Panic stations


Sep 27, 2008
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Ok update.

I had a pregnancy scare about 2 months ago which made me soooo broody. DH and I sat down to discuss when we were starting a family and he said he wasnt ready. As you can understand I was guttered. After alot of thinking and talking we both decided to wait till my business is set up and brining in money. Are aim was to start next autum or the autum after that. Although at first I was upset, I finally came round to the idea. I am 26 and still have a lot to achieve before trying.

Anyway I was due to have my period on tuesday 28th October and still no arrival. It is now the 1st of Novemeber and nothing. I have been working my charts out (as I was doing natural family planning) and realised I had a 19 day cycle ( worked this out for me). When I was doing this cycle I noticed that H and I had intercourse on the day of ovulation. I also came off the pill 2 months ago and was told this would protect me still for 3 months.

I did a preg test on tues and got a :bfn: but I am worried I am not coming on.

I am not really having any symptoms apart from the swallen tender breast which I get when I am due, but I am also having bad stomach cramps like I am about to get my AF but it doesnt arrive :hissy: I am also having a little discharge :blush:.

Any ideas? I am lost at what to do and because I have never been pregnant dont know what to look for. Although this cannot be possible as the test came back as negative.

Sorry for the long detail as you can see I am panicing as I dont know what is stopping my period
If you stopped your pill, you are NOT protected for three months after! who told you that? anyways, also coming off the pill does affect a lot of peoples cycle so this may be the reason you are late. Also, take another pregnancy test, because just because you got a negative the day your period was due, does not mean you are not pregnant. good luck!
It was the nurse at the doctors that told me I was safe.

I have been regular of 19 days since coming off the pill. As soon as I came off I had started straight away and have 3 periods. Can the pill still affect this?

How long do I need to wait to do a test?
it could still affect your cycle. I dont know why the nurse would say that, because that it definitely not true. you could test today if you would like or wait until tomorrow morning with first morning urine. good luck! we are here for you no matter what outcome! :hug:
Try doing a test today...I tested the day I was due got a negative then 3 days later got a positive. I hope you get the result you want =] xxx
It would be nice to find out that I was carrying and DH would also be over the moon he just wants me to be happy and he knows that I will be happier when I have done my Dog grooming course and get set up as I have always wanted to do it. I did it when I was 14 and became allergic to dogs but now I am ammune I can do what I have always dreamed of doing
It would be nice to find out that I was carrying and DH would also be over the moon he just wants me to be happy and he knows that I will be happier when I have done my Dog grooming course and get set up as I have always wanted to do it. I did it when I was 14 and became allergic to dogs but now I am ammune I can do what I have always dreamed of doing[/QUOTE\] sometimes life takes side roads its what shapes who we are. I am sure either way, you will follow your dreams even if it takes a bit longer to achieve. let us know the results!
I will. Although I cant do a test till the morning as it says on the packet that is the best time. I am really nervous about it tho
I would wait until at least 14dpo x
Apparently ( predicted ovulation date is monday so if I have not come on then I will do a test.

I am starting to feel some nausea but keep putting it down to worry. I told hubby and he said it could be morning sickness but surely this cant happen on a night? I am so confused I just dont know what to do. I am stressing big time. Any advice would be hugely greatful.
All I can say is it could be because you have come off the pill that you are late, BUT you could still be pregnant I would test on Monday and try using a CB or a first response if you can :hug:PS the nausea could also be impending :witch: too the symptoms can be so similar!

im amazed your nurse told you that, you can get pregnant missing a day of the pill let alone 3 months! Thats very poor.

However, i really hope you get the result your wanting. There is some saying that says life is what happens when your planning something else. It might not be the easiest way, but im sure it would be worth it. Thinking of you and hoping you get :bfp: or :bfn: whichever you decide you want :hug:
I am also shocked by what your nurse said! That's so not right!

It could be nerves making you feel sick as you're worrying about it, this has happened to me before. Stress (about being pregnant or other issues) can also delay your period so this could be why. I say test again, if it's BFN at least it will set your mind at rest and once you relax your period may arrive.

Hope you find out either way soon :hugs: xx
Sorry to crash... was just reading and got a bit confused...

First, I agree with what everyone else said about the nurse telling you that you were safe. S/he should totally be fired!!! I actually had a gyno tell me they sometimes use bcp to help infertility... put women on them for a couple of months then take them off... seems to help induce ovulation.

Anyway... you have a 19 day cycle?? Total??? That seems awfully short. Am I misunderstanding? If that is true, you either o VERY early or have a VERY short LP. What dpo do you think you are?
Morning sickness can happen at any time of the day. The term "morning" in it is just a cruel joke. By the way, there's no real way to tell when you ovulated unless you get ultrasounds to check or take your BBT. Anything else is just guessing. Still, for piece of mind, just take a test. I'd wait until at lest the day after you're expected period and even longer if you can hold out. The results will be much more accurate by then.

Anyway... you have a 19 day cycle?? Total??? That seems awfully short. Am I misunderstanding? If that is true, you either o VERY early or have a VERY short LP.

Or both?

And I have no idea what school that nurse went to, but I wouldn't be surprised if her degree was printed on the back of a Chinese restuarant placement. That's just wrong!
Sorry to crash... was just reading and got a bit confused...

First, I agree with what everyone else said about the nurse telling you that you were safe. S/he should totally be fired!!! I actually had a gyno tell me they sometimes use bcp to help infertility... put women on them for a couple of months then take them off... seems to help induce ovulation.

Anyway... you have a 19 day cycle?? Total??? That seems awfully short. Am I misunderstanding? If that is true, you either o VERY early or have a VERY short LP. What dpo do you think you are?

I am quite shocked about the nurse has said after reading your comments. I found when I went to talk to her about taking another form of contraceptive (as none of the others suited me) she was just not that bother because I am married. She must of thought what is the point.

Since coming off cerezzette I have had 3 periods all of 19 days. I do my body temp everyday and then put this into a system on the internet. This predicts that I ovulate the day after my period. Which means I should be ovulating tomorrow so will test then. I dont know if this is because of the pill still in my system but was regular from the start when I finished taking it
I have also noticed a small and slight rise in temp. Not sure if this means anything.

I may sound really silly but I have never been pregnant before and I know nothing about it although I am learning alot now. I have looked at symptoms on the internest but it seems to be just morning sickness, tender brest etc
Have you tried using a charting site, whereby you input your temps and it will then give you estimated ovulation date.
Yeah that is part of what I do with my cycle along with mucus test.

I am going to do a test first thing in the morning so wish me luck
Wow! That IS an early ovulation date! So how long does everything work out to? e.g. Days of AF and then LP? When you say you have noticed a slight rise in temp, do you mean you have a triphasic chart or a biphasic chart? A biphasic would mean that you o'ed but wouldn't necessarily be able to tell you if you were pg or not. A triphasic is sometimes (not always) a hint at possible pg. So, I think I understand now that you are a few days late for AF based on a 19 day cycle? If that is true, testing should be pretty accurate. Have you ALWAYS had a 19 day cycle, even b4 BC? If not, maybe being late is your body just starting to regulate itself back to what was normal?

Good luck!! :hug:

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