Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

And personally I think you should skip cvs... If you want invasive testing do amino. But unless something shows up on ultrasound or from bloodwork there isn't a need for it. Just another stress factor. And risk of mc with both tests. See what the labs say then decide. Unless you really are set on having the invasive testing done.
az - Hi!!! Nursery is completely set up...everything is washed and ready to go! I started the non-stress tests a couple weeks ago....I think I have done 3-4 of them by now. I find them a bit relaxing to tell you the truth lol
I love all the pics of Dawson!!! Cute little man! What does the palate surgery consist of? What are they going to do?

snd - What is the CVS testing? I opted out of the amnio because of the risks of mc with twins is much higher than with a all our testing came out good, so there was no need at that point. The cardiologist said we could do it when they found out about A's narrow valve in her heart, but also said no matter what we find it wouldn't make a difference, so why do it? I was only going to do an amnio if our down and that other test came out bad, but we passed with flying colors. If your not comfortable doing it, I would suggest not doing it. Do the normal tests and if they come out bad do it.

MrsC - Im sooo uncomfortable right now! This stage sucks! I would love to take a bath, but I'm afraid I won't be able to climb out myself lol :blush:

BUBU - Yay for 10weeks! :happydance:

I feel like my belly is going to burst!!! :dohh:
I wanna see a bump pic before those babies come out stinas :) lol
3rd that Stinas!!! :happydance:

See, we haven't had any tests or bloods done so far... all they did first visit was U/S and pap. Suppost to have complete ob check up thurs along with testing.... so you say I should as for NT scan and blood works FIRST? Then if something irregular go for the amnio....?

And please don't think any less of me for what I said in my tizzy post about handicap situations, but there is a local baby that was born with all sorts of problems that none of the drs knew about til it was born; now it has a trach in its little throat, it's blind, only one ear, cleft pallet, and so much more... and it made me think, did they not have testing done? did they get false results? was it just pure malpractice? That is the reason behind my tizzy... they went to church Sunday and finally showed the baby, and I know it HAS to be suffering!!! :cry: Now Marty has a handicap aunt as well he grew up with and we love her to death! I'd fight tooth and nail over her, but in Marty's health condition and my working situation, I just don't know IF we could handle a situation like that poor local baby! God forgive me!!!!
Stinas - it's the first testing for downs and genetic disorders. It's done between 10 - 13 weeks. They get a tissue sample from the placenta either thru cervix or abdomen. Miscarriage risk is leaking amniotic fluid. :nope:

Yeah, scary shit!!!! :cry:
Well, you are in the right time frame for the bloods and NT scan (11-14th week) ... if you were to have those and the results show you to be low risk, then I wouldn't go for the invasive testing (my personal opinion). Then again, I don't know how much more difficult this testing is for twins ... so I guess, I would just ask your physician.

Poor little mite - surely if there had been prenatal scanning done, they would have seen some of the issues (like the ear, the cleft palate and other physical anomalies)... :( But these don't sound like genetic / chromosomal anomalies, but physical ones and those should be visible on the anatomy scan.

And you are right ... handling a situation like that takes a lot of patience, nerve, time, money ... and it is very humane to realise, that it is difficult to cope and to question, whether one could cope! And it is a very personal decision, which no-one has the right to criticise (so I hope you didn't feel you were being criticised)...

DH has said to me that he would not want a disabled child ... I think it has to depend to a large degree on the type and severity of the disability. I grew up knowing and loving one aunt with down's and another with arm anomalies (whom I adore, that aunt). The one with the arms was born during the 2nd world war while the hospital was being bombed. The OB was desperate to get back to his family and practically yanked her out, tearing some nerves in her shoulders. As a result, she can't lift her arms very high. But that is not her only issue. Because the umbilical cord was tangled around her arms, they couldn't develop properly, so she can't use her arms / hands like we can. Certainly, her childhood and a lot of her life has not been easy, but she is a fantastic person, with a great personality and an amazing strength of will!
These are things, that I think as a parent can be tough, but are doable and the child doesn't have to suffer... there are of course disabilities that are much more severe and I would laud any parent who can and does cope with those!
Snd they should have seen some of those things on ultrasound like cleft. That child does sound like it's suffering :( do what you feel comfortable with. Research the pros and cons. Twins will already be difficult; having a disabled child will be extremely difficult. But I think it's rare. You have time still. The cvs needs to be done soon but amnio you have time. I personally wouldn't do anything to inc mc risk unless there was evidence to support I needed it done. But do what's best for you and dh. I think your situation is a bit different since your dh has medical issues already.
I have done the past 4 weeks of chalkboards so DH can take a pic of me.....all I do is make them up and erase them because we keep saying later today, tom, in the morning......yeah......still have yet to do it. Might just make a 36w one and do it thursday after my doc apt so I can at least get their weights on it.

snd - I wouldn't judge, I feel the same way when it comes to a bunch of medical issues that could have been known with simple blood test. I wouldn't have the heart to see a baby go through life with a ton of problems. To each their own I guess.
But yes, I wouldn't do amnio unless they detect something big. Usually they will tell you if you "need" it or suggest you need it.
Oh they didn't take any tissue from me. They did blood tests and then checked on ultrasound for the fluid behind the neck, then scanned their faces to see nasal structure. They said they would go further if they saw something wrong with that. They came out perfect, so I guess thats why we didn't do anything else.

BUBU - Thats sad to hear, but happy her family did not abandon her. Back then, especially in other countries, thats usually what they did. DH's uncle had, from what they say, scarlet fever which made him go deaf, which then made him somewhat mute. Plus something with his one hand...I think they ended up binding it, which has now made it completely useless.
Lots of ignorance back then. Not to mention the poor guy ended up falling in love and his mother shooed her away somehow...never got the full story, but now he is alone. It always broke my heart wondering what kind of person he could have been with someone who loved him and even a family. Everyone loves him now of course, but his own family would have completely changed him. You see it when you see him with all his nephews and great nieces/nephews.
SND~ How did it go today? Please don't worry, I don't think any thing bad of you for the things you have to consider. At the end of the day you have to do what's right for you. :hugs:

Kathy~ how are you doing?? Any news on the FET?
Been quiet the past few days! :flower:

Today was my 13 week checkup. Said babies were measuring 13 1/2 weeks and looking great! Baby b was moving again... worried me cause baby a's heartbeat was muffled and it wasn't moving, but they assured me that it's heart was beating stronger (165) than baby b's (155) and that it was probably sleeping, and it was a lot lower too (they were one on top the other again). Said good amount of fluid in there and uterus looked great and no pre-term labor risks were a concern. Belly measured 19 1/2". I was a big girl before this, but they seemed pleased so far. :happydance: They FAILED to tell me to come in fasting, and I had hogged out this morn, so back in the morn for glucose test and the start of the triple panel testing. Hubby and my best friend went with me, and my aunt met us and sat in on doctor talking. Had the whole fam-damily with me! :haha:

How is everyone else?! :hugs:
That's perfect snd.. My LO never moved a lot during scans. It's normal but with 2 in there it's going to be hard to hear both hbs clearly as there is more to go though (the ultrasound sound waves)
snd - Great news!!! Yeah, it gets harder and harder as they grow. Right now they have plenty of room to wiggle around, so they will, especially during the scans. For me A was active and B (Boy) was always just hanging around. Curious as to what you are having! Are you going to find out?

Had a growth scan today!!!
Baby A (Girl) is 5.6lbs and Baby B (Boy) 5.11lbs! Still breech, one head in each rib!
B was going C R A Z Y during the stress test! He was all over the place the entire time lol Those little circle things strapped to my belly were clanking together lol They have been super active today. Calmed down bit after our nap.
snd, that's great news that it all went so well! Good luck at the glucose test today :)
Stinas ... how funny that the baby was so active! I seriously can't wait to meet your two! :)

Me - I had a bit of drama, getting my doppler (sent from the US, US tracking only followed it to customs, although the tracking information was not clear ... yesterday I received a letter from customs, had to go out to pick it up + pay German VAT on it) ... brought it home and spent forever trying to find Pünktchen's heart beat ... just when I was about to give up and give it another week, I gave it one last go, closed my eyes, moved the probe a bit more to the left ... and there it was <3 around 158 quite steadily (occasionally up to 160/162) ...
Later, when DH was home, I wanted to show him and again struggled to find it - but did in the end. So I am going to give Pünktchen a break and see if it easier maybe next week...
I am worried that it was all too loud for it (and I had to press down quite a bit to find + keep the HB) ...

Oh - and I expect my first purchases to arrive (well the first one has) ... chalk is already here ... a nice big black board (I'm not as artistic as Lindsay, but I am going to do my best with bump pictures + such) - I bought quite a big one, that can go in the child's room later to be played on ... and a sponge to clean it with.
Did I mention that last weekend, we received our first packet of nappies? Was a surreal situation - sitting on the stools in the kitchen while DH was cooking, chatting to my BIL and I saw this packet on the counter .. and in the middle of a sentence asked who they were for. He said "for you guys" :blush: ... my nephew has outgrown them, so we have our first pack of nappies ... made it all feel a bit real ... :blush:
some "surprise" news ... :
I <3 my gynaecologist! She rang this morning, because she had been thinking and really wanted me to go see a doctor at the prenatal diagnostic clinic she works with, as they could prescribe aspirin/ heparin for the long-haul flight. She made me an appointment and I went at 1 ...
So, I have my prescription, but I also got to see Pünktchen again - via abdominal u/s (my first) ... My NT-Scan is scheduled for May 5th - but she took a quick look and said that it looks absolutely perfect and we have nothing to worry about ...
And here are some photos of my Pünktchen - who now measures 3,95cm (so we are back spot on with our dates), has two arms, with two hands and 10 fingers ... two legs, with two feet and 10 toes .. has been drinking already... heart beating away nicely ... umbilical cord looked perfect with two arteries + one vein and the placenta was looking good too ... Pünktchen waved at us a few times :cloud9: - and I also was given 4 3D pictures :cloud9:
She told us, that we are fine and we should go and enjoy our holiday :) :)
So - off to Orlando on April 20th :)
What a sweet little profile ... and thumbs ... and everything .... just can't stop grinning... (especially, since I wasn't expecting to see Pünktchen again until next week Thursday!) xxxx


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Thanks everyone.

Stinas - Oh yes! I've got to know!!! I go back in two weeks and HOPEFULLY they will be able to tell! The ultrasound girl said she can tell sometimes at 15 weeks. They will be sharing a room (we only have a two bedroom house), so I've GOT to know so I can start painting and buying!!! :happydance: I just love watching it move! Reminds me that this is all real! And worries me that I haven't seen the other move yet, but u/s tech said that just means I will have one active and one lazy one! :haha:

Bu - I'm jealous as to how good your scans are! Mine just look like blobs to me! Although I can see a head, but that's about it!!! :dohh:

Testing was a nightmare this morn!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lab lady couldn't find a vein in either arm and decided to draw from my hand, and 3 vials in of the 7 needed, she blew my vein!!! :growlmad: Then had to stick the other hand to get the rest... I about passed out! I've had the shakes all morning, but finally calmed down after drinking a sprite. My hand is so swolen and hurts like a mug! Didn't have to drink the glucose stuff yet, said that would be around 24 weeks, just fasting blood glucose test today. Glad it's over... FOR NOW! I'm such a weenie when it comes to needles! :nope:

Hope everyone is good today! I am taking off work tomorrow to go to the local festival! First Sat off in a long time!!! :winkwink:


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Oh snd, I am sooo sorry you struggled so much to get the blood! (Actually, that is one thing I am dreading - at our clinic, they always wanted me to have eaten and drunk something when they needed to take blood during the treatment, because there were times, when they just couldn't get anything! ... Actually, my first visit to my gynaecologist, when they needed heaps of vials, took more than three tries before they could get something)...
Yup - we hate needles!!

Maybe it's more difficult to get good pictures when there are two in there?
BUBU - LOVE that you got those pics!!! Makes everything feel so much better!!! Love it!
Make sure you keep up with the chalkboard!!! I regret not doing so! Oh and I used chalk markers.....I found the markers less messy.

snd - My sonogram lady figured it out pretty early...her first guess was around 13w, which was right and confirmed at 14/15w.
I feel like with twins you should find will be too hard to run out and get everything. Plus I am anal with everything so, I needed to know!
Just thought I would give a quick update, I finally got in to have a 3-d ultrasound and it turns out there is no septum after all. The shadow they saw was completely gone and the pictures from my HSG 2years ago showed a dip however the 3-d ultrasound showed no dip and a perfect uterus. The doc said he wants me to go ahead with my next FET and a month before the transfer we will do a uterus biopsy (scratch). He believes this will help with implantation which is what they believe the problem is as I have yet to make it past 7 weeks. So I'm getting ready to do my next FET and am going all out with acupuncture, chiropractic care, uterus scratch and a healthy diet and excersize (yoga maybe). Any suggestions would be very helpful!! It looks like everyone is doing well and I'm loving the updates with all the ultrasound pics! Will do personals later:)
CD - Thats good news!! Yay for starting again!!!!
Did they have you on baby aspirin? This FET for me they did and since none of the rest of my IVF experience worked, I feel like that probably helped. Wont hurt to ask!

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