haven't posted before now, I must have gotten unsubscribed in here. hrm

Update on Liam:
-sits up alone (but falls over after a few mins)
-eating issues still, but getting better! I now pump and combi feed
-going to get first hair cut this weekend!
-says 'dada' 'hi' and 'who'
-17.5 pounds and in 9-12m cloths (he is long!)

He is growing up way to fast! makes me want another one so badly! :haha:

news from me:
-DH is HOME!! I love it! But it has come with it's issues.. DH has to learn everything and it's kinda getting him down that he isn't 'good' with Liam just yet. I tell him it takes time. He also was diagnosed with PTSD, so we are working on that too.
-planning Liam's naming ceramony! We are thinking Nov and are looking into having it at the local children's museum!

How are all of you lovely ladies and babies? xx
Such exciting updates girls!

Dillon is:
- Standing unaided for up to ten seconds :shock:
- Walking holding on to one of my hands.
- Eating well and is therefore down to 3 bottles (one of which is still in the early hours *sigh*). he's not a breakfast person and doesn't eat much then, but is fab otherwise. Loves bready stuff too and is fruit-obsessed!
- Says mama, dadda, nanna, gangad (grandad) and occasionally cat.
- Ocassionally signs All Gone when he's finished eating or sleeping!
- loves being in the sling and flirting with passers-by :rolleyes:
- he LOVES cats and squeals and almost hyperventilates when he sees one. He spend a good 20 mins today toddling round outside terrorising the neighbours cats today :D

AFM I'm setting up a sling library with a mama from another forum. I'm off work til next Oct so we'll see what happens in the meantime. I'm considering starting to sell custom-ish crocheted baby blankets - to match nursery themes or buggies. did a Hodge Podge one for Nina, a woodland colours one for my friend and going to do a Tatty Teddy one for my cousin.

Sorry to hear B is having PTSD trouble Kim :( Most of us have so little idea what these guys put themselvesthrough for our freedom xx
Look forward to hearing from you Lou :D
Kim, sorry about your DH. That must be so tough for both of you.
Nic, D is such a clever little chap! Great news about the sling library, who knows where that could lead!
Thanks ladies :hugs:

D sounds so funny and cute Nic!! lol, flirting ;). And I love the handmade items idea. I was thinking the same thing for me to do in my free time. Only knitted. Like blankets or baby booties.
:woohoo: for all the crawlign babies, and for D standing unaided :D
Wish the naming ceromony sounds lovely :D

So a little update on Chloe and me...
*SHe bben crawling for ages, stands unaidied for up to 15 seconds, and is crusing, dont think it will be long until she walks unadided
*She has 11 teeth, 6top and 5 bottom (one cut just 2 days ago)
*Can wave hello and goodbye, play peekaboo, claps her hands and gives high fives she can also say cat, mama, liam and nee naw when we see an emergancy vechcal
*Hasnt been weighted since 6 or 7 months :dohh: (but i can feel she is putting on weight
*Sleeps around 11-13 hours at night from 7-9 (now 7-7 as i have to wake her to give morning fed before collage)
*Most days has 1 nap which lasts between 2 and 2 and half hours
*Is on 3 meals a day, almost all the time BLW unless we are some where where BLW isnt appropriate. She loves spag bol, or cheesy pasta. she also loves stealing daddy's sausage rolls
* i really love how cheeky she is getting, everyone inclduign her childminder comments on what a happy and content baby she is ( this makes me feel happy and that im doing at least something right)
* is still on only breastmilk for milk, she wont take formula, however this is now a problem as i am going to collage weekdays so not with her in the day, she doesnt take formula milk at all, and i can only express 1-2oz a day :( so im thinking of keep feeding her myself morning and bedtime, and then i was going to give her a beaker of whole milk in the day and get child minder to do the same

In the 1st week (4th day) of leaving her full time and hating it :cry: im so scared im gonna miss her walking.
Getting things ready for her 1st birthfday party, she is one in less than a month :( dont want my baby to turn in to a toddler. On this day exactly last year iwould have been full term (37weeks) :haha:
Aww Phillippa you are doing everything great :) She is a credit to you :cloud9:

Got D some cruising shoes today. The Clarks lady recommended proper walkers as he's going to be walking any week now I think, but he has freak feet like me - small (size 2), extra-wide (H+) and high instep. No-one had walkers in small wide fitting so we've gone with cruisers for now.
Aw well done Chloe!
Cute about the shoes Nic, we got Archie's first pair of cruisers from Clarks last week, he's a size 3.5G :D
Yay P! Go Chloe!

Aw! New shoes! How awesome! Pretty soon well all have walkers causing trouble! lol
wooo for updates!!!
ok where do i begin? lol
Cameron- has 2 teeth
- finally sits unaided
- pulls himself up on anything that will stay stationary long enough
- cruises round furniture
- finally can crawl properly
- stands unaided for about 10secs
- says mama, doggie, arlie(charlie my mums dog lol), hiya, adam and as
of today dada :)
- waves, claps, plays pat-a-cake, high fives and shakes your hand lol
- most importantly we have met with his consultant regarding his hypertonic
muscle tone and suspeced cerebal palsy etc and he has been given he all
clear :cloud9: we will continue to seem him till Cam is 2 but everything seems
to be looking good :) Consultant even said Cam will def be walking unaided in
the next 3-5weeks :)

as for me lol
well - i am 18weeks pregnant with baby boy
- he is gonna be called Adam Scott Gillies :cloud9:
- i am absolutely bricking it :/
- and i have cons meeting in few weeks to find out wether im getting a section
or early induction.

thats pretty much it lol how is everyone? xxx
Did i even know you werre preggoa gain wanna? congrays

and cameron is doing so well :D

Tulip i got told your not meant to get walking shoes until about 6-8weeks after they started walking unaided as at 1st its importnat they can still feel the ground.
^^ They're only cruising shoes, so nice and soft for feet. I'm sure Tulip got them for D for when he's out and about, wanting to cruise around (I wouldn't want Archie walking in a public place bare footed anyway!) Correct me if I'm wrong Nic :D
Yeah the two salespeople said different things so I was relieved they didn't have walker in his size anyway. The cruisers seem fairly hardy anyway, so fine for walking outside for now.
Yes i know why she got cruisers we have them for chloe to, i just meant not to be disappointed she couldnt get full walkers as they not menna have them striaght away anyway.
Ah, I'm with ya! :D
Where are you other lovely mummies??
im about ish

been grapling with getting maddox into a routine and cutting out comfort boobs
liam is on my lap eating the check book. lol he likes to help mommy pay bills
chloe's having her 1st and only nap of day, last bed for use tonight
Maddox is refusing his nap today...............
he had snack and cddled in for boob @ 10, and had just fallen asleep, when thr door went!! :hissy: woke him up and he wont go bk off, its now 12...... oh well..............
Aww sorry maddox wouldnt go off, i dont know how chloe's slept today until her childminder puts her diary online.
he had a nap after his lunch, 1:30 - about 3:30ish

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