PAL Winter Babies 2010/11 - ** Waiting impatiently for our remaining babies! **

Huge congrats eclipse, she's beautiful! I love that just-born look! Well done on the breastfeeding. xxx

Hey Ladies

Finally got my birth story typed up - here's a link - will catch up with everything - been a bit out of it!!!

Hope everyone is well
Kim's twins arrived on 3rd Feb - Liam Patrick 8lb 3.7oz, and Finley B - born into heaven's embrace. I am still moved by the idea of Finley keeping his brother company all this time.

Well done Kim, hon, you were amazing by all accounts xxx
Congratulations to all you girls. Babies all look adorable and you've all done so well xx
Shes lovely eclipse congrats :D

And congrats to kim
Well done Kim :happydance:

Floaty kisses to Finlay B :kiss:

Kira Marion born by c-section on 1/28/11 at 11:03am weighing in at a healthy 8lbs 13 oz, and 22 inches long :thumbup: She is a champion breastfeeder, and her big brother is very proud and attentive. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome and fall in love more every day with my family. Here is one of here all scrunchy, fresh out of the mommy! :rofl:

Kim's twins arrived on 3rd Feb - Liam Patrick 8lb 3.7oz, and Finley B - born into heaven's embrace. I am still moved by the idea of Finley keeping his brother company all this time.

Well done Kim, hon, you were amazing by all accounts xxx

Fantastic news wish! xxx

Congratulations to both of you xx
Thank you sooo much ladies!! And a special thanks to Nic for keeping everyone updated :kiss:

Liam is doing really well! We had a loooooong read to his birth and a hard recovery, but birth story to follow really soon! I should be able to go home tommorrow.

DH was on the web cam the WHOLE time!! 24 hours!! He was there for the birth of our frist two children :cloud9:

Love to you all and congrats eclipse! We had the same due date!

Glad DH was able to be there for the whole thing and glad liam in doing well, hope you are too hun :hugs:
Just thought I would let you know that Imogen Zoe Rees arrived on Sunday 30th January 2011 at 2.37pm weighing 6lb 9oz xxxx

I am totally in love !!!!!!!
Well done Smiler! I'll try and do more updates this week! xx
Well done all new winter mummies, im loving it so far !

Not long now and Spring babies start arriving, I cant believe there is a September due thread already !!
I havn't posted much on this thread but wanted to let you know that my little girl Darcey arrived at 36+6 on 26th January weighing 6lb 10oz. I went into labour and ended up having an emergency section at 3.11am (I had a section planned for 4th February, but she didn't want to wait that long!) Congratulations to all with new arrivals x
Congrats Wish, Smiler and Bluetomato!!! :wohoo:

Hi ladies

just thought you would like ot know that Imogen Zoe Rees arrived on Sunday 30th January 2011 at 2.32pm weighing 6lb 9oz. She is amazing and we are absolutely besotted with her!!!

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