PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

im absolutely buggared tonight, i asked david to take maddox for me for an hour, and he said ok - 5-6pm - his worst hour, within 30mins the bairns screaming and crying, and davids sat with a face like a smacked arse, i took maddox from him and calmed him down and put him in his cot dozing, and i needled it out of David that hes not sure if he loves maddox and is feeling very very low. Can Dads get Baby Blues?? I sent him out to a mates and told him to talk it out, i've just managed to settle maddox took 3oz EBM and both boobs and im still not sure hes defo out for the count, but he's no longer twisting
Oh sweetheart :hugs:
I'm sure they can get blues/PND. In some ways it's even harder for the boys because they lose all their free time to this little person who doesn't have that PHYSICAL bond with daddy that they do with mummy. Plus you have him all day and know his foibles and what is likely to upset him and how to calm him... the boys just don't know where to begin sometimes xx
I was just gonna say send him to the medic :dohh: durrrrrrrq
i need to locate some energy to cook my tea, do laundry and express,
:hugs: Jo - yet another challenge of this parenting business. I'm sure it affects Daddy's too - its such a u-turn in your life how can it not.

I have just been moaning to DH about how little I achieve in a day - one load of washing and putting my Tesco delivery away - pathetic!

Got to agree with the other girls Jo, I'm sure it would affect the boys too :hugs: Hope he starts to feel better soon.
Louise I know how you feel about the under achievement thing :haha: Archie's not a big napper in the day so I rarely get much done! It has took some major getting used to as I was such a clean freak pre-baby!
I'm having my hair done in the morning and I can't wait, looking well dowdy at the moment :/ Then we've got Bumps and Babies in the afternoon and I'm at aquafit in the evening. So not much will get done tomorrow either!
:hugs: Jo yes im sure daddies can get baby blues. a few weeks ago my Dh got a bit down and didnt want to do anythign for chloe as she would stp crying for him if she was upset so he stopped doing anything at all for her. I spoke to him about it we had a good long talk and he feels better now but still gets bit down if she wont calm down for him but will for me.
Yes daddies can get baby blues maybe get him to see someone about how he feels. Im sure he doesnt 100% mean it all hun
:hi: girls, how are we? Hows hubby, Jo? How's little Florence, Lou?
Maybe TMI but I think I have just had the mother of all ovulations :dohh: LOADS of EWCM (takes me back to my ttc days :haha:) and a complete sex maniac :blush: This is my second cycle pp so not sure why its happened this time and not the first time? Anyone else had this? Not looking forward to AF atall now!
Also, anyone else really missing being pregnant? Never thought I'd say it but I really am. Obviously I'd rather have my little boy here and be un-preggo but still...Feeling nostalgic!
Hey Kimmy - are you getting broody...?! Just kidding, I totally know what you mean. I miss being pregnant and sometimes find myself rubbing my (now flabby rather than pleasantly rounded) tummy. After Florence was born I couldn't stop thinking, I'll never be pregnant with my first again - daft huh?!

I am really not looking forward to "normal" cycles again!

Florence is lovely - she has been so alert this weekend its amazing. I'm sure that proper smile isn't far away. We've started a routine at night and last night we got her to sleep for 5 hours straight in her moses basket rather than on hubby - result! Quick feed and another 3 hours sleep - 8 hours in total, bliss! Early evening bath, swaddle-blanket and adding a couple of ounces of formula to her EBM bottle dreamfeed worked a treat - fingers crossed for a repeat performance tonight! xxx
Aw clever little girl! That is really amazing for a baby so young, such a good girl! Hope you have a repeat performance tonight! Archie is doing well with the sleeping, 1 feed during the night then we start our day at 7:30am ish. And I'm sure that first proper smile is just around the corner, such a lovely thing :cloud9:

funny you should say about the broody thing, I definitely don't want another baby yet (not a good idea after c section, having the age gap too close, financially, space wise etc) but I'm not sure I'll be able to wait the 3 years we originally intended. Spoke to hubby yesterday and we're thinking of NTNP when LO is 1. Thats the rough plan so it will probably change once teething starts :haha:

And I don't think it's daft that you'd feel a little sad at not being pregnant with your first ever again, I know exactly how you feel. Think its just missing being pregnant, we were that way for 9 months afterall!
I miss my bump too. Sometimes I feel something (wind?!) in my tummy and for a split second think it's a kick :rofl:

As for sleeping... No better here. Hungry milk constipated him which improves nights but makes daytime a screaming hell. Ugh :(
I've had those weird phantom kicks too! Strange. Such a shame about the hungry baby milk, are you going to persevere with it or not? Is it making a big difference to his sleeping at night?
Hey Everyone - please can I join? Ollie was born 25th Jan :cloud9:

Still to do my birth story but between the stitches and pain and trying to get to grips with breast feeding and sleep haven't had a mo...

Read through a few posts and glad to see not the only one with sleep issues - at first Ollie wouldn't be put down - that was a low ebb for us - I was already shattered after 4 days slow labour ( contracting the whole time so v v little sleep - over the 4 days prob about 4 hours put together ) and delivering a 9lb 7 oz baby who was back to back ( little minx ). We managed to get him to go in his moses basket downstairs now but going up to our room and his crib is another story - maybe a couple of times he's had an hour in there but then he's up crying, most of the time 10 mins and he's objecting nut will fall to sleep on us no probs! - at the same time not sure if it's the feeding or he's just a little nocturnal and it's not the crib at all??

Been cluster feeding when my milk came in and there is no def pattern yet - mw says now he is poss having a growth spurt so he's demanding little and ofter to get supply up - it all feels a little scatty.

We decided to do shifts downstairs with Ollie tonight ( as last night Ollie wouldn't stay in his crib AT ALL ) - I have needed some catch up sleep desperately and just not been getting it with the feeding and Ollie's "issue" with his crib - so got some naps on one sofa while OH held Ollie ( he was fussing even in his moses basket earlier ) and just got woken up for feeds - not sure how much sleep I actually got in total. Woke up at 12.30 for a feed, then went in the shower ( have to wee in there as some of my stitches are on my labia and close to my urethra ( FUN!!! ) and even the jug down the front offers no relief to the stinging!! ) and had a hot bath and now letting OH have a sleep - Ollie has been asleep in his moses basket since his feed so that's a good 2 - 2 and a half hours sleep at least- I just wish he would do this in his crib. At a bit of a loss to what the problem is - we are going to try spending the day upstairs - get some music on as background noise and keep putting him down in his crib during the day hoping he just needs to get used to it. If that doesn't work we may try the moses basket upstairs to see if it is definately his crib that's the problem....

Fun items for today : Gave Ollie a bath, got him changed in to a nice new outfit and 5 mins after I was holdiing him and felt a load of gurgling in his nappy - low and behold - we were code brown ( well code mustard ) and he had - for the first time - leaked out of his nappy on to his new clothes :doh: it's like he planned it!

Second fun ( but totally gross ) item - getting out of the bath at 7ish tonight suddenly felt like my stitches were all coming undone and then a MASSIVE blood clot fell out on to the floor - thankfully OH - who is normally v squeemish - is much braver since the birth and didn't pass out when I shouted him !! it was the size of a tennis ball!!

Anyway - bit of a ramble but it's that time of night where the mind wanders!!

I've had those weird phantom kicks too! Strange. Such a shame about the hungry baby milk, are you going to persevere with it or not? Is it making a big difference to his sleeping at night?

I can only use 1 scoop HB to 5/6 scoops stage 1 at the mo without getting the screaming hell. Thought it was making a diff but tonight he took 7oz between 8 and 9 yet was still awake three hours later for another 6. Three hours after that he's taken 5 and is now refusing to go back to sleep.

So, six hours since I went to bed. Three hours sleep. Was supposed to be going to London for dinner this evening but frankly after the last 2 nights I'm likely to fall asleep at the table. We have to be up in just over 3 hours for baby massage. Cue another weeping meltdown at Surestart :cry:

What I dont understand is that if he's sleeping during the day he can go four hours between feeds - he did it this afternoon. So why not at night???
Nic I wish I could help :hugs: Is there anything he can have in his bottle for the constipation? Or is it just water they can have? Could you perhaps try feeding him every 2 hours during the day? I know it's difficult if they're not too hungry, but try an ounce or so inbetween feeds to see if this tops him up during the day so he'll sleep longer at night? You've probably tried all this but thought I'd mention. Massive hugs love :hugs:

hb nice to see you here! You poor thing with all those stitches. Only advice I can offer on the crib issue is that Archie HATED his crib in the beginning. We only tried the first night in it and after a total of around an hour sleep all night we decided to scrap the crib! From then on we brought the moses basket upstairs at night (bit of nightmare carting it up and down all the time but worth it) And he slept for 2-3hour stretches all night. I think he felt too exposed in the crib. Now that he's grown out of the moses basket he's back in the crib and doing fine in it now he's a bit bigger x
Aww nic hope it all settles down soon and he stops being so hungry.

HB sounds like you are having a rough time hope ollie starts to sleep upstairs soon hun just keep trying, sorry about the blood clot is all ok? and your stitches didnt actually come back apart did they?

I am with everyone else i get phamtom kicks like everyday still and im almost 4months pp.

I went to docs today as still been getting pain downstiars and in top of legs near lady's area, and not been able to DTD at its way to painful. Doc thinks my stitches might be too tight or something so ive got to go to hospital in a few weeks to cheak that they are all ok, just hope all is ok as dont fancy having to have another op to sort it out, it was bad enough having one staight after i had chloe.

Hope everyone else and their bubs are ok x
Did you have a checkup at the hospital 8 weeks PP of your stitches? I should've had an appointment through and haven't (but not yet got round to chasing them).
No never knew you were meant to have a hospital appointment was never told about one, the only PP appointment i was told about other than ones with MW was the 6week one at the docs for you and the baby :shrug:
When the SHO signed me off she said I'd get a letter through to go back and see the consultant 6-8 weeks PP. I feel alright though, so may wait til we (IF we!!) DTD and see how it feels.
Its that bad for me, me and DH have tried to DTD at least 10 times and each time i either bleed or its too painful so we just cant do it and it doesnt matter what we try. I been refer to gynocology (sp) now so they will check the stitches there, i wonder if this would have been avoided if i did have a hospital cheak up 6-8weeks pp

Hope everything is ok for you tulip

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