Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Mo - are they going to assemble it for you? I watched the men do it……it took them over an hour for each crib and they do it daily lol I thought it was crazy!
I love the ones you chose!!! I believe mine are made in Italy. Love them…super solid and sturdy!
Once they are assembled it does not take long to put the sheets and stuff together.

Just go back from echo! Her heart it growing in the proper direction!! Everything looks good. The one valve still looks a bit narrow, but she said as of right now, she may not even need an immediate look by the cardiologist after birth….if at all. So all looks well right now. Still going on wed to Colombia. She still just wants us to see her doc friend, and you still never know about where we will give birth.
So today was a great day!! Got some nice 3D pics too! Poor little guy…her foot was in his face the entire time! lol Ill try to upload them tonight…..eventually….im a little slow lol
I'm hoping it cones assembled!! I don't think the crib does though. What brand did you go with?

Glad the babies are both looking good and baby a's heart looks so good!
H girls quick update from me so sorry for lack of personals. Can someone help decipher my notes please? Had a second sweep today, been in agony most of the day and in my notes the midwife has written the following

Cx - 1cm dilated
Medium consistency
1.5cm long - posterior
Vx - 2

They want me back in tomorrow to be induced now. So fed up and and a bit upset I've just agreed. Really don't want to be placed on the drip they've said they do it through gels first for 12 hours then switch to drip if needed :(

Totally letdown by my body :( x x
I only know a couple of those... Can't believe baby isn't budging a week overdue!

Looks like baby is head down, dilated to 1cm with 1.5 cm cervix length

Don't fret about being induced! You have gone soooo far overdue. Can you ask for a couple more days?
They won't push it back now. Pgp has gotten so much worse they think there's too much of a risk to me, baby's fine though which at this point is all that matters! Mo I'm up the wall with it now!
Oh Likkle, I am sorry that baby doesn't want to come by him/herself! Don't you dare feel let down by your body! :hugs: It is not your fault at all. There wouldn't be any reason to induce, if you didn't have that issue that is a risk to you!!

I agree with Mo :
Cx - 1 cm dilated is your cervix dilation
Medium consistency is I think also your cervix - not totally soft yet, which is how I believe it goes to aid dilation (like effacement) - cervix softens and thins for delivery - sounds like you are half way there with the consistency :)
I agree with mo on the 1,5 cm long - posterior - your cervix will get shorter and shorter for delivery - posterior is just the positioning. An anterior cervix will point forwards towards the stomach, the posterior is just the opposite...

All fingers crossed for you tomorrow and I am hoping that - if you do need to be induced, that the gell will be enough and you won't have to go on the drip :hugs:

AFM ... not feeling in any way pregnant *sniff* but I know it is way too early! My temperature seems to be doing the right thing for an implantation yesterday ... the only thing that is giving me hope is the feeling of my ovaries, that are feeling swollen. It had gone down before the transfer, but has flared up again. So I am hoping that the swollen ovaries and the serious bloatedness are good signs!
Bubu - I hope this is it!!!!

Likk - omg baby likes it in there!

Mo - we went with a store named Bellini. I dk if it's everywhere but it's the best here.
Just got home from the clinic. Beta is 75 on 12dp5dfet. Isn't it a little lower than it should be. I remember it being well over 100 on the same day when I had my first beta. I'll have a repeat beta on Monday. I not sure if I should be excited or worried right now. Any expert advice is welcome.
Hey Honey - I think 75 is well within the "safe" range and what really plays a role is the %age of increase at your next beta :) Might just be that your FET is a tad slower than a fresh embryo would have been - but I wouldn't worry if I were you. I think it sounds fine for a nice, healthy, singleton pregnancy. Did your clinic say anything? (I think it is a bit weird, waiting almost a week for the second beta, isn't it?)
Honey sorry we don't do betas over here, but from others I've seen on here it's like buba said within the safe range.

Stinas, it's gotta be a boy and just lazy! Two sweeps and nothing :( really down and a bit fed up. Glad in one way I've got the induction booked today as at least the ends in sight but really sad that nothing's gone to plan. I'm trying to avoid being placed on a drip at all costs so I can have an active birth x
Actually I don't mind the wait as long as we see a good number then. I am very tired at the moment so that's probably why I don't mind anything at all. I'll take a little nap now.

Likkle - Can't wait to hear about your birth. This baby needs to get going. I hope you could have the drug free labour that you wish for.
Honey: Congrats!! That number sounds fine to me. Remember Haj had a low number and she had twins. The beta ranges are huge!!!! I used to follow a site called beta base where people record their results based on dpo, the ranges were insane. Not easy to judge those numbers. Hopefully you get reassurance from your second test.

Bubu: Still lots of time for symptoms to appear. :dust: :dust:

Stinas: 150 people!!!! OMG I don't even know that many people anymore. Even if I invited all our aquatences and both men and women we'd never come close. Lol! Your venue was beautiful is that where you work? You mentioned they do parties where you work. You must be set now for baby stuff. Glad to hear all is well with the twinkies! Do you have names picked out?

Likkle: I was induce with the gel and then drip. They were supposed to use the gel for 12 hours but because of all these emergencies I got left for 24 hours with it in. It definitely started my contractions and got me to 5cm but the drip worked better. I know it sucks evicting your baby but when you have you lo in your arms you will be happy. Good luck tomorrow!!

Snd: Good luck with beta #3!!

Mobaby: Your crib is beautiful, what store is it from? I imagine you'll have to assemble it or pay a ton to ship it. Most cribs are easy to assemble nowadays but I'm not sure about a handmade one.

Kathy: Good luck at your beta today, weird to say but I hope it is 0!! Sorry the cramping is bad. :( Hoping this turn around for you soon!

Azlissie: I feel for you and poor little Dawson, Chris has been sick for a week now and only wants to sleep in my arms. I keep thinking about you and your mom holding Dawson all night. I don't think I could handle it. You are such an amazing mommy!!!

Broody: Crazy how fast a year passes, are you going with a theme?

Saw that quad article on FB too! I would die!!!! That is crazy rare!!! I find it hard with twins at my age I can't imagine what that lady's life will be like. I hope she has help.
Honey: not to sound negative but 75 is low for 12dp5dt. I'm just saying that from personal experience and research and reading over past 3 years. BUT it's not impossible or negative so I think there is a little hope there. What is important is the doubling time/increase that will predict things more than a single number. Fx for you!

Stinas we have Bellini here too!! That was my next stop but the one I found wasn't leaving my mind so I went with it.

Bubu swollen ovaries are good!! Fx for you!!

Jenn it's from a local store that sells high end baby furniture. Shipping from the store to me is done by a delivery service and cost around $100-$130 so not too bad although for what I paid it should come directly to me!
Thanks Mo ... I don't know if they really are swollen - it is just what it feels like. That and being seriously bloated! Why would it be good?
Thanks Mo. I was waiting for an honest opinion from you. I did think it was low too. I just needed to know the truth to be prepared for reality. I guess it could go both ways from here. I guess time will tell. I love that you never sugarcoat the reality. The bare truth was what I needed to know.

I guess there is nothing I could do to change the outcome. So I'm not worried about that. What I'm worried is it is the exact same thing being repeated over and over. And they can't find a reason why I can't have a successful pregnancy. Is there anything I should ask for in particular at my next appointment for prevention of miscarriage. I need answers and I need to know the right questions to ask.

Jenn - I hope I get to a better place by my next test and have miracle twins like haj! That would be dream come true. I'm still hoping for that.
Bubu the hcg stimulates the ovaries to make progesterone... Also women who hyper stimulate tend to get worse once hcg starts kicking out which makes the ovaries :)
Ah, I see - well then I really hope that that is it :) xxx
Mrs. C- I'm doing okay, just trying very impatiently to be patient! I feel like the rest of my life is on hold while all I do is hurry up and wait!

Bubu- I'm so excited for you and crossing my fingers and saying a prayer that this is your time!

Stinas- I was wowed by your baby shower pics beautiful! I hope you got everything you needed and more and I'm so glad baby girls heart is looking good, you deserve great things!

MoBaby- I can't believe you don't have much time left to go, your pregnancy seems to have flown by (for me anyway)! Are you all done with tests and that sort of thing so that you can just enjoy your last bit of pregnancy?

Kathy- I am going to have the SHG as well, mine is scheduled for March 6 plus lots of bloodwork. We seem similar and my doctor thinks I have a clotting disorder and will need to take heparin through my pregnancy. You may look into something like that. I hope all is well with you I understand how tough it is waiting for your levels to go back down while grieving but at the same time wanting to start again, so frustrating. I am glad to lend an ear if you need to vent anytime!

Honey- I'm so glad your pregnant how exciting! Please try not to worry to much I know it's easier said than done as a lot of us have been in that situation. All of my first betas for all 3 pregnancies started low, it really is not the first number that is so important it is the doubling factor. My last pregnancy my first beta was 18 and then it took off from there and in a matter of two weeks was in the thousands and then I got to see my babies heart beat! It's so hard to feel like your on pins and needles when you just want to be happy and enjoy being pregnant and I pray that your numbers do exactly as they should and you get that happy feeling and take home baby!

As for me I'm just driving myself insane trying to tell if I have any "Pregnant" like symptoms which I know is way to early if I was lucky enough to get pregnant on my own again. I have an SHG scheduled for March 6 along with all the bloodwork I didn't get to last time since I ended up pregnant. If I happen to be blessed with another suprise pregnancy before my test and bloodwork my doctor is going to have me start heparin injections twice a day and continue that through my pregnancy. He believes I have a clotting issue and the clots are cutting off supplies to the baby based on the times that I have miscarried. I'm secretly hoping to get pregnant again and just go with the heparin but am kind of scared because if it's another issue then a fourth miscarriage might just have me come unraveled! Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and I am really enjoying all the updates on the babies!!
Cd you really give me hope.
Bubu- if OHSS symptoms are coming back it could only mean one thing. Your body has started making hcg. I hope it really is. Fingers crossed for you. This is excited though it is no fun for you be in pain. But I have always felt that heavy feeling where your ovaries are suppose to be and the bloating days before actually seeing a bfp.
Cd I think I'm all done. Ultrasound around 35 weeks to make sure baby is growing and no iugr. No signs of it but I guess they want to be sure. No issues which I'm grateful for!
I hope you are preggo natural again. Sorry you have tongi through all this :( can your dr run the bloodwork to see if clotting disorder?

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