Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

We are okay; nights aren't going well and I'm getting frustrated which makes dh frustrated. You twin mommies are in for a treat lol.. I'd be on formula by now if it were 2! Breast feeding is hard and I have a sleepy feeder who takes 45 min to eat.. But I love this little man and I really need to get over his bad nights. It will get better :)
Oh Mo, sorry about his bad nights. Hope he falls into a routine soon.

Bubu just one more sleep before seeing your cute little dot yay!!!
I love bubu is 6 hrs ahead of my time zone!! It's nearly bedtime for her and that much closer to updating about her bean!! What time is your scan??
*lol* @ Mo :)
My appointment is at 13:00 tomorrow :) :wohoo:
snd - hahaha you crack me up!!! Im feeling large, tired and swollen, but overall, not too bad. I can still do a slower pace and all while waddling. lol Its a sight for sore eyes I tell you!

bubu - :happydance::happydance::cloud9::cloud9:
You never know with the dreams! Last pregnancy I swore it was two boys.....still wonder if they were ever able to tell or if its written down. Just out of curiosity. This pregnancy I thought it was a singleton, so I was completely wrong, as usual lol

Mo - I think I am going to try to pump....but I doubt I will make it longer than a week. My main goal as of now is a week....just enough for the colostrom(sp?) or whatever you call that stuff. lol

I got to see Pünktchen again today and all was perfect, measuring 2,6cm now, heart beating away, little legs under the body, pedalling away, two little hands, two little feet, saw both hemispheres of the brain! Saw the spine (nicely closed - at least that is what it looked like ... can you tell this early?)... everything looked perfect! Still measuring a couple of days short, but the doctor said it is mm-work and doesn't really mean anything. <3 <3 Just so blown away by nature and what I saw today ... the feeling is indescribable!!


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Bubu, I can not tell you how overjoyed I am for you and your hubby! The pic puts a huge smile on my face.

Mo, nights were hard for me too, but not because of bf because she is formula fed, but her reflux was so bothersome for her, she projectile vomited and spit up a lot. She is now sleeping through the night (knock wood)!
Stinas I think pumping is great! My friend pumps for her baby only b/c she takes so long to feed... You'll have to ask the lactation consultant how to pump for twins and how to build up to 2 babies but when I pump it takes 10 mins and he eats it in about 5 so 15-20 vs 45 mins. But I don't pump and feed often b/c I like the bond. No way with two I could do it!!
Bu - your little "dot" is not a DOT anymore!!!! :happydance:

I don't plan on pumping or breastfeeding myself, mainly cause I plan to go back to work as quickly as I can (bills still gotta be paid!!!) but they did advise me to pump the first breast milk to feed to the babies as the very first milk contains very important nutriants the babies will need? Now, don't know how true that is, but that's what my aunt is pretty much making me do. She is head RN over labor and delivery where I will deliver, and I trust her judgement!!!
Yes SND the first milk or clostrum is the best. I've recently heard the first 2 weeks are the most important but idk about that. I hear ya about going back to work. I go back in June and am already struggling with it :( I want to sah but bills gotta be paid! I do too well to stay home.

Bubu I love seeing your little pünktchen! So awesome!
Another reason why I am so stoked that my company has agreed to change my contract to a home-office contract :wohoo: I am already working from home, but now that I am pregnant, it will suit me even better... So after maternity leave (no fix plans, but probably splitting the 14 months between us, with DH staying home with me the first and last month and me taking 12 months), I can just be at home with baby, but still working :dance:
you get 12 months maternity leave? i am so jealous!
Well, you can take longer, officially up to three years unpaid leave.
6 weeks prior to EDD and 8 weeks post delivery, you are not allowed to work and in that time get paid net salary, minus what you get from the state which is 13&#8364; per day.... Unless you're privately insured, then you don't get the 13&#8364; but you still get less from the firm - which is moi.
After that time for up to 12 months, you get some support from the state (ranges between 300&#8364; and 1.800&#8364; per month).
You can choose for that money to be spread across 24 months.

We both earn well, I earn a bit better, but I think we would struggle if one of us stopped working. I think with the home-office contract, it's the perfect solution.
Mo - Yeah, if it was one I would probably do a bit of and pump...but thinking about it, with two I would never sleep! lol

snd - Yes, I hear its super nutritious! Well worth it considering its a pretty small amount of time!
I hear you with work! Today was my official last day! Super sad to leave. Financially wise, I don't need to work, but I have been working since I was 12, so this will for sure be an adjustment. Plus it was nice making my own money. Time for a new chapter in my life.

BUBU - That pic really does put a smile on my face! I know how you are feeling right now and I am happy to tell you, it just gets BETTER AND BETTER!
Thats AMAZING news with work!!! Yay!!!

Kathy - How are you?!

Today was my last day at work! Super upsetting to leave everyone, but my feet are going to love me again! I kept extending my days, but I have come to the realization that my feet swell a whole lot faster and it goes upwards to my it was time lol
Lets just hope these babies stay put until the 25th!
Bubu: Yeah for working at home and having a year off. It goes by fast! I can't imaging how fast leave must go by for people that get less then 1 year. Glad to hear all is well with the baby.

Stinas: Enjoy your time off before babies!! Are you planning on going back to work after awhile? I pumped and bottle fed for about 5 months. Wish I could have done it longer but happy they got the breast milk for the time they did. You do what works for you.

Snd: How much paid leave do you get? Sucks that you need to go back early.
Jenn - I plan on doing both as well....but I guess I won't know until they are here right?
Since I'm used to working, I will probably go back maybe two days a week when they get a little older. My mom lives 45min away and does not really drive here, my dad always drives her here and back....she just recently started driving here, but with my dad in the car. So hopefully she stops being scared and learns. My MIL lives ten min away, but my FIL had another stroke 5yrs ago and he needs her constantly....its like a full time babysitting job. He can do everything himself thankfully, but he needs to be watched because he wanders around looking for her. So I wouldn't want to leave them with her, its just too much. I already know she is going to get offended, but god forbid something happens. Already discussed it with DH and he agrees. I am willing to leave them with her for an hour or two, but thats it. If she didn't have my FIL I would leave them easily. She raised two kids and 4 its not like she can't.
Work wise I will probably be able to work something out with my mom. Just to get out of the house and socialize lol

Today is my first day off and I'm bored out of my mind! lol
Stinas, I'm sure it will be a huge adjustment for you but try to enjoy the time to yourself right now. Is the nursery pretty well set up? Are you going to have to start doing non-stress tests? You'll have quite a few appointments coming up so it will work out well to not have to work. I can't wait to see your LOs!!

Bubu, it's great that you don't have horrible morning sickness or other bad symptoms yet. The only thing I had that early was heartburn - I wasn't nauseated or sore at all. I'm so glad your appt went well! When do you go back?

Mo, how is Ezra settling in? That was my great-grandpa's name - I never met him but he was a strong, capable & loving man so I think it's a great name!!

Snd, are you feeling better? I'm sorry you won't get more time off. US maternity leave bites!

Kathy, I can't wait for you to get started again! How are you doing?

Hello to everyone else!! Hope you're all doing well!

AFM, Dawson is doing great. He's such a happy, laid back baby - he loves meeting new people & going new places. He's eating solids so well now but it's all puréed because pieces of food can get up in his cleft palate & then he gags. He will sometimes eat 6-8oz of food in one sitting, & he's eating solids 3 times a day! He's quit drinking large bottles, though, and some days only drinks 10-15 oz all day. That doesn't seem like enough but he has plenty of wet diapers so I don't think he's dehydrated. His palate surgery is scheduled for June 5th - I am really dreading it :-(


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Jenn - I get one week pd vacation a year, and I've already used one day, so I have 32 hrs left! :nope: I've got a stash for maternity leave, but only enuff for about 3 weeks though. Hope it's enough!!!

OK, so I've sent myself into a tizzy again... did any of you opt for the CVS testing or amnio testing? Or either?! At first I wanted everything done, but now that time is here to do so, I'm not sure anymore!!! The ethics of it... what would I do if something were wrong?! After all we been thru to get here?! I'm not one for abortion, but yet it would be unfair to bring a child in this world to suffer it's whole life!!!! And what if it's false results?! Hubby said he wants to know and I want to wait for amnio since miscarriage risk is lower than cvs, but what if it's too late to decide by then what to do IF... :wacko: I've cried all day pondering since dr. called and said test is set for THURS! I mean should we ask if it's even necessary if nothing irregular has showed up to even do it? The nurse asked us first ob appt before even seeing the dr. if we wanted testing done and I said YES as quickly as I could, but now that time has passed and I've gotten attached to my babies.. I'm scared shitless of the unknown and especially the risk of loosing them!!! :cry:
SND~ I decided to do a lot of the testing but didn't do the amnio. I did the testing that looks for downs and things like that. For the life of me I can not think of what it is called right now. I will say that with twins the results are NOT very accurate with that testing. My results came back very bad for NTD (1 in 100) and I got sent to a high risk OB, genetic counselor... the whole nine yards. They didn't see anything on their scans and my girls are perfectly healthy. Honestly if you know the results will not change anything then I say skip them or just go for the amnio. Theres no reason to stress yourself out over false positives like I did. I seriously told myself that the results wouldn't bother me and I just wanted to know. Well I went crazy over my results but still didn't do the amnio. With twins the testing is just so different. The scans tell all where as blood work just gets all crazy and gives way to many false positives.

Just do your best to calm down with all these thoughts you are having. What testing are they wanting to do on Thursday?

Az~ Dawson is getting so big! He is so cute! Sorry that the surgery is sneaking up on you. You guys will do great.

Stinas~ Take naps!! I wish I would have napped SO much more before the girls got here. Have fun with it being quiet and enjoy the time. Take a nice bath or something. :)

Bubu~ I'm still so excited for you! Love the recent scan pic!

Sorry for falling behind AGAIN. I tend to read and run. I do keep up though. The girls are all over the place right now and I'm going through some constipation issues with Ava. She's always had issues in that department but lately it has been really really bad. I'm taking her to the dr Friday because something has to change. Although even with that going on she is playing and laughing a lot more now. :cloud9: Emma is her cheerful self and stuck to me like a magnet at all times. She's a big goofball for the most part. I can see her and daddy being the jokesters together in this house. :dohh:
snd - did you have the NT-scan done, with the blood test? Were there any indications, that having cvs / amnio were recommended?
Personally, I would not have the amnio done, unless it was seriously recommended by my doctor (because other tests indicated that something might be wrong).
My DH and I wouldn't be in agreement what to do anyway. Just because there is some disability, it does not mean that the child is going to suffer its whole life. It does mean, that things are a bit different (depending on the level of disability) to an entirely healthy child.
I have an Aunt with Down's Syndrome, and she is one of the sweetest people I know!

I think you do need to ask whether it is really necessary ... and the risk for miscarriage / damage to foetus is relatively high with both examinations (another reason, why I would not opt for doing it).
But I guess you and DH will have to decide (after having been informed well by the doctors etc. about options) ... I totally get your fear and feel exactly the same way :hugs2:

Oh - and I love your ticker ... little peas in a pod :) :) <3

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