Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Good luck flutter! Hope all is progressing well!

Thanks Mo for your input. I did order 2 bottle warmers, and haven't decided weither to pump or not, so I will have them either which way.

I choose to keep working those hours while I am able... I am money hungry and with all we are having to buy (and the fact that my husband had a "I'm not gonna be the #1 important one anymore" mid life crisis 3 weeks ago and went and bought a $23k Cadilliac) I feel like we need money more now than ever! That's just me though... I always think WAY ahead of myself!

Hope everyone is doing well!!! :hugs:
I had follicle scan yesterday after 4 days of Stims. I had 5 bigger follicles and several smaller ones. Should I be worried? I go back in the morning for another scan
No. Don't be worried. It's inky 4 days. You have several more days to go.
I don't think I do. I go back tomorrow for a check but I'm pretty sure ER will be Monday. This isn't a long stim. This is geared for quality over quantity but I want to have enough!
Min stim is usually 8 days then er on day 10. I don't think you will be ready Monday. I bet you go more like Wednesday. How big did the follicles measure? No matter if it's a long stim or not if you don't give the follicles enough time for the egg to mature the quality will be crap. I would be surprised to see you have er after a week of stims. Even on short protocol I still stemmed for 10-11 days before we and er on day 13.
ER is still set for Monday. I had to add two 75u of Merional (same as Menapor) last night. I trigger tonight at 10pm. Idk how big my follicles are. He didn't tell me anything except there are still about 5 larger ones and that everything looks perfect. I did Gonal-f for two IUI's back in April and May along with Femara. My follicles grew huge very quickly. To the point I'm pretty sore they were over mature. For
This IVF (more of a mini than standard) I will have done 3, 300iu pens of Gonal-f, 2 75u of Merional (menopur), 3 units(vials) of Cetrotide and 2 units (vials) Pregnyl (trigger)
All fingers and toes crossed for you, Fluter! :)
OMG...its been FOREVER since I had a min to go on here!!! Sorry ladies...once I turn the computer on someone starts to get cranky....not to mention my kids apparently only cat nap during the day...yay me. lol

snd - Hospital bag.....dont bother with putting cute won't wear them lol
Ill come on again tonight...someones crying lol
Your follicles do grow quick! Gl on Monday. Some smaller ones may catch up.
Ok...let see how much catching up I can do before I fall asleep lol

Working....I worked until 36+ weeks. If I didn't have swollen feet, I would have went until I gave birth at 38w.
I worked at our family owned place, so no maternity leave for me....or no more work for a few years at least.

Fluter - WELCOME!!!! Good luck with your cycle!!! I feel like no matter what your follicle size, you just never know whats in there...just hope for the best!

snd - Husbands are smart guy is a after working a 18hr shift he is driving to the casino tonight...two and a half hours away! Moron lol as long as you can!!! I feel like that helped me out a ton! Once I stopped working I feel like thats when I was most uncomfortable!
Bottle warming....I do it. When on the go I use the ready to go formula for my man(since the princess is on special formula)....its room temp or a little cooler, he drinks it just fine. He gives me a weird face, but he chugs away. Hers is in powder form, so i have to prepare her bottles with water, so eventually the water becomes cold. They are fine! Listen, everything is trial and error.....everyones kids are will just have to see what their personalities are like. My friend just throws her kid in the pack and play and he falls asleep....mine want to be held and usually put up a good fight if they are sleepy. Everyone is different.
Are you going natural or c-section?

How is everyone???
I miss coming on here! My twinkies do not nap...they cat different times! Even with my mom still here, its a ton of work! Hard to do things. I will literally open the computer just to shut it again lol All worth it though!!
As for man is as cute and pudgy as can be!! He is a total mammas boy, just like I wanted him to be! :hugs: He is around 13lbs and super long(dk where he got it from, we are short lol)
Angeliki is a trooper! No more screaming!! :happydance::happydance: Once she hit 2 months it just started going away! THANK GOD! No one still does not know why or what was causing it.
As for her angel is doing AMAZING! We went from the doc almost admitting us for surgery, to seeing her once a month!!! As of tue there is tissue forming around the hole, which is causing less blood to go through it, which makes the heart more "normal". The meds are doing a great job of making the heart less "swollen". Doc is very happy with the direction this is all going. She said she does not think we will need surgery at all now. She is now 10lbs! Super long!!! She is in 6month clothes and he is in 9month clothes lol All for length....all the other clothes are super short on them. Mind you, dh and I are short. I honestly think they makes these clothes cheaper...they all seem to shrink a bit too. OH me a great excuse to shop more!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!! Off to sleep I go!!
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been MIA for a while. The girls keep me on my toes and as most of you know I had my first vacation without them last month. Greece was amazing!!

The girls are doing good. Ava is kinda walking now but not really. She pops up for a second, tries to take a few steps then gives up. Emma is a wild thing. She is in to EVERYTHING! All the doors have to be locked because she opens them so fast and escapes the house. :wacko: Crazy times around here! Fun though. :cloud9:

:hugs: to all and hope everyone is doing well!!! Miss all our talks, but guess that's what I get for being the only person in the world not on FB!

Boo!! Hate the link didn't work! :growlmad:

Good luck flutter!!! Cheering you on!!!

Can I say that exhaustion has hit me like a TON of bricks?! My belly has gotten SOOOO heavy and I swear I've gotten bigger in just the last week!!! Don't feel the beans as much either anymore... I think they are just about outta room!!! I'm beginning to doubt I'll make it to 38 weeks!

Question for twin mommies... what do you pack for the hospital? Hubby wants me to start getting a bag ready just in case, but I have no earthly idea what to pack for them or myself?!!!

Someone also told me to try not warming their bottles... that if you never start it they won't expect it and it would be easier in travel, outings, etc?! What are your takes on this?

First of all... we need a bump pic!!!!! Please. :flower:

As for the hospital bag. Have you started yet? I packed a lot but I did end up needing it since they were in the NICU for a week.

For myself...
Underwear that are bigger than you normally wear by a size or two. I didn't use mine because the mesh ones the hospital gave me were actually really nice and like "boy shorts." Pads! You're going to want to bring your own unless you don't mind wearing the diaper like ones they give you. I got Always infinity and they worked very well. Robe, shower stuff (you'll want a shower trust me), non skid socks (I brought my own because I don't like hospital socks), phone charger, pants that will be comfortable for you. If you're having a section make sure they will fit above the incision. Other than that just a few tank tops, shirts and possibly a BF nursing tanks/bras. Even if you don't plan to BF they make pumping easier. Camera! Don't forget your camera so you can show us pics! :winkwink:

For the babies...
Honestly they don't need much because the hospital gives you a lot. Take every thing you can that they put in your room. Any open backs of diapers they have to toss once you leave, same goes for the pre made kettle bottles of formula if they give that to you. They sent us home with a bunch of stuff. You'll want a few onesies, a blanket for each (for hospital and going home), socks for them, a few bottles that you'll be using at home incase they don't take to BFing you can get help with getting them on the bottles if needed. Like I said they should give you diapers so don't worry about those. Emery boards. They don't have nail clippers there and they aren't allowed to cut babies nails. They will be sharp and you don't want them scratching themselves (or you). A cute outfit or two to go home in and of course carseats.

Thats all I can think of at the moment. I'll see if anything else comes to mind.

ER is still set for Monday. I had to add two 75u of Merional (same as Menapor) last night. I trigger tonight at 10pm. Idk how big my follicles are. He didn't tell me anything except there are still about 5 larger ones and that everything looks perfect. I did Gonal-f for two IUI's back in April and May along with Femara. My follicles grew huge very quickly. To the point I'm pretty sore they were over mature. For
This IVF (more of a mini than standard) I will have done 3, 300iu pens of Gonal-f, 2 75u of Merional (menopur), 3 units(vials) of Cetrotide and 2 units (vials) Pregnyl (trigger)

Welcome! Sorry for that being so late. I hope all goes well tomorrow!!

Ok...let see how much catching up I can do before I fall asleep lol

Working....I worked until 36+ weeks. If I didn't have swollen feet, I would have went until I gave birth at 38w.
I worked at our family owned place, so no maternity leave for me....or no more work for a few years at least.

Fluter - WELCOME!!!! Good luck with your cycle!!! I feel like no matter what your follicle size, you just never know whats in there...just hope for the best!

snd - Husbands are smart guy is a after working a 18hr shift he is driving to the casino tonight...two and a half hours away! Moron lol as long as you can!!! I feel like that helped me out a ton! Once I stopped working I feel like thats when I was most uncomfortable!
Bottle warming....I do it. When on the go I use the ready to go formula for my man(since the princess is on special formula)....its room temp or a little cooler, he drinks it just fine. He gives me a weird face, but he chugs away. Hers is in powder form, so i have to prepare her bottles with water, so eventually the water becomes cold. They are fine! Listen, everything is trial and error.....everyones kids are will just have to see what their personalities are like. My friend just throws her kid in the pack and play and he falls asleep....mine want to be held and usually put up a good fight if they are sleepy. Everyone is different.
Are you going natural or c-section?

How is everyone???
I miss coming on here! My twinkies do not nap...they cat different times! Even with my mom still here, its a ton of work! Hard to do things. I will literally open the computer just to shut it again lol All worth it though!!
As for man is as cute and pudgy as can be!! He is a total mammas boy, just like I wanted him to be! :hugs: He is around 13lbs and super long(dk where he got it from, we are short lol)
Angeliki is a trooper! No more screaming!! :happydance::happydance: Once she hit 2 months it just started going away! THANK GOD! No one still does not know why or what was causing it.
As for her angel is doing AMAZING! We went from the doc almost admitting us for surgery, to seeing her once a month!!! As of tue there is tissue forming around the hole, which is causing less blood to go through it, which makes the heart more "normal". The meds are doing a great job of making the heart less "swollen". Doc is very happy with the direction this is all going. She said she does not think we will need surgery at all now. She is now 10lbs! Super long!!! She is in 6month clothes and he is in 9month clothes lol All for length....all the other clothes are super short on them. Mind you, dh and I are short. I honestly think they makes these clothes cheaper...they all seem to shrink a bit too. OH me a great excuse to shop more!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!! Off to sleep I go!!

Stinas I'm so glad the screaming has calmed down. I know how hard that is and I felt so bad there was nothing I could do to help you. I know talking helps but I just felt terrible! Sounds like they are both doing well and gaining weight!! Text me when you have time. :flower:
I firmly believe in quality over quantity - do you know the fertilisation rate yet? Fingers and toes crossed for you :hugs::dust::dust::dust:
I have to call them in the morning to find out how many survived and planned ET date
many only had a few..and some ended up with twins. You never know! Fx tomorrow you have 4 strong embryos :)
Fingers, toes, arms and legs all crossed for you fluter!!! :winkwink:

Thanks MrsC for you input on what to pack, although I am about outta steam at this point!

I "nested" all weekend... cleaning, de-dusting, and shampooing my house, not to mention cleaning all windows and putting up all new blinds!! Wore me out! I haven't been worth a crap since! Then I've developed terrible itchiness in my belly!!! Can't even sleep b/c of it! Had to get the dr. to call me in something for it before I literally clawed my stomach off! Meds seem to work good, but makes me so sleepy!!! :dohh: I guess I'm just to that point... next dr. appt is Thurs. He says he is going to start checking for dialation. Kinda scary ya know?! It's fixing to get REAL!!! :haha:

Since the link didn't work, I'll post a few picts! Don't laugh though! I look like pure D shit!!! May have to post them in seperate posts. Don't have a recent belly pict.... but trust me when I say I'm H-U-G-E!!!! :cry:
At my shower


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More from my shower...


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Tried to upload more, but it bitched that the files were too large! :shrug:
SND~ You look great! Your shower pictures are cute! I hope the itching calms down. Is the medicine helping much? It's crazy how fast the time goes isn't it? Your babies will be in your arms before you know it... although they need to cook some more. :winkwink:

Fluter~ How are things looking? Fx for 4 growing embies!!

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