Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

stinas where is that belly ppic?? those twins are coming soon! :)
So, epic milestone for the weekened.... parts of my body deciding to go to sleep on me! My left leg stayed asleep yesterday. Oh and did I mention sciatica nerve in my hips and butt along with the nice back ache?! Yeah, I thought it was WAY to early for that, but I guess not!!! Only 13 weeks in... I've got a long way to go!!!! Lord knows I am grateful and forgive me for complaining!!! :cry:

Any tips/suggestions from those that have been there?
CD - that's wonderful news!! Fingers tightly crossed for you!! :) :)

@ snd - I have been struggling with the sciatica for just over a week now (I'm OK when sitting + up and about, but if I lie down and then try to get up, the pain shoots into my right butt ... Lying on my side with a pillow has helped - until last night! Didn't matter what I did, lifting / moving my right leg hurt!) ... really didn't think it would rear its ugly head this early. But I just keep thinking "anything for Pünktchen, Lord knows, Pünktchen has been good to me, since I have had no other symptoms"!!

:( My Grandma rang this evening (from Hungary) and even though I didn't have time, listened to her try to talk me out of flying to the US on Sunday... I knew already that she was in a bad state of mind and really worried about it, having spoken with my Father this morning. She even told him, he should forbid me to go! :cry: ... anyway, I repeated what I had told her on Friday, about all the research I have done (hours and hours!) ... that it is not just on a whim, that I wouldn't do anything to hurt my baby ... that the doctors have said that flying doesn't damage the baby / pregnancy (taking precautions for extra thrombosis risk - I have the full length compression stockings and also Clexane injections) ... she promptly said, then the doctors are idiots and they don't know what they are talking about ... I was so at my wits' end, I usually have so much patience and don't react - but I really had enough, when she started going on about all we have gone through, that I must think of that, that this is a gift ... I got so angry and fed up, that I let it out (which I normally don't) ... I basically said, I know exactly what I have gone through, the injections, the operations, the money - because I went through it! I have not forgotten .... she went on to say, that she just wants to protect me, like she has all my life - and I blurted out - yes, and not trusting my judgement, my research, my instinct, that I would never do anything to harm this baby and just doubting me... at that point, she said, that the conversation was over and "it's on you" more or less.

I have done so much soul-searching, so much research and no matter where I have looked, air travel is safe - they have even monitored a pregnant woman (monitored the baby, the heart rate, if there was foetal distress) during a flight, and the baby couldn't have cared less... I explained this to her on Friday - and she just kept telling me, that flying is bad and she wouldn't do it and I shouldn't.

I also tried to explain, that if something is going to happen, it is out of my hands and there is nothing I can do to stop it - even locking myself in the house wouldn't change that : but it sounded like that is exactly what she wants me to do.

I am so upset ... been tearful (and have cried) all evening ... both because she has made me feel really guilty for wanting to go on this vacation and also, because I lost my temper with her :( :( I know she is just worried after all we went through ... she just kept on and on about this gift and how I shouldn't be risking it ... why do I have to go just now etc. etc. Worst of all, I have been so confident the whole time, and now she has made me doubt myself ... :( :( :( :cry:
Sorry bubu :( she's just being protective. But flying is fine as your gyn said it's ok as well. Hopefully things clear up w/ her soon.
Yes, I know she is ... it is so terribly frustrating, because it is like explaining everything to a wall... it doesn't get heard.
I understand it - and she comes from a different generation, where the current-day technology was non-existent. I explained how a pregnant woman was monitored during a long-haul flight, the heartbeat of the foetus and if there was any foetal distress - and the baby couldn't have cared less where it was ... she wouldn't believe it and just says that any doctors who say flying has no impact on the baby are all idiots ... Makes me feel so stupid too, as I have spent days researching and informing myself, so I can make a well-founded decision ... as if I am being irresponsible and endangering this gift, this miracle.
Really, I have been so careful the whole pregnancy, to have only positive feelings + thoughts, sending these to Pünktchen ... Since last night I have just felt so down (and that upsets me too, because I don't want to send negative feelings + thoughts to my baby!) ... :cry:
Bu - I'm sorry your g'ma has gotten you upset! No offense, but old ppl are like that!!!!! My g'ma adopted me, and I call her mom, so follow me here... (she is almost 70) After we found out I was pg, she called wanting to know if I felt pg. I told her no and laughed cause I assumed it was too early to be feeling anything. She asked if I had tested again and I told her no. But then it got me to thinking "what if..." and I went and bought another test and tested!!! That was only the beginning.... yesterday she calls me and says "I was sitting here thinking about the babies and you know two times you've said baby b was moving and baby a wasn't.... do you think something might be wrong?" I was like mother, that was the first thing I addressed to them! And the baby b that was moving this time could have swapped spots from last time when they called it baby a! We don't know!

Long story short,. just remember that old ppl have nothing better to do than worry about everyone else!!!! True story!!!

:hugs: and chin up!!!! Go enjoy your vacation and come home to tell her I TOLD YOU SO!!!! :winkwink:
Oh, forgot to update... my test results came back late yesterday. Glucose was great and so far panel testing was good too! Said they would check again around 18 weeks to complete panel but from what they could see everything was looking good!!! :happydance:

So, YAY!
BUBU - I went through the same thing with my grandma and entire family when I had to fly out to LA for a wedding. 6hr flight, so I am guessing almost same time for you to go to Florida give or take an hour or two.
You will be fine. Listen to only the doc. My family was talking about cabin pressure etc....doc said "Thats all Bullshit". lol Made me feel better!
You can't be super careful the entire time....if something were to happen, its out of your hands, so just let it be and enjoy your time!
I wish we went somewhere before my OB cut me off! DH and I were talking about it the other night. Too late vacation will be 4 people!

snd - Yay for good test results!!! PS....get used to all the only gets worse! lol

Mo - I know I'm the worst....ill post one on FB now.

Had a little scare today.....Didnt feel B ( boy) as much, so when I saw my ob I told him and he made me have an ultrasound right away. Turns out my little man decided to change positions and move his head in my left rib and his butt in my right rib. Her head is right under his on my left. Little monster! No wonder why I was mostly feeling movement on my left side! They haven't changed positions in over a month!
Yeah @ Stinas - we fly first to Heathrow, London (short 1,5 hour flight) - then transfer to Gatwick, then fly to Orlando (around 9,5-10 hour flight). On the way back, we fly from Orlando to Miami, then Miami to Heathrow, then Heathrow to Munich.
I am not trying to overdo anything, just be sensible and not expose myself to unnecessary risks (and I don't see this trip as a risk - whereas pretty much everyone in my family does). They are just questioning, why this has to be and why it has to be now ... oh well... We'll see how Pünktchen is doing at my scan tomorrow :)

It's true about old people, @ snd - my Grandma will be 102 this September ... she is the Mother of my Mother (who died last year) ... but it hasn't just been my Grandma, but Daddy, parents-in-law, Aunt ... basically anyone who has followed our struggle to get pregnant has been worried ... But you are right, they have lots of time to worry, think about things, worry some more, think some more and then work themselves into a state, imagining all the terrible things ... That'll be us one day, perhaps in not too distant future, when our children are here! ;)

Congratulations on your glucose results btw! Great news :)
:wohoo: got to see our little Pünktchen again this afternoon <3
It has had a real growth spurt! Measuring 5,53cms now (so even though I am 11w3d, measuring 12w1d) ... what was I worried about??
The substitute gynaecologist (whose practice it originally was, she just helps out when the gyn is on vacation) said she was very happy with it all ... So Pünktchen gets to go on its first vacation on Sunday :) :cloud9:

Oh - and Pünktchen did a somersault for us (DH asked, isn't the baby supposed to be moving more - during the vaginal u/s ... when she then had a look abdominally, promptly the baby did a somersault :) :) )...


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    US Pünktchen 17.04.2014.png
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  • US Pünktchen Frontal 17.04.2014.png
    US Pünktchen Frontal 17.04.2014.png
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BUBU - awww! Love seeing this sonogram! Finally looks like a baby rather than a blob!
#jealous @ Bu!!!! :haha: You get such good sono picts and mine just look like ole' blobs!!! Maybe mine will look better next week!!

Sorry I've been awol the past few days... my hubby got really sick and we spent all night (well Thurs morn) in the ER! :nope: He had a severe bacterial infection and colon diverticulitis. Yeah, that was fun!!! So all I did yesterday was sleep trying to play catch-up!

Hope everyone is well today! :flower:
snd - don't worry....soon enough you will be getting a ton of sonograms! I have a whole book!!! Only perk of being high risk is that you get to see them all the time!!!
Awww poor DH!!! I hope he feels better soon!!!

Ladies I turn 30 tom!!! Crazy!!!! Plus this time next week Ill be a mommy to twinkies!!! Im scared beyond belief! lol
Happy 30th!! :) any plans?? I didn't celebrate my 30th b/c I was really upset I didn't have a baby or pregnant yet. This year I will celebrate :)
Oooh, happy 30th! How lovely!
9 years ago (feeling old) I turned 30 while on a flight to Cyprus to visit family and have a nice holiday there :) crazy plans really. Couple work friends are planning on taking me somewhere....they think they are slick, but they are not lol Two of my other friends want to take me for dinner, but I haven't heard anything from them. So who knows.
Didn't really have plans...was going to lay low at home. Probably doing a nice dinner with DH this week since he is working. There is this great fish place I want to go back to. Its going to be a combo birthday/anniversary dinner....since our anniversary is friday when the twinkies come.

BUBU - I would love to be on a flight to somewhere warm lol
Happy 30th Stinas!!!!! :cake:

I remember before I turned 30 I cried saying if I wasn't pg by 30 I was going back on the pill and spending the rest of my life childless! Yeah, my stubborness wouldn't let me give up! :haha:

I'm so ready for your twinkies!!!!! :happydance: Wish I lived close so I could come see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Easter to everyone!!! :bunny:
Thank you!!!!
yeah, I thought I would be on #2 by now....but in a way I am getting a #2, so I'm ok lol

Met a twin mom at starbucks today! She was super nice. She's like I knew you were having twins when i saw are carrying the way I was.....shes like let me bet their heads are next to each other both breech.....she hit it right on the spot!
Very nice!
Well, we are sitting on board the plane ready to be Heathrow bound, after which we have to transfer to Gatwick, to then fly to Orlando. Baby Pünktchen's first trip!

Stinas, can't wait to read about the arrival of your :boy: and :girl:! Good luck!

Wishing you all a Happy Easter!

Bubu and Pünktchen xxx
Now, we are sitting in the lounge at Gatwick, waiting for our connecting flight. Have another 3,5 hours, plus a bit, to go. So far, all has gone smoothly. :cloud:

xxx B + P xxx

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