Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Mrs. C- I'm doing okay, just trying very impatiently to be patient! I feel like the rest of my life is on hold while all I do is hurry up and wait!

Bubu- I'm so excited for you and crossing my fingers and saying a prayer that this is your time!

Stinas- I was wowed by your baby shower pics beautiful! I hope you got everything you needed and more and I'm so glad baby girls heart is looking good, you deserve great things!

MoBaby- I can't believe you don't have much time left to go, your pregnancy seems to have flown by (for me anyway)! Are you all done with tests and that sort of thing so that you can just enjoy your last bit of pregnancy?

Kathy- I am going to have the SHG as well, mine is scheduled for March 6 plus lots of bloodwork. We seem similar and my doctor thinks I have a clotting disorder and will need to take heparin through my pregnancy. You may look into something like that. I hope all is well with you I understand how tough it is waiting for your levels to go back down while grieving but at the same time wanting to start again, so frustrating. I am glad to lend an ear if you need to vent anytime!

Honey- I'm so glad your pregnant how exciting! Please try not to worry to much I know it's easier said than done as a lot of us have been in that situation. All of my first betas for all 3 pregnancies started low, it really is not the first number that is so important it is the doubling factor. My last pregnancy my first beta was 18 and then it took off from there and in a matter of two weeks was in the thousands and then I got to see my babies heart beat! It's so hard to feel like your on pins and needles when you just want to be happy and enjoy being pregnant and I pray that your numbers do exactly as they should and you get that happy feeling and take home baby!

As for me I'm just driving myself insane trying to tell if I have any "Pregnant" like symptoms which I know is way to early if I was lucky enough to get pregnant on my own again. I have an SHG scheduled for March 6 along with all the bloodwork I didn't get to last time since I ended up pregnant. If I happen to be blessed with another suprise pregnancy before my test and bloodwork my doctor is going to have me start heparin injections twice a day and continue that through my pregnancy. He believes I have a clotting issue and the clots are cutting off supplies to the baby based on the times that I have miscarried. I'm secretly hoping to get pregnant again and just go with the heparin but am kind of scared because if it's another issue then a fourth miscarriage might just have me come unraveled! Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and I am really enjoying all the updates on the babies!!

Hi CD :hugs: I have done a ton of bloodwork but everything came back normal. They are doing the saline to make sure there was nothing left behind from the D&C....It's frustrating as they can't tell me what's wrong because all the blood work came back fine :shrug: My body was basically saying ok it's time for the baby to be born when in fact it wasn't....then when I ended up getting pregnant on my own my body didn't want to let go! :wacko: I have a crappy body :haha:
I will say an extra prayer for you <3 that all bloodwork comes back fine.
Nurse just rang and I'm back at zero!! Wait for AF to arrive and then on third day they will give me BCP so I can do a saline sonogram...(guess they want to make sure this time around I don't get into any trouble) hahahahaha....from there if I want to start I can <3
Honey- I'm glad I can give you some hope, hang in there!

Mobaby- I can do the testing for the blood clotting disorder which is scheduled on March 6. In order to have that testing done (and paid for by insurance) you have to have had 3 miscarriages which my doctor was going to do it at 2, and have no HCG in your system for 6 weeks (less than 5 anyway) because you can get false results easily if you do it right after pregnancy. They will do bloodwork that checks for any and everything such as auto immune disorders, blood clotting factors, and anything else you can think of. On March 6 it will have been right around 6 weeks since my miscarriage. If I end up pregnant they cannot do the testing until 6 weeks after the end of my pregnancy. I know The Lord will put me in the right place for his plan I just have to trust him and let go of trying to be in control which being that I'm human (and female ;) ) is so hard to do!
The guidelines changed to 2 or more. Mine was all covered 100%. You should be okay:
I did have embryo testing on each to see what went wrong but then had all the rpl workup.
Quick update... 3rd beta = over 9,500!

I'm sooo nervous it's twins!!
Snd: How exciting, congrats! When is your scan?

Kathy: Glad to hear you are back to 0 and can start again. FX for you!

Bubu: Sounds like good signs. Hopefully Friday will bring you good news.

CD: I hope you can have a natural BFP again sure beats going through IVF.
How exciting!! I bet it is!! That is a great beta :) Congrats.
Terrible back breaking back ache. I can't even go to bed.

Kathy I am glad you get to start again soon.

Snd - those are some awesome beta numbers.

Bubu- how are you doing.
snd - what FANTASTIC numbers! How exciting :) so, so happy for you :) Certainly could be twinnies with those increases :) Can't wait to hear about your scan next week :) xxx

Honey - I am so sorry to hear that you have such a bad back-ache! Having had a slipped disc, I know how crippling back pain can be (and I am sure Lindsay can sing a song about it!). I sincerely hope it lets up soon!!

AFM - nothing new to report really. Still feeling very sore ovaries and being very bloated. Yesterday afternoon, I started peeing like a World Champion :lol: true, I was drinking a lot of water, but I wouldn't have thought that I needed to go that often. Had a waxing and facial appointment last night... even had to go out during the facial (which I don't normally) and could have gone a second time, but just waited, 'till I was done. Also, my skin was more sensitive to the treatment than normal - the girl doing the facial said that some parts of my face were turning red (blotchy) when they usually don't.
Was quite tired last night and off to sleep earlier than usual ... waking up three times to go to the toilet, at about 3 hour intervals.... Oh and around 6 woke up drenched in sweat ... Now this I do attribute to the progesterone I am having to take three times a day...
But silently, I am hoping that all the other things are signs of something very good happening (yes, secretly, I am hoping again *grin*) - but I daren't say it out loud for fear of jinxing it .... so I just keep saying (also when DH asks if it is normal) that I hope that it could be a good sign :) Boobs are getting more sensitive again, but that is also normal for me with the progesterone ...


And for all of us that need it :dust::dust::dust:
Bubu- your symptoms sound really promising. Fingers crossed for you. A lot of it could be from progesterone but the bloating and pain around ovaries has to mean pregnancy. Also the sensitive skin is new. Can't wait for Friday to hear your results.
Early on I had to pee constantly!!!! I never understood thinking these little soybeans smaller then my pinky nail are causing me to have to pee so much. Not sure is progesterone has anything to do with it. I figured it wasn't that since frequent peeing is a early sign of pregnancy for anyone. Everything sounds promising Bubu! Praying for you!!
Me too about the peeing. I pee about every two hours at night.
The weird thing is, that it is not always a lot, if you know what I mean? Sometimes, it is a normal amount and sometimes, more like a dribble (sorry if TMI)...

Now I am really starting to hope that this is it!! I have been so careful so far with getting my hopes up ... <3
So not TMI we talk about way worse things then pee on here. I peed dribbles constantly especially near the end. I'd feel like I was going to explode and only a drop would come out. Your uterus could be expanding and causing that feeling. For me it leveled off after a few weeks and then returned second tri when the babies started sitting on my bladder. It's so tough in the tww trying to figure out these symptoms. All I can say is for me I woke up one morning and just knew it worked. I got a BFN on my test that morning but I knew it worked, just too early for a line to appear.
*lol* I was kinda thinking that, when I wrote the "sorry if TMI" :) :)
If the bean(s) is only just burrowing in, would my uterus be responding already so soon?
I guess I am just a bit more cautious about knowing .. in August, I knew - but I also knew the moment that it was gone again, IYKWIM?
Just don't want to have my hopes crushed again... yet, I have that "feeling"... does that make sense at all???

Oh well - two more days and I will know either way :D :)
BUBU...all positive vibes being sent your way!!! Praying extra hard for you <3
Bubu - sounding good to me!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

I remember peeing alot during the tww, but I thought it was my body downregging after all the procedures and hormones. And I had the sweating too, but I thought it was all from the estrogen and progesterone.... I think it's the real deal my friend!!! :cloud9:
Honey - Clinics usually look for anything above 50. Check the first page to compare with others betas!

Likk - Oh dear…I hope that baby comes today! I can only imagine how uncomfortable you are!

Jenn - Yes, thats our place! I do have pretty much everything we need. I have a bunch of credit, so if I do need something I don't have to pay for it. :thumb up:
Ummmmm…no names lol Its soooooo hard!!!! We have a few in mind, but its more him than me…..i just don't feel any of them! Its weird. Thought it would be easier.

Mo - I really liked Bellini. Stuff is rock solid!

cd - I hope you do get preg naturally again! Im praying everything goes well!

Kathy - yay for being at zero and being close to starting!

snd - :happydance: Yay!! I hope you join our twinkie group! Double the blessings!

BUBU - Cant wait for your first beta!

Went to Colombia University today. Doc confirmed the narrow valve. She agrees with the other doc. She said what what she saw today she does not think I will need to deliver there, I can deliver at my hospital. She wants to see me in a month to confirm that. She wants the cardiologists to look at her when she is born, but says the fact that it has not progressed since we first caught it about a month + ago, she is happy with that.
So it was pretty much a confirmation apt. I do admit, it was super hard laying there for that long. My back was killing me….not to mention my feet are once again swollen. Yay. lol
Overall, it was a good apt!
Next up is grown scan on friday!

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