Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Lol the chicken sounds funny!! My mam is planning on getting some in her garden this spring.
I just had my tea and got far too full and was sick a tiny bit. Ok now though. Im glad u managed ok today.
I used to love neighbours and home & away but dont watch them now. I always watch OBEM i really like it. Always makes me hide behind a cushion when they are giving birth and makes me cry when they hold their baby. I feel like it helps prepare me as u see so many different labours and situations. I have never seen CTM, might watch it!
I feel the same about finding out the sex. Now im pregnant i really want to know! But i think we wont. For some reason, not finding out is like proving to the world that u dont mind which sex u get. I really dont mind which sex. A girl would fit into my life easier as i have a pink shop and teach dance but a boy would be such an experience and change as i have over 100 little girls at dancing!! Im not as used to boys. Which sex are u swaying towards? If u dont want to say thats ok :).
Im fine thanks and my mum is too. I see her everyday so im looking after her lol. We think the funerale will be on tuesday.
Have u started looking at prams yet? I would like a silver cross and really like one they have in grey. I cant help looking, its so exciting!!
Im looking forward to my appointment. I will tell u all about it. I hope the midwife is nice :) xxx
So ive had my first appointment!!
I was excited but then got nervous and felt sick before i went in.
I didnt get to meet the midwife that has been asigned to me, there were two midwives there from a different district.
Anyway, they asked lots of questions from a thick booklet. Questions mainly about health, any previous pregnancies. Am i depressed?is my husband the babys father? Am i happy about the pregnancy? Etc...
Then i had a carbon monoxide test where i had to breathe into a tube, had bloods taken, blood pressure done and did a urine sample. I got a bounty pack with lots of info in and a blue folder for all my notes which i need to take to each appointment. We talked about screening for downs and i would like that test done.
We now wait 2 weeks for a letter with a date for the 12 week scan!!!
Im very excited about the scan but nervous too. I just hope everything is ok in there!
They said my EDD is oct 7th which is my brothers birthday! I think that will change a bit when i get a scan as i know i ovulated later than cd14.

Its snowing here now!!
Hope u are ok xxx
How exciting! That all sounds great! How long did it take? Do you have to decide now about the Down's syndrome test? I haven't thought about it. That's great you'll know when your scan is soon, it'll be a milestone to look forward to.

I'm feeling pants today. Started the day by throwing up & have felt nauseous since. Feel exhausted this eve. Bought some different ginger biscuits, some ginger tablets & some travel sickness bands. I know no one likes being sick, but since I was a child I've been extra scared of it, so I'm really not happy about starting at 5weeks 4 days. As I was forcing my evening meal down I was thinking how am I going to manage this whole pregnancy thing? Which is so stupid, because I've wanted it for so long. I'm sure it will all feel different tomorrow. Im hoping symptoms go up & down & soon my body will adapt to this. Sorry to whinge.

Is the snow settling? We had some this morning but it soon turned to rain. xxx
The snow was laying but melting now.
The appointment lasted about 45mins. We had to decide there and then about the first stage of the downs testing which tells u if u are low or high risk. After that, if u are found to be higg risk u can decide if u want to go ahead with the actual test.
Sorry u are having a hard time with ms. Buying all those ginger things will help. Remember it wont last forever. It will prob go as quick as it came.
Im still worrying about not having many symptoms. Id hate to get to the 12 week scan and find there is no baby!
Did u say u work part time? Which days do u work? What does your dh do? Xxx
Hello! How are you? I had a rubbish night yesterday, awake from 3am feeling sick & then sick twice before I got up. Had to manage a whole day at work on 4 hours sleep. While I was working I grazed every hour or so on food - the work formed a good distraction from what I was putting in my mouth. I felt better by the end of the day & managed a better nights sleep & this morning I got up early to eat so haven't been sick - hurrah! My plan today is to keep my mid as occupied as possible so I distract myself.

I work Tues & Thurs & sometimes Wednesday. DH works in a cheese factory, making protein that is used in baby food among other things. He works different shifts each week - sometimes very early starts, sometimes late finishes. He got in at 1am last night. I wouldn't have felt up to celebrating Valentines Day, but it was a shame we on,y got to see each other for 30mins at lunchtime. Did you celebrate? We never go out for a meal or anything, we just used to have a nice meal at home.

What is the first Down's syndrome test? Is it invasive? There's one where they take a sample from the umbilical chord isn't there?

What type of dance do you teach? I used to do ballet & tap when I was little but was never any good. Do you put on end of term shows for the parents?

Your DH's job sounds interesting! baby food!!!

I teach ballet, tap, modern, cheerleading and street dance. Yes I put on big shows. We are working towards dance exams at the minute but should be doing a Christmas show which I won't be now im expecting, but as my mum doesnt know, she keeps bugging me to book the theatre and everything as it does need booking well in advance! I need to keep making excusues to put it off for the next few weeks lol.

Ive been eating little and often (i usually do that anyway really) maybe that has helped me from getting MS yet. I have felt sick a few times but nothing like u are experiencing. Poor u actually being sick! I hate being sick. I think an empty tummy makes you worse.

We were both working last night til 8pm so didn't celebrate valentines. We had our tea with my mum! How romantic!! I was thinking of having sex but still don't dare. Have u yet? DH is really really really wanting too.....makes me feel mean!

The first stage of the downs testing is not invasive at all. They just look closely at the scan at 12 weeks and measure the fluid at the back of the neck and also do a blood test. It's the second stage that is risky. They take some of the fluid from the sack or something. Hopefully the first stage comes back as low risk as i wouldnt know whether to go ahead with the second stage or not. I'd have to consider it at the time.

I had a frightening dream last night where i came on my period and i was actually crying in my sleep and DH had to tell me everything was ok and i was just dreaming. When i told him about the dream he said i shouldnt be thinking like that and i will make it happen if i have all these bad thoughts! I said I can't help what i dream about!! But i have been thinking negatively lately. I need to be more positive!
I just find it strange that i don't feel pregnant but then i think, well i have never been pregnant before so how am i suppose to feel? I don't know what being pregnant is supposed to be like, so maybe this is it!! If u know what i mean going mad lol
What a horrible dream, it made me cry too! (I am v tired & emotional). You can't help what you dream & it's totally natural to be worried, especially so early. Plus your hormones are probably making you overly worried & you did lose your nanna this week, so I don't think you're being overly negative. Surely what we think & feel can't really make that big a difference, what will be will be.

Still no sex here either, definitely not feeling like it at the mo. We did have some intimacy at the weekend & I came & then spent all day checking I wasn't bleeding! I was fine, but I'm not sure it was worth the worry.

I'm feeling better today, touch wood. I've spent the afternoon with a couple of friends. One of them has 3 kids including a baby born last May. DH said I was allowed to tell her, cos I don't see her v often & she doesn't know anyone else I know, so there's no risk she'll tell anyone before we do. She thought my sickness was really early, so it's probably me that's odd, not you. It was nice to be able to talk to someone about it & get tips. As she's on her 3rd, she's all relaxed & not worried about sticking to every rule, which I think I might be doing. Probably a first time thing.

I might tell my best friend this weekend. She lives on other side of country & I'm meant to be going to stay for 2 nights next week, but I really can't cope with it with the ms. It's bad enough being sick in my own house, let alone someone else's. I don't know whether to tell her the truth or claim I'm ill. I don't like lying to her. But she's the one who doesn't want kids so I don't think she'll be that thrilled when I tell her. If anything bad happened, I'd want to tell her that & have her support, so DH thinks I can tell her. It just seems too early. My friend today said with her 1st 2 she told everyone at 6 weeks & didn't regret it, so maybe just telling one more person wouldn't hurt. It's so tricky!

You probably are feeling exactly how you should feel when pregnant. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who get away with few symptoms. My SIL barely had any symptoms with her 3, she was sick once with the girl, not at all with boys. My mum was only sick once too, I don't know what's going on with me!

What are you up to ths weekend? xxx
I think once u tell someone, u get the bug for telling people. I think id want to tell the world once my mum knows. But if u would tell your best friend if something were to go wrong then u might as well tell her now :)
I took photos of my digital tests and each night i have to look at the pics just to believe it! Its a shame the display disappears in real life.
Im working all day tomorrow then we are going to the inlaws house for tea. Sunday we dont have any plans. We will prob go for a nice walk and relax.
What are u doing this weekend? X
Think im starting with ms. Felt sick in the night and this morning xxx
Oh dear, poor you. Keep eating. I think the travel sickness bands work too, they seem to make me feel a bit better.

We don't have any plans for the weekend. I think DH wants to go shopping at some point & we will probably visit his mum & my parents, but apart from that just relaxing. I want to keep busy though to keep my mind occupied. No ms again today, although I was awake in night for an hour feeling sick. Put my bands on & got back to sleep eventually. I'm so tired in the evenings at the moment. I get all shakey from 6 onwards & then am asleep by 9. What a party animal!!

I'm a sweet pea! V excited to have reached the 6 week mark, as now drs seem to think its more valid. I would be allowed to go to the early pregnancy unit if there were any problems now.

Going to ring my friend in a bit, just trying to pluck up the courage.... Still don't know whether to tell her or lie. Feel rubbish for cancelling, but I just can't do it at the moment. It's understandable isnt it?

Totally understandable. U wouldnt want to go there feeling ill under normal circumstances so being pregnant u have to be even more careful. Just decide for definate what u are going to tell her before u make the call. As id prob change my mind about 10x whilst it was ringing lol.
I dont feel as bad now. Havent had much to eat tho. Starting work in a few mins. But ive got snacks for the day.
Have a good day hun xxx
Ooh, your a blueberry! I know what that is!! Maybe sweet pea is a petit pois if it has to be smaller than a blueberry?

How are you? Any more ms? I've been trying really hard to distract myself. My mum thinks I was getting too tense about the sickness bit. I've been avoiding the forums & trying to think of other things. Everything except cheese & toast tastes disgusting at the moment. I can't stand anything sweet, even cordial which I normally drink. How are your taste buds?

I got my midwife appointment today! 8th March. I made sure DH will be there, as they are going to give me a tour of the birthing unit & I really can't face that on my own! They say I can ring them 24 hours a day now, so that's reasurring.

Good luck for tomorrow, I hope it goes as well as these things can. xxx
Hello, looking for mums to be in or around my area due in Oct.

Im not feeling any ms again but i have had a bad magraine saturday and sunday! Food still tastes the same to me but i dont feel like eating chocolate and sweets like i usually do.
Yes its the funeral tomorrow. I will let u know how it goes.
Its exciting that u have your midwife appointment!! Not long to wait :). Good that DH can go with u and u are getting a tour!! It will begin to feel so real.
I hope u are coping ok with the ms.
Hows things?
The funeral went well today. It was a lovely send off.
Afterwards we told my mum about the baby!!! She is very very excited! Cant wait to talk to her about it even more.
I'm glad the funeral went well & so pleased that you are now able to talk to your mum. It must be so great to have another person to talk to after keeping it secret for so many weeks.

I'm still suffering from ms. Everything, including tap water, is now tasting absolutely disgusting, so that's really not helping. I'm really not enjoying this at the moment. It's taking away from the excitement.

Did you see the pics of Kate Middleton's baby bump? It looks very small & neat. I doubt I'll look that neat as I'm no where near as slim.

Sorry to hear your ms is spoiling your experience. Wish i could stop it for u!
I havent seen any pics of kate for ages. I will have a look online.
Im only a size 6 and people say to me 'how will u ever have a baby, there will be no where for it to go'! So rude! Lol. Hopefully i will find somewhere for it to grow :)

Are u managing to work with ms or have u taken any time off?
Yes, very rude! Is your mum tiny too? I'm sure your body must've been designed with room for a baby to grow!

I have been managing work, although I had Tues off as I was meant to be staying at my friends. When I'm at work I have less time to notice feeling sick, so that's better. Unfortunately today I was sick at work, which was very embarrassing. My colleague asked if I was alright but luckily didn't say any more. She is a smoker & I can't stand the smell on her clothes, it was making me feel queasy all PM. She doesn't have a fag break or anything, but she still smells. It is tricky to keep my distance without looking weird.

Have you been talking about it loads with your mum? Have you got a scan date? How's your migraine? xxx
Sorry to hear u were sick at work. I should count myself lucky that i dont feel sick but im going crazy again today thinking i have no symptoms and if the baby is ok. I was talking about it so much that hubby has bought me another htp to take in the morning. I really need convincing this is real. I think because neither the doc or midwife confirmed my pregnancy as they say hpts are so good that they dont need to but i wish they would. My mam said she didnt feel sick with any of her 3 children. So maybe im just like her. She is slim too but not as slim as me. My nanna was as slim as me tho.
Still no date for scan yet. No more migraines either!
Bet your excited for your midwife appointment xxx

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