Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Hi Mo. Yes there was. The development wasn't good enough, so nothing frozen, unfortunately. But I honestly wasn't expecting them to freeze anything today, seemed pretty clear, that their development was arresting :(

Honey, how are you today?

Sorry you don't have any frosties. You won't need them right now though. :winkwink:

AFM, Dawson is doing great. He has a home health nurse who visits every 3 months & last week she thought his head was getting too asymmetrical so she suggested I look into a helmet. I took him into his ped for a second opinion & he said it's very mild & to not do anything right now. He wants me to take weekly pics of the top of his head & come back if I notice it changing. I was so stressed out for a few days - it just seems like the poor little guy has already had to go through so much & he deserved a break. I'm so glad he won't be getting a helmet to add to everything else. His palate surgery has been scheduled for June 5th - I'll be out of school & he'll have about 7 weeks before I have to go back. I just hope he's healed up by his 1st bday June 24th! But he's growing well & is such a happy baby!

I'm glad he doesn't need a helmet! That would be very hard with everything else you guys have gone through. He's a trouper though! I'm glad the surgery is scheduled. Fx he is healed up by his first birthday!!

Little mo in 30 days!!!!


Just got home from the clinic. Beta is 75 on 12dp5dfet. Isn't it a little lower than it should be. I remember it being well over 100 on the same day when I had my first beta. I'll have a repeat beta on Monday. I not sure if I should be excited or worried right now. Any expert advice is welcome.

Congrats Honey! Please try to stay positive. :hugs:

Mrs. C- I'm doing okay, just trying very impatiently to be patient! I feel like the rest of my life is on hold while all I do is hurry up and wait!
As for me I'm just driving myself insane trying to tell if I have any "Pregnant" like symptoms which I know is way to early if I was lucky enough to get pregnant on my own again. I have an SHG scheduled for March 6 along with all the bloodwork I didn't get to last time since I ended up pregnant. If I happen to be blessed with another suprise pregnancy before my test and bloodwork my doctor is going to have me start heparin injections twice a day and continue that through my pregnancy. He believes I have a clotting issue and the clots are cutting off supplies to the baby based on the times that I have miscarried. I'm secretly hoping to get pregnant again and just go with the heparin but am kind of scared because if it's another issue then a fourth miscarriage might just have me come unraveled! Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and I am really enjoying all the updates on the babies!!

Fx for a natural pregnancy again. How amazing would that be!!

Nurse just rang and I'm back at zero!! Wait for AF to arrive and then on third day they will give me BCP so I can do a saline sonogram...(guess they want to make sure this time around I don't get into any trouble) hahahahaha....from there if I want to start I can <3

Great news! Bring on AF!

Quick update... 3rd beta = over 9,500!

I'm sooo nervous it's twins!!

:happydance: Huge congrats! I can't wait to hear about your scan!!

snd - what FANTASTIC numbers! How exciting :) so, so happy for you :) Certainly could be twinnies with those increases :) Can't wait to hear about your scan next week :) xxx

Honey - I am so sorry to hear that you have such a bad back-ache! Having had a slipped disc, I know how crippling back pain can be (and I am sure Lindsay can sing a song about it!). I sincerely hope it lets up soon!!

AFM - nothing new to report really. Still feeling very sore ovaries and being very bloated. Yesterday afternoon, I started peeing like a World Champion :lol: true, I was drinking a lot of water, but I wouldn't have thought that I needed to go that often. Had a waxing and facial appointment last night... even had to go out during the facial (which I don't normally) and could have gone a second time, but just waited, 'till I was done. Also, my skin was more sensitive to the treatment than normal - the girl doing the facial said that some parts of my face were turning red (blotchy) when they usually don't.
Was quite tired last night and off to sleep earlier than usual ... waking up three times to go to the toilet, at about 3 hour intervals.... Oh and around 6 woke up drenched in sweat ... Now this I do attribute to the progesterone I am having to take three times a day...
But silently, I am hoping that all the other things are signs of something very good happening (yes, secretly, I am hoping again *grin*) - but I daren't say it out loud for fear of jinxing it .... so I just keep saying (also when DH asks if it is normal) that I hope that it could be a good sign :) Boobs are getting more sensitive again, but that is also normal for me with the progesterone ...


And for all of us that need it :dust::dust::dust:

Your symptoms sound promising!! I have everything crossed for you. :hugs:

Went to Colombia University today. Doc confirmed the narrow valve. She agrees with the other doc. She said what what she saw today she does not think I will need to deliver there, I can deliver at my hospital. She wants to see me in a month to confirm that. She wants the cardiologists to look at her when she is born, but says the fact that it has not progressed since we first caught it about a month + ago, she is happy with that.
So it was pretty much a confirmation apt. I do admit, it was super hard laying there for that long. My back was killing me….not to mention my feet are once again swollen. Yay. lol
Overall, it was a good apt!
Next up is grown scan on friday!

I'm so glad everything went well! It is so hard laying there for so long. The scans are amazing but holy crap is it a killer on the back with two babies in there!

Hopefully Likkle doesn't mind me sharing... She has been in the hospital since yesterday afternoon my time!! Last update was that they were still waiting. I'm guessing baby has decided to come on his/her own but is now being stubborn! For sure a boy (jk)! :haha:
Actually never mind... She had her baby!!! Huge congrats to Likkle!!! :happydance:
Yeah Likkle! And......... Enquiring minds want to know Boy or Girl??????? Congrats!!!!
Stinas: Names are tough. Here is a couple I heard that were mentioned to me when I was in the hospital. Too late for me to use but free for you to use. Lemonjello (pronounces la-mon-jello spelled "lemon jello") and Abcde (pronounced ab-city spelled using the first 5 letters) These are real names people used. All yours, problem solved, your welcome!! :)
I heard of someone who named their girl gonorrhea (pronounced ganorea)... That's classy!!

Me and dh have no names either! We are slacking on that.

Likkle congrats!!! Boy?? Girl??? We have to know :) (when you are ready of course)
Likk - YAYYYYYY! CONGRATS! Im still going with boy! lol

Jenn & Mo - LMAO! Yeah, thanks for those names lol Ill probably end up giving up and letting dh name them after his parents lol blah blah traditions Im ok with one being named after them, but the other should be mine&#8230;&#8230;.he agrees, but then says what do you have in mind and I draw blanks. My parents don't care that I won't name them after them&#8230;&#8230;..they have total Greek mythological names, so yeah, DH does not agree nor will I do that to the poor kids. 9 more weeks to figure this out!
Those names are great ... *ächem*

Yay Likkle .. LO is here ... and it is a ......?
Hope you are doing well with your recovery Sweetie and a huge welcome :howdy: to your LO :) xxxx <3
Yep I've heard those STD names, seriously?!!!! WTF are those parents thinking!!!!
Chlamydia is another one. Actually Google told me there are twins named Lemonjello and Oranjello.

My daughter has my MIL's name as her middle name. I was against it because I didn't want any family names, plus I didn't like it. Also didn't want my parents feeling bad that I didn't use their names. But DH insisted on it and since his mom passed away 8 years ago I didn't have the heart to argue it. I did get to choose Chris's middle name but DH fought me tooth and nail. Wanted to use his grandfathers name, seriously! I stood my ground though.

I guess it depend if you like the names or not. If you don't then work together to come up with something, your families will understand. We made lists and gradually crossed things off as we decided against them.
Bubu: One more sleep!!!! Every finger and every toe are crossed for you!!! :dust: :dust:

Kathy: I hope AF shows up soon!

Honey: Thinking of you, praying you little bean is settling in. <3 <3

So exciting about all the recent arrivals! Angie your next!!!!
Well it's a girl!!!!

Hi girls as some of you will know already know we've had our little one! Weighing in at a massive 8'6"!! She's perfect!! We've finally decided on a name - Isabelle Hope! Just seemed perfect after everything we've been thru! Will share the details when I'm not drugged up! :)
Love the name!! Dh and I has talked about naming our LO if it's a girl Isabel... Not set on anything but I think it's so pretty!! Congrats again :)
Congrats Likkle!!!! She is gorgeous <3

Bubu....thinking of you <3 Can't wait for tomorrow!!!
That name was on my list too, love it! So happy for you!
Beautiful name Likkle!!! Congrats!!! :cloud9:

Bu- :dust:, :dust: and MORE :dust: Sweetheart!!!!!
Bubu: thinking about you! Keeping you in my prayers...I know there is a time difference there like 6 hours from mine....I have everything crossed for you!!
Likkle- Congratultations on your baby girl. Isabelle is a current favorite baby name. I love it. It has a musical ring to it when you say the name. Get some rest and cuddle time with baby Isabelle.

AFM - I tested again this morning and got 2 real bright lines and they came up almost instantly. But I have been spotting a LOT too. The worries never end ever, do they? I so don't want to lose this baby after getting here.

bubu - Good luck for your beta. I'm sure your numbers are going to be amazing. Last night DH and I talked about you and I told him how I knew it in my heart that you are going to get your BFP. And this morning I jumped out of bed realizing it is Friday and hence beta day. Keeping everything crossed for great numbers.
Honey - telling you to try not to worry is absolutely pointless I know because we just can't help it but sending you loads of hugs and positive vibes :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I had a lot of cramping the week after my bfp so don't give up hope - I'm sure it's just your lo snuggling in and your body making space :hugs:

Likkle - congratulations!!! :flower: Isabelle is a beautiful name. Can't wait to hear all about her! :D

Bubu - :hugs: sending you so much luck for today :hugs:
:rofl: at all the crazy names!! I think Abcde is my favourite!! :haha:

Stinas - so glad all went well with your scan! :thumbup:

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