Hi Girls just a quickie to say thanks for your thoughts and comments, Olly and me are now home, he spent 5 days in NICU due to feeding problems but once he got the hang of it he was fine and we came home today - I will update and do a birth story when I get 5 mins.
Hope everything going ok for those ladies left....
Here are some pics of Olly....
Well, back from the docs. I'm only 25% effaced and 1cm on the inside now! UGHHH! And baby is at stage -3! So... doc doesn't think the baby will be here before induction which is one week from today!![]()
So feb 2nd it is. DH and I will just plan for that.
Hope everyone is doing well! xx
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note to say that Ollie was born on Tuesday 25th January at 10:37 weighing 9lbs 7oz!! After a very pro-longed slow labour, lasting four days with only gas and air!!!
It's obviously a very long story so i'll pop back later to fill you all in properly, as we're just getting our bearings at the moment.
lots of love hx
Just popping by with a photo![]()
Will be back with birth story and to catch up properly soon