FANTASTIC news Louise, I knew it! Sheer desperation right before a scan will become normal, trust me - now less than 48 hours til our spine check I'm right there with you! Are you moving dates or sticking til 12 wk scan?
Lawa, welcome honey, I hope this one will hold on tight for you and that you are with us for the long haul
Due - happy birthday, I think! If there's an excuse to get out of doing that ironing I think you've found it! Rest up and drink lots and look after the pair of you xx
H, sorry you're feeling crappy mate. You're 7+6 now, when do we get to see a ticker, hmm?!
Jo, glad to see you've been caning New Look Maternity - I am pretty much living in that stuff aside from my new Blooming Marv skirts

Enjoy being home for a bit xx
I've been sitting outside in the shade knitting hat, bootees and scratch mitts for Munch from my favourite alpaca yarn. Will post a pic later. Need to do some cotton scratch mitts next for indoor-time.