Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

I have to jump in with hopes of some comfort, then will come back later for personals..

I learned Tues I have a UTI. Got my antiboitics yesterday and took the first two doses. Last night I noticed some spotting. It was pink gummy clumps (sorry if tmi). Of course I went on tp sightings all night. This morn I didn't see much but did notice some brown stringy mess. Have a call into to dr. Don't know if I need to go back on progesterone or what?! Yesterday was a week off of it!!!! I'm going nuts waiting on them to call back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 11 weeks yesterday, no frozen embabies and cannot afford to do ivf again!!!! I am scared shitless!!!!!!!!!
Morning Snd <3

You are going to fine...easier said <3...but brown is ok. They said that is old blood so that may just be your body flushing the old crappy stuff out....Babies are snuggled in fine <3 xoxoxoxo

Many hugs to you <3
Sweetie (snd), I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I have been told to take my supplements until the 12th week (so 11 weeks) - by then, your body is producing enough of the hormones. UTIs are also not uncommon in pregnancy, so I would agree with Kathy, the old stuff is just getting flushed out. Don't start worrying about IVF etc. etc. I think your bubbas are well snuggled in there :hugs: I am sure the clinic will be able to give you reassurance when they call <3 <3
Snd it's very common to bleed with a uti.. It's probably coming from the urethra ir bladder and not uterus. Call your dr and see if you can get a scan for reassurance. I really don't think it's from being off meds as for a regular ivf (not get) progesterone is really needed only during luteal phase but drs routinely give it longer. The placenta takes over around 8-9 weeks so supplemental progesterone isn't needed beyond this point really. More of a safety net. Unknown it's hard to not think worst case scenario but I bet babies are just fine :hugs:
They finally called and said they were sure it was from the uti. I was in tears though saying "you don't know what I've been thru to get to this point!" knowing they do. It just really scared me! They said keep a watch on it and brown was "good", and if it got worse they would work me in after lunch for a scan. And my body being used to being on progesterone and coming off might have shocked it, but no need to go back on. It just really freaked me and my husband out!!! My heart dropped when I seen it and he was so worried he wanted to go buy pregnancy tests at 11 o'clock last night. He kept sayin this morn "we'll find another dr. if we have to! they should've called back by now!" Guess that means he's attached now? :winkwink:

Thank you girls for your support. I feel better now!!! :hugs:
snd - Don't be scared!!! I spotted for a longggg time. Freaked the hell out of me too. Doc told me they are snuggling in there nice and tight.
Snd - that was such a scare. Poor you! I hope your UTI is getting better. The babies are snuggled in and happy there.
Honey - How are you?? Whats next for you?

How is everyone?
Doing OK - really enjoyed the weather this weekend :) We had some friends visiting and went to the beer garden to chill and chat and enjoy the sunshine :)

.... have my next appt. on Friday, get to see Pünktchen again ... and am really hoping, that everything is going as it should be, growing nicely, heart beating away... start my 10th week next week :shock:
Happy 9 weeks Bubu! How are you feeling now?

Snd: Hope you are feeling better, uti sucks! How are you feeling besides that?

Stinas: I feel for you I remember that beached whale feeling even after a year has passed.

Honey: Thinking of you! Hope all is well.

Kathy: Can't wait to hear that you are starting again. Time for another BFP!
BUBU - Yay for 9 weeks!!! Woohoo!!! Ahhh that sounds soo nice. Today was a nice day here, but its like you never know what tom will be like.

Jenn - It was pretty smooth sailing until now. I can feel myself waddling away....i can only imagine what I look like lol Its uncomfortable but I like feeling them squish away...its weird......I just don't like when at night they crawl up my ribs, at the same time, nice and slow. lol

This place is getting too quiet.
This is true!
Sekky, what are your plans? Do you have any tries planned this year?

I get to see Pünktchen again tomorrow.

Do any of you put any stock in pregnancy dreams? I had a dream last night, admittedly a bit bizarre, since the dream was an amniocentesis, from which they sent us ultrasound pictures *lmao* ... anyway, on the first picture, we could very clearly see testicles and penis.
The night before my transfer, I dreamt that we would have a blast starting to hatch and that it was a boy. Last night was my second dream of a boy ...

Lindsay, so you going for another transfer next month? Do you know dates already? So excited...

And Kathy .. I can't wait for your FET! I want to shower this thread with :dust::dust::dust:!!!
No plans for IVF yet. But I will be trying clomid every other month till we are either lucky or ready for IVF.

Bubu can't wait for tomorrow. Hoping things are progressing as they should.
i dreamt of a boy lol :) cant wait for your scan tomorrow bubu!!
Really weird - I mean before this try, I was somehow convinced, that if it works, we will get a girl! (And I was in split minds as to what I would like - for me personally, I think girl is slightly ahead of boy, although the only thing that matters, is a healthy baby! - but for my Dad, I really want a boy, because he surrounded by girls ... for my MIL, I really want a girl, because she is surrounded by boys and would love a granddaughter) :) :)
Perhaps I have just been seeing too many u/s pictures on a FB thread, where you could clearly see the boy's bits *lol* and also yesterday there was a gender reveal on here on a journal I am following, and that was also a boy ...

We shall see - said the blind man.

Still enjoying my pregnancy as symptom-free as I think they get ... just (at times crippling) exhaustion. Not even my boobs are doing anything spectacular... Nipples are very sensitive, that's it.

For the past couple of days, I feel like my uterus is growing though. Quite a bit of pressure going on and I suppose "stretching"-like sensation. Can't wait to see how Pünktchen has progressed (praying that everything is OK)!!

Sekky - fingers crossed for you Sweetie!!

Mo ... I am absolutely blown away by how long Ezra's fingers are and how big his feet are!!! :) :)
His dad is 6'5" (195 cm) tall and wears a us size 15 shoe! So we knew he would be long if a boy. Dr said Tuesday he's going to be tall. Guess I'll be the shortie :)
Bu - I've been having the dreams too... I dreamed the other night that I had two boys, and was like NO!!! I wanted a girl in the mix! But me and hubby were in sync... one feeding one and the other feeding one, then burping and laying them down, like a well orcherstrated symphony! :rofl: Hope it rolls as smoothly as it looked! Excited for your scan tomorrow!!!

Stinas- How you feeling boo? Shouldn't be much longer!!! I'm excited to see how it goes, since you are now my "jedi master"!!! LOL! Everything you go through I shall learn from!!! You didn't know I had tagged you like that, huh? :haha:

I'm ready for the next lucky BFP round here!!! Come on Kathy, Honey & Sekky!!!! :happydance: :dust: :ninja:

AFM - I'm feeling much better! Finished up antiboitics yesterday and have learned to drink more water and juices. Still can't quite get the "gallon a day" of water they have ordered me to drink!!! I'd be a floating whale!!! Hunger has gotten to me. I woke up at 3:30 yesterday morning STARVING!!! But I was too tired and rolled over and went back to sleep! Hubby said "you gonna starve them to death!" haha!!! Next scan is Apr 10 and I can't wait!!! :cloud9:

Hope everyone else is ok! :hugs:
That's great that you're feeling better, snd! (I think you meant Stinas, not Mo in there though ;)). And you won't starve them to death ;) ;) April 10th, that's next week - can't wait to see your pictures :)

Honey - any news from your new RE? :hugs2:
I realized that bu! I had a blonde moment!!! :wacko: I'm also at work sneaking on BNB! =) I fixed it though!

Mo- he is beautiful! As are you my dear!!! I snuck to your wordpress blog! It's so nice to see real faces to go along with screen names! You looked great after just having a baby!!! :hugs: How are you and sweet baby Ezra?!

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