Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

PS how much does your hospital charge for scan photos? Our charges £10 according to the appointment letter. Seems ridiculously expensive! (Although of course we will pay it!) we got our one yest free.

Im sat at work now in my dance shop...not many customers today :-(

We havent told anyone else yet. Just waiting to see what the scan shows. If it is healthy then i agree i have been extremely lucky in 1st tri. I feel the closer my scan gets the more i dont believe it. Maybe its my way of preparing myself for the worst. Our scan pics are £4 planning on buying 4. ( 1 for us, 1 for my mum & dhs mum & his sister) i think his sister & her children will like that as i wantto involve them. Just hope they dont mind that we waited so long to tell them...but the way i am with no believing i cant go around tell people yet lol.
Do u just have 2 brothers? So do i. They are both older than me and have children.

Thats lovely that your mil cried! She must be over the moon, i know my inlaws will be.
So 12 days til my cant go quick enough!
My hpts are the darkest they could possibly get. No point taking anymore really but i do have one more at home!! Hubby bought me a double pack this time lol.
Dh is great. He has been doing lots of diy at my mums house. We want to get it finished asap. He hasnt really needed to look after me as i feel normal but he does tell me im pregnant and tries to convince me lol poor man...

Enjoy your lazy day and good luck with telling work xxx
P.s post a pic of your scan if u can!!! Id love to see your baby xxx
Here is my baby:

It's not exactly easy to make out is it, lol. It's head is to the left & is bigger than its body. To the right, the little lumps are the yolk sack and its legs. It is facing downwards, so it's back is at the top. I had to ask the dr again where it's head was when I left as I couldn't remember!!
Aww your baby looks cute! Its amazing. I could see its head and body straight away. Its funny that u had to ask the doc where its head was lol.
Its great that u have this pic to remind u of what is growing!
Does it seem strange that he/she is inside u but u cant feel him/her? Or does your ms remind u enough?

Thanks for posting it! Xxx
It does seem strange. It only really hit me when I got home that what we saw on screen was actually inside me. It is odd not being able to feel it, especially when it was wriggling so much & did such a big jump! (Is it bad you can tell what it is better than I can?! I've never been very good at seeing things on scans!)

You know the Savage Garden song "I knew I loved you before I met you"? DH played that & other romantic songs to me when I was trying to force myself to eat tea when back from hospital. That song made me think of baby & made me cry loads. That's when it hit me I think.

I'm not being sick anymore, but I still feel sick & feel really shakey. I suppose it must be just exhaustion or something, hope its nothing more.

Yes, I have 2 brothers, both younger than me. DH has one sister. We have just told her, as I've told both my brothers. She was really excited. We won't tell niece & nephews till 12 weeks at least.

Strange that we both have 2 brothers and our DH's have one sister!

I love to listen to songs and think about my baby, but i did this anyway even before being pregnant. I feel like i have always loved my children even though i havent got any yet! Sounds strange i guess. Ive always wanted a big family about 3 or 4 children and when i was ttc and not suceeding i was feeling that dream slipping away. Thankfully if all goes well with this pregnancy then there will be no stopping me lol.
Songs by the carpenters make me think of baby and cry. Ive been looking up songs that my mum used to sing to me and i can't listen to 'two little boys' by rolf harris without crying.
It's nice that u told DH's sister. You will of told everyone soon! Do any of your friends know? apart from the one who lives away.
10 days til my scan!!!!

Hello! How are you? I saw your post on the main forum & I'm really sorry to hear that not believing is making you so upset. I wish I could magically make you believe. If your mum had had really bad ms & you had none, it would be more of a worry, but you must just be genetically programmed to not get ms. You're just unlucky your bump buddy is the opposite extreme to you, that can't be helping, sorry! Women's bodies don't just stop perioding & start producing HCG for no reason, there must be something going on in there. In 9 days you will see your little baby on the scan & it will be the most amazing thing ever!

I was sick again this am :-(. I took my pill almost 2 hours before I got up, cos I overslept, so I think maybe that's what did it. It was only a little bit, I'm hoping that's it & the pills haven't stopped working. I drank loads yest, more than I have for weeks, as the nausea was under control. I still feel shaky & completely exhausted, too tired to move about house even. I hope this is normal.

What are you up to today? Another quiet day here I think. Apparently we had snow this morning, but it had all melted by the time I got up. I think we might visit MIL, but otherwise rest.

Are you going to do the NCT antenatal class? When I had my booking in appt, a new um recommended them to me & said book early. I contacted the local organiser & the course we would do in Aug for Oct babies already has one couple booked on it! It is expensive (£165) & I don't really know much about it, but I really want to do a course where I can meet other mums. Do you know anything about NCT courses? xxx

Thanks for the kind words. I really really wish i believed it but i cant stop thinking it wont be true. At least i will know soon enough. Bring on the 26th!!
Today my children at dancing had their tap exams. All passed! Its been a long tiring day. Glad i dont have ms as i wouldnt of been able to get through today if i felt bad. I feel very sorry for u. I bet u will start feeling better soon...almost made it to 2nd tri.
Ive never heard of those classes before. If they cost that much then i wont be doing them lol id do free classes tho. :)
I hope u have been having a nice day....even tho the weather is miserable xxx

Thanks for the kind words. I really really wish i believed it but i cant stop thinking it wont be true. At least i will know soon enough. Bring on the 26th!!
Today my children at dancing had their tap exams. All passed! Its been a long tiring day. Glad i dont have ms as i wouldnt of been able to get through today if i felt bad. I feel very sorry for u. I bet u will start feeling better soon...almost made it to 2nd tri.
Ive never heard of those classes before. If they cost that much then i wont be doing them lol id do free classes tho. :)
I hope u have been having a nice day....even tho the weather is miserable xxx
I was just thinking its only a week to go! How exciting for you! Not long at all!

That's good that all the class passed the tap exam. Do you have to have an external examiner in or do you mark it yourself? I was never good enough to take an exam in tap! (Or maybe I gave up to soon!!)

I had a rubbish day yesterday with the ms. I couldn't keep liquid down in the AM again & got scared I would have to go back to hospital. I rang the dr straight away & they changed my anti sickness pills. I spent the day sitting v still & trying not to puke a 6th time! I feel better than yesterday today & haven't been sick, so I'm really hoping these pills keep working.

Do you have a busy week to make the next 7 days pass quicker? What time is your appt? xxx
Its an external examiner who comes to mark the exams. Got more in June.
Very sorry about how sick u feel. It must be terrible for u. Have u been off work? Do work know about the baby now?
My app is 1.20pm so this time next week i will know!

Got a normal week really. Im working extra hours on saturday as the children are performing in a cabaret. Hopefully that will help pass the time!!
I told my boss about the baby last week. I had to, having had the whole week off. She is being understanding & letting me be more flexible with my hours, although hasn't eased up with the amount of work she is piling on me. I went in for a couple of hours yest & said i might today, but I think I'll probably rest instead. There are only 3 employees plus my boss & 2 of us have been in hospital in last week & other one had a day off booked, so my boss was panicking quite a bit!

How cute that the kids are doing a cabaret. Will that be in the evening? That should distract you a bit. Could you plan a nice day out with DH on Sun to make that go quickly? Does he have the whole of Tues off or just the PM?

Do you think you'll buy a Doppler (?) when we can hear baby's heart beat? I have read that they cause more trouble than they are worth, cos they send you into a panic when you can't find anything. But it would be tempting to be able to check on baby whenever you want. Have you got your appointment date for the 16 week midwife appt? That's when we hear the HB isn't it?


Glad u have told your boss. That should be a bit of a weight off your mind.
The cabaret is on the afternoon/early evening. Im looking forward to that. We are meeting our friends on sunday for a big dog walk so that should be nice too.
I havent booked my 16 week appt yet....i will if all goes well with the scan. I dont think i will buy a doppler coz of the reasons u gave but i might do...again i will see what happens on 26th.

I got a call from my FS yesterday coz i was booked in for lap & dye surgery in may. She said i have seen on your records that u are pregnant, is this correct? So i explained about how i dont believe it! Lol she asked if she should cancel the surgery & i said if the scan is all good then i will ring & cancel it, but i want to keep the appointment for now. I think she understood lol.

Hubby is off now for 2 weeks. We have booked a weekend away to a nice hotel for the easter weekend. I think if the scan doesnt go well then we can get away.
Have u got your 16 week appt booked? Not long til your next scan either :) xxx
Hello! How are things today? There's a nice symmetry to your wait now, just a weekday, 2 weekend days then a weekday & you're there! Hardly anytime at all! I'm glad your DH is there to look after you in the run up. Going away for Easter (to celebrate!) sounds lovely. Are you going far? When I've got rid of this blasted ms I might book a weekend for DH, it sounds like such a nice idea. He really deserves a treat, he has basically been my slave for the past week, poor boy!

The dog walk sounds lovely too. I know it's so horrible for you having all this worry, but when you find out everything is fine on Tues, think how lucky you are that you don't have symptoms & can still get out & about.

I saw my chiropractor yest (had sciatica all last year) & she really annoyed me. She said I shouldn't be taking pills, I should just drink a glass of warm salt water in the morning & stick my fingers down my throat to make myself sick each morning! That will cure ms! Stupid woman! The idea is to not be sick, not make myself sick! She hasn't had kids herself. I don't think I'll go back to her, I've lost all respect for her now!

Did you see pictures of Kate Middleton being given a badge like mine? I copied her with the hyper thingy & now she is copying me with my badge!!

Hope you are keeping as calm as poss. xxx
Ps I'm not convinced I like my baby being compared to a prune!!
Pps. Midwife booked my 16 week appt at booking in appt. I hope it's written down somewhere, I have no idea when it is!

U made me laugh twice then, about the badge & the prune.
I forgot about your badge lol & i havent seen kate get one but im sure she is copying off u!! Also, i felt the same way about the prune ha ha!!!

4 more sleeps til my scan & one week to yours!! Its good when u can count down the final week days as your last wed, last thurs etc... If all goes well on tues then i am so grateful & thankful that i have had an easy time so far. I know i will appreciate that if all is well. Im worried but i need to find out either way.

I wouldnt take that advice either. Drinking salt water would be horrible & surely being sick is what u need to avoid. The baby needs your food. And i dont think it would stop u from feeling sick all day, it might help for an hour or so. Im hoping your sickness passes asap & u can*start enjoying pregnancy.
Booking a weekend away would be lovely when u feel like it.

We are going to Preston to a lovely hotel. We will prob just relax in our room and go for a swin & nice meals etc... Im looking forward to it but cant think passed the scan at the min.

Hope u have a nice day xxx
3 sleeps til your scan. That's hardly any time at all! Are you worried or do you feel at least you'll know one way or another? I really hope you are able to believe when you see your baby. I don't know when we're meant to start feeling them, it can't be long can it? Hopefully that will make it more real for you.

A week today & I'll be off for scan! Even though I saw baby last week, I'm still a bit nervous about everything still being alright. I guess that's how it always is. At least this time it will be a more dignified external scan!

Do you have snow? Nothing here, we're lucky.

My friend went to uni in Preston but I've never been. Is it nice? I've not been to the north of England much. I really want to go to Manchester, just to see what is like & cos everyone will have a different accent to me (I don't really have a regional accent. DH's family have quite strong Somerset accents, which amuses me sometimes!) DH really doesn't want to go to Manchester for some reason, so we haven't got there yet. We tend to go to Cornwall or the Cotswolds for time away, or over to my friend in Sussex.

Hope your Cabaret goes well. xxx

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