PCOS and ttc ladies


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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Hello ladies,

I though i would start a thread about pcos and ttc (although i guess there is already one )

I was diagnosed with pcos last month after having lots of symptoms and then confirmation with ultrasound scan,
as im sure all of your reactions and first thoughts were can i have children?
well that was mine,

so me and my partner have now started trying for baby number one at age of 23 with the hope of having 4 children by the end of me lol

This month i have had no luck on conceiving :(
which i know not to worry about yet!

But is there any advice you lovely ladies have as advice for me while ttc.

i would like to add in i have been quite lucky and periods are slipping back into a normal cycle!

Any other ladies ttc join the thread and keep me updated :) good news of other s is always encouraging and good news to everyone
Hello can i join... I m new to this group ttc with pcos ...First iui failed now trying naturally not able to ovulate without medicines ...
This time thought of trying with herbs started having evecare capsule and m2 tone syrup , speman for dh for low count from himalaya drug store ...it's a natural way without side affects but long term for best results (3-6 months).will let u know guys if its worth giving a try

Me 26 pcos
Dh 32 low sperm count with infections
Ttc 22 months

Baby dust to all the ladies :) hoping for the best to happen all z well !
I'll join :) I was officially dx'd with PCOS on my 23rd birthday but I've suffered with symptoms and drs not well versed in PCOS since I was 11. I'm 32 and I have a dd who will be 3 in February. I conceived her taking 2000mg of metformin and 80mgs of soy on cd 3-7. After her birth, my cycle regulated itself and ranges from 28-30 days. My dbf and I decided to start ttc #2 in August but I got lazy about tempin and charting lolz plus I just started a new job in September so that kind of put the ttc on hold until I was out of my probationary period which was last week.
I'm currently 5 dpo and AF is due on Christmas so I will be trying to hold off testing until Christmas Eve, but I'm sure I will test before then lolz....I've done a lot of research on PCOS and natural remedies so I'd be more than happy to offer suggestions. Good luck ladies and baby dust
Count me in!

I am 23 and was diagnosed with PCOS this year. Rounds of clomid and ovarian drilling haven't made me ovulate at all yet. We just did a one last try of clomid 300mg CD 5-9 this cycle. On CD 19 today and pretty certain no ovulation so far. If this fails to make me ovulate, I will be sent to a fertility specialist possibly for IVF. Metformin made me so sick had to stop taking that. Have altered my diet, weight is good, tried agnus castus, she oak drops, fish oil, preconception multivitamin... still no BFP. I really don't know what to do now!

DH (24) SA showed a lower sperm count and motility compared to normal... so another hurdle we are facing too. He has been on a male fertility multivitamin and fish oil for ages... seems to not have helped at all really.

We are now up to over a year TTC... and it feels like it has been forever.

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 21. I am 30 and OH is 25 and we have been TTC for over 3 years with no luck, but we have been trying naturally. I haven't tried using medications yet, and I only just started temping. My cycles are crazy which makes timing difficult. Right now I am officially late based on my last couple cycles, but that's not saying much because my last couple cycles have been three months each. I am not even sure if I ovulate on my own, but I still POAS just to make sure. I have all the typical symptome of PCOS except for cycts on my ovaries (go figure).

Please don't hesitate to ask questions, I will answer them as best I can. I am also interested in hearing what you are going through. Nice to meet you!
I've been ttc for 24 cycles. Found out I had pcos and hypothyroid in Oct. I do ovulate on my own, but my thyroid was off the charts. Bloodwork shows it back where it needs to be. I should o on christas or right after. At 2000 mg metformin and 50 mg levothyroxine. Dh's sa was great :) I have 2 dds 11 &13, and had my tubes untied. Have faith, girls. I had both dds in my 2s and obviously ad pcos then...was 228 lbs when I got preg :)
Hi ladies,
That was a nice suprise to see everyone is joining :)

It will be nice to hear the stories and have others to talk to! any advice i will be more than happy to take.
It is horrible news to be diagnosed, the last thing i wanted, i am currently in my final year of becoming a teacher so ttc has been pushed forward.

For the herbal remedies Vinesha and Jillie89 have mentioned i will be researching them and invest, as I have been told i need to be ttc for a year before i can be put on any medication to help me, although will make a trip to dr if no bfp in a few months.

Good luck Vinesha and hope they do work and keep us all updated and informed.

@Airy- suggestions would very much be apprechaited thank you, also good luck fingers crossed for your bfp :) now wouldnt that just be the perfect christmas pressent!

Jillie89- I can see that you were diagnosed in June this year, and in Australia? Did they give you the fertility treatment straight away? or were you trying to concieve before? as i have to wait a year, and i hope you do ovulate soon, fingers crossed for you

Gypsygirl- What symptoms do you have? are you thinking to go on medication to help you ovulate? I hope you get a bfp too, hope alll of us do!

cj72- thank you for the reasurance, it always is good to hear of women who have children with pcos. Also i hope you have your ttc soon after the 24 month, I should be ovulating on 28th, so will be dtd around xmas time, so lets hope santa brings us some lovely special gifts

Thank you all ladies and keep the updates xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi! I was diagnosed with PCOS in September after having erratic and anovulatory cycles since I was a teenager.

At the time, I was prescribed provera to start a new cycle (hadn't has AF in about 5 months.) and was told that I would need clomid/ IVF to conceive.

With that cycle, I began using Vitex, DIM, red raspberry leaf, and saw palmetto supplements. I ovulated on my own for the first time 4 days ago and am in my first official TWW! Anything is possible!!! :hugs2:
Hey Becca_89

We were trying from November 2011 after I came off the pill which I had put myself on in high school for contraception. My cycles were regular and normal as a teen and on the pill. As soon as I came off the pill, I gave my body 3 months to 'get back to normal' with cycles but they never did. My family has a history of PCOS so I went to my GP for tests but she refused to send me for any because we 'hadn't been trying a year'. I was so angry I went to another dr who sent me for scans and bloods where my PCOS was diagnosed in June. I then got a referral to my OBGYN who regulated my cycles with provera to see if my body would ovulate on its own. It didn't so we started on clomid. Tried up to 200mg which didn't make me ovulate. So I had the ovarian drilling done as he suggested in October. Now is the last round of clomid 300mg and if it doesn't make me ovulate its probably IVF for us.
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in too :)

I'm 32, came off the pill 7 months ago after hubby and I decided we'd start trying for our first...

My cycle since was 32 days, then 39 days, then 40 days... and now we're up to 85 days and still no period. Only found out last month I had PCOS, so have been taking Metformin now for around 3-4 weeks.

I think I'm just really frustrated, like really frustrated. I have so many friends with new borns, and some who are pregnant, lots who have recently announced their pregnancy, and it's just all getting me down :(

It's nice to find some other people with similar issues xxx
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in too :)

I'm 32, came off the pill 7 months ago after hubby and I decided we'd start trying for our first...

My cycle since was 32 days, then 39 days, then 40 days... and now we're up to 85 days and still no period. Only found out last month I had PCOS, so have been taking Metformin now for around 3-4 weeks.

I think I'm just really frustrated, like really frustrated. I have so many friends with new borns, and some who are pregnant, lots who have recently announced their pregnancy, and it's just all getting me down :(

It's nice to find some other people with similar issues xxx

I know exactly what you mean and are feeling - frustration! And pregnant people and babies everywhere. It makes it a lot harder. People keep saying 'it will happen, you are still young, go and live life more'. I just want to scream at them all!

I find I get really angry - particularly at my own body. I was put on metformin and had to stop taking it because I got so sick from the side effects... it was meant to help, not make me feel worse! The one thing my body meant to be able to do (make babies) and it can't easily. :cry:

Also extreme fear - what if I never can have children? It is all I have wanted in my entire life. I have nights where I am laying in bed, mind wont stop racing and end up having panic attacks and breakdowns. Poor hubby has had to run after me up the street as I just had to escape my house and get air.
I know exactly what you mean and are feeling - frustration! And pregnant people and babies everywhere. It makes it a lot harder. People keep saying 'it will happen, you are still young, go and live life more'. I just want to scream at them all!

I find I get really angry - particularly at my own body. I was put on metformin and had to stop taking it because I got so sick from the side effects... it was meant to help, not make me feel worse! The one thing my body meant to be able to do (make babies) and it can't easily. :cry:

Also extreme fear - what if I never can have children? It is all I have wanted in my entire life. I have nights where I am laying in bed, mind wont stop racing and end up having panic attacks and breakdowns. Poor hubby has had to run after me up the street as I just had to escape my house and get air.
That's awful :( I'm going between feelings of frustration, anger and then numbness, it's a vicious cycle. Also getting sick of people saying, "stop stressing, relax, it'll happen". When we're intimate and praciticing I'm very relaxed, not stressed at all. Grrrr
I know exactly what you mean and are feeling - frustration! And pregnant people and babies everywhere. It makes it a lot harder. People keep saying 'it will happen, you are still young, go and live life more'. I just want to scream at them all!

I find I get really angry - particularly at my own body. I was put on metformin and had to stop taking it because I got so sick from the side effects... it was meant to help, not make me feel worse! The one thing my body meant to be able to do (make babies) and it can't easily. :cry:

Also extreme fear - what if I never can have children? It is all I have wanted in my entire life. I have nights where I am laying in bed, mind wont stop racing and end up having panic attacks and breakdowns. Poor hubby has had to run after me up the street as I just had to escape my house and get air.
That's awful :( I'm going between feelings of frustration, anger and then numbness, it's a vicious cycle. Also getting sick of people saying, "stop stressing, relax, it'll happen". When we're intimate and praciticing I'm very relaxed, not stressed at all. Grrrr

Yes - same here! I got so frustrated when I was diagnosed - people then went, once your cycles are regular, you will fall pregnant. Then when they were sorted but I wasn't ovulating, I was told clomid would work... yet I turned out to be clomid resistant so had the ovarian drilling done to help. was told 80% will ovulate after it, yet I didn't... Then hubby got his SA done just in case - it came back as low sperm count and motility... just feels like everything that can go wrong so far has :(
Been TTC since 3 months myself after being diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year. So far I have not taken any drugs. The doc just recently prescribed a TSH and Prolactin test for me. Does anyone know what the readings on these should be?
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in too :)

I'm 32, came off the pill 7 months ago after hubby and I decided we'd start trying for our first...

My cycle since was 32 days, then 39 days, then 40 days... and now we're up to 85 days and still no period. Only found out last month I had PCOS, so have been taking Metformin now for around 3-4 weeks.

I think I'm just really frustrated, like really frustrated. I have so many friends with new borns, and some who are pregnant, lots who have recently announced their pregnancy, and it's just all getting me down :(

It's nice to find some other people with similar issues xxx

I know exactly what you mean and are feeling - frustration! And pregnant people and babies everywhere. It makes it a lot harder. People keep saying 'it will happen, you are still young, go and live life more'. I just want to scream at them all!

I find I get really angry - particularly at my own body. I was put on metformin and had to stop taking it because I got so sick from the side effects... it was meant to help, not make me feel worse! The one thing my body meant to be able to do (make babies) and it can't easily. :cry:

Also extreme fear - what if I never can have children? It is all I have wanted in my entire life. I have nights where I am laying in bed, mind wont stop racing and end up having panic attacks and breakdowns. Poor hubby has had to run after me up the street as I just had to escape my house and get air.

Have you tried the extended release of metformin? Did you start off low with your dosages and gradually increase? When I was on met, I found coating my stomach with yogurt or a protein shake with 2% milk eased the s.e. dramatically...but it can be a beast. After I had my dd, I was unable to take it no matter what I tried.

I totally understand your frustration :hugs: I thought it would never happen for me but it did...I know its easier said than done, but hang in there, there are plenty of cysters who eventually became moms, we just have to work harder and when -not if-- you hold your bundle of joy for the first time, you will see the value of your trials and tribulations into motherhood for all babies are miracles, but PCOS babies are a wee bit more special...at least thats how I see it and I'm reminded every time I look into my dd face :)

As for me, I'm 7 dpo and I truly believe I will get a bfp this cycle. Ive been extremely nauseated over the weekend, excessive belching which is very odd for me. I have this strange taste in my mouth that listerine cant even get rid of and I've been experiencing frequent urination and mild grade headaches. Something is definitely up. I'm just glad I dont have any hpt in the house because I would have started testing yesterday lolz. I did order some frer and a cb digital last night so I'm waiting for them to arrive...should have them by the end of the week...I work in a hospital lab so I might have a coworker do a serum hcg on 11 dpo...havent decided about that yet as I don't really want them to know if I am pregnant just yet due to multiple miscarriages. Hope everyone is doing well :)
Hello All,

Can I join to please! My name is Jo :) Im 24 and so is my hubby we have been ttc since oct last year. Can't believe its been over a year since we started :-(

Jillie and others who mentioned feeling furstrated I think that is soo normal! Last week I was at a family part and my neice ran up to me to tell me that her mum (my SIL) is preg with number 4 I had to try so hard to put a fake smile on my face and not let her now how upset I was. I am happy for her just wish it was me.

I've tried Agnus Castus if anyone is wondering about it and honestly love the stuff. Even if it dosent get you pregnant makes AF's a lot easier to deal with. If anyone is wondering about it please feel free to ask questions.

I've got Ovarian Drilling on 14th January (28 Days not that I'm counting)

So lovely to meet people who are in the same position.

Jillie89 - Can I ask when you had the OD was it a day stay and what happened in hospital before the op? I was reading about someone who had to have a shower and an enema etc before but no one at the hospital has told me anything about that??

My TSH was 4.010. It shouldnt be higher that 2.5. It took me a month to get back to under the norm. Your thyroid can really wreck havoc on being able to have babies. I had pcos when I had both dds 11 and 13 yrs ago but now its much harder. Metformin for 3 mo ought to be helping too. My sister is 33 and after being on metformin 3 months and checking her tubes to make sure nothing in there was clogged...she got pregnant :)
Airy: I was on the slow release metformin and even the lowest dosage gave me the awful side effects. I tried 5 different occassions (breaks in between) to take them and tried all combinations - morning, middle of day, night, with food, without food. Nothing helped. I was running to the toilet every 30 minutes and as a teacher, I couldn't keep doing that so OBGYN took me off it for good.

Jojolabobo: I didn't need any prep for my OD. I just had a normal shower before going in to the hospital. It is day surgery but my OBGYN keeps most ladies in overnight to make sure pain is bearable and we can keep down fluids and food. I found it no worse than a bit of period pain and just a little tender where they made the small incisions. Everyone is different though. My results showed my patency was good and no endometriosis either. Just my polycystic ovaries as was shown in my scans anyway when I was diagnosed.

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