They are soooooo cute Nic. I can see you have the makings of an awesome Mummy!
We spent yesterday afternoon telling family and my MIL and SIL immediately started going on about embroidering motifs on babygrows etc! I'm a creative dunce so will accept anything I can get!
Off to see my friend who's 36 weeks today. Have been dreading it a little bit but now I know my little one's heart is beating away I'll be sat there with a secret grin on my face!
Stress-fest this morning. After yesterdays good news, DH and I decided a little was in order. Bad idea. Halfway through DH noticed some blood and sure enough I've been bleeding. Bright red to start with and enough to make me freak-out (DH struggled to get me to calm down). It's now turned darker and is only there on wiping. I had to do a bit of investigating with a mirror but I think I may just have a little tear which is causing the bleeding, I don't think it's anything to do with the bubs. Anyway, I have an emergency doctors appointment at 12.40 where they are going to check me out and if necessary I'll have another scan at the EPU tomorrow. I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself that everything was fine just yesterday. No more fun for DH, that's for sure. xxx
H - Got the patterns from the web - just basic bootees, mitts and hat from different places. I have a load of fabric that I've bought and never done anything with and don't really know where to start LOL
The big roll of green stuff is from Ikea - for less than a fiver IIRC and they still have it now. I love the farmyard prints on the FQs but as I don't have a lot of each one I don't know what to do. And as for the little squares.... no idea what I had in mind for those
Triple - either a tear or as Jo says an irritated cervix. Try not to panic, doc and EPU will show all is well xx
(Thats a point though, I really should give my poor husband some loving... it has been about, ooh, 14 and a half weeks..... )
I have a doctors appointment in an hour and I hope she'll check me out (will tell her what I think I can see with my mirror!) the bleeding has now gone dark so I don't think there is anything fresh happening. She says she'll refer me to the EPU for a scan tomorrow if necessary. Will let you all know how it goes. xxx
Back from the docs and I'm reassured for now. He thought given yesterdays scan and that the bleeding has tapered off to just some brown spotting, it's most likely that has caused a small tear. He felt my tummy and said he could feel the top of my uterus (more than I can!) and booked us a scan at the EPU on Tuesday. So all being well I'll get to see my little bean's heartbeat twice in 4 days! Going to completely chill out today, DH has gone to the shops to get food and and look after me. God this baby lark is stressful! xxx
Gosh TripleB- pop off to feel sorry for myself and come back to a drama - glad it isn't your bean but I can imagine that the worry was enough !!! def chill out this afternoon!!
Tulip - I say patchwork - either a patchwork blanket/quilt or a cute patchwork dress ? I started a patchwork quilt for my nephew but I was going to finish it the week of my b-day in december but then ending up mc so it's not been finished yet - got a week off this month so I may well get back in the swing of things and get it done
Also - am reading up on hypno-birthing - has anyone else heard of this?
Am 15 dpo today and have a sligh amount of spotting (nothing in knickers) brown and a tiny drop of red I am trying not to worry though but .... I cant help feel like chemical could it be Ib still or is it way to late for that?
I am on Asprin also so that is hopefully thinning blood aswell/
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