PCOS and ttc ladies

Ladies, i agree it is so so frustrating when people tell you that everything will be ok and you wont find it hard to have a baby, but when its not them they just don't understand. also with the friends, all my close friends have just had a baby or are pregnant! arggggh!! and the fear of never having them, you can't explain it can you, I feel its unfair, it seems why is it the women who really want them cant have them :( but then we all will ladies, and as said before we will apprechiate that bfp result on the test more than ever before and will enjoy each and every horrid symptom of pregnancy with a big smile on our faces!

Airy: fingers crossed i hope you get your bfp :) that would be great inspiration

and the agnus cactus, i will be looking to buy some today, theres no harm in trying and i am willing to try anything to help me along :)
Ladies, i agree it is so so frustrating when people tell you that everything will be ok and you wont find it hard to have a baby, but when its not them they just don't understand. also with the friends, all my close friends have just had a baby or are pregnant! arggggh!! and the fear of never having them, you can't explain it can you, I feel its unfair, it seems why is it the women who really want them cant have them :( but then we all will ladies, and as said before we will apprechiate that bfp result on the test more than ever before and will enjoy each and every horrid symptom of pregnancy with a big smile on our faces!

Airy: fingers crossed i hope you get your bfp :) that would be great inspiration

and the agnus cactus, i will be looking to buy some today, theres no harm in trying and i am willing to try anything to help me along :)

Becca I promised my mum I will never moan about ANYTHING when I'm pregnant, she just smiles at me but I swear even if I have the worst morning sickness and everyother symptom going I will love it! INFACT there is nothing I would love more than throwing up every day if it meant I was pregnant (I think TTC turns you a lil mad)

I would defo reccomend Agnus Cactus its so so good, are you going to take all cycle or just up until you Ovulate? Just FYI it takes about 2/3 months to get into you system as it's a herb so don't be disheartned if it dosent work straight away :)

Jillie - Thanks so much for the info. I've taken week off after my op (its on a monday) becuase I had some annual leave days so I thought I would take it easy and get DH to do all the housework for once. :)

Did you have to stay in over night when you had your op? xx
jojolabobo: I was ready to go home in the afternoon. I felt fine, but dr insisted on overnight stay to make sure I wasn't going to be in pain once the strong pain killers the anesthetist administerer wore off. My hospital cover wasn't going to cost me extra to stay overnight, so I let him keep me in :p I was fine with the pain - didn't even have to take panadol. I had the week off work like he ordered too.

Worst part though I was on the maternity ward and could hear the babies - I spent most of the night crying :cry:
Jille :hug: that is so awful you poor thing. I really think that it needs to be looked into the way they put all women together like that. I know that they are reviewing the way they treat ladies who have had a miscarriage, a friend of mine miscarried twins recently but had to spend night on maternity ward! I think they need to look at it for infertility to because I've had to go to same place as women who are pregnant and I know it's very comman practise but it's the last thing you need!

Pcos sucks :-( x
Hello Ladies, hope its ok for me to join in. I'm 31 and trying to conceive baby #2. First baby was conceived after 5 cycles of clomid - 100mg. He is now eight and my new hubby and I would like a baby together- we been ttc for over year and half now. Just received results from my 2nd round of clomid 100mg and they were 1.2- so not ovulating. Have been advises to increase dosage to 150mg- I'm just hoping it works for me. I don't know anyone else struggling to conceive. My friends all conceive as soon as they decide they want to have a baby! They don't realise how lucky they are.

Baby dust to all xxx
Hi Tazzzy, don't know about clomid but just wanted to say hi and welcome :) :wave: x
Jille :hug: that is so awful you poor thing. I really think that it needs to be looked into the way they put all women together like that. I know that they are reviewing the way they treat ladies who have had a miscarriage, a friend of mine miscarried twins recently but had to spend night on maternity ward! I think they need to look at it for infertility to because I've had to go to same place as women who are pregnant and I know it's very comman practise but it's the last thing you need!

Pcos sucks :-( x

They put all the women under the care of the OBGYNs on the maternity ward after procedures - makes it quicker for them to see when they do their rounds. One of the nurses was talking to me when she saw I was upset. She said that about half like being there because it gives them hope, but the other half were like me and it was just heartbreaking. She made me cry more when she said she would see me again, but next time with a belly full of baby. I can only hope she is right.
Becca I promised my mum I will never moan about ANYTHING when I'm pregnant, she just smiles at me but I swear even if I have the worst morning sickness and everyother symptom going I will love it! INFACT there is nothing I would love more than throwing up every day if it meant I was pregnant (I think TTC turns you a lil mad)

I would defo reccomend Agnus Cactus its so so good, are you going to take all cycle or just up until you Ovulate? Just FYI it takes about 2/3 months to get into you system as it's a herb so don't be disheartned if it dosent work straight away :)

I know i agree, no matter what the symptom may be it will be the best feeling ever.
Oh brilliant, i will be buying that.
I have no idea when i will be taking it, what do you recommend? I have got the rasberry leaf capsules as my cousin has a left over from her pregnancy.
Have read good things about them :)
Also thank you for advice :) i will start taking them
Now and hope for results by three months

Good luck ladies

Keep updated
Becca I promised my mum I will never moan about ANYTHING when I'm pregnant, she just smiles at me but I swear even if I have the worst morning sickness and everyother symptom going I will love it! INFACT there is nothing I would love more than throwing up every day if it meant I was pregnant (I think TTC turns you a lil mad)

I would defo reccomend Agnus Cactus its so so good, are you going to take all cycle or just up until you Ovulate? Just FYI it takes about 2/3 months to get into you system as it's a herb so don't be disheartned if it dosent work straight away :)

I know i agree, no matter what the symptom may be it will be the best feeling ever.
Oh brilliant, i will be buying that.
I have no idea when i will be taking it, what do you recommend? I have got the rasberry leaf capsules as my cousin has a left over from her pregnancy.
Have read good things about them :)
Also thank you for advice :) i will start taking them
Now and hope for results by three months

Good luck ladies

Keep updated

Some people only take them up to OV, I took them all cycle because I didn't Ovulate yet but it did bring my cycles down from 90 days to about 38 so far over 4 months so I feel like it's getting into my system to make me OV. Also it makes me AF much lighter and less painful which is always a good thing :thumbup:

I took 200mg a day 4x 50mg capsuals in the morning although I've heard that the ticture is better and works faster and I will be getting that next. :)

I havent heard about rasberry leaf capsuals? What do they do?

Becca I promised my mum I will never moan about ANYTHING when I'm pregnant, she just smiles at me but I swear even if I have the worst morning sickness and everyother symptom going I will love it! INFACT there is nothing I would love more than throwing up every day if it meant I was pregnant (I think TTC turns you a lil mad)

I would defo reccomend Agnus Cactus its so so good, are you going to take all cycle or just up until you Ovulate? Just FYI it takes about 2/3 months to get into you system as it's a herb so don't be disheartned if it dosent work straight away :)

I know i agree, no matter what the symptom may be it will be the best feeling ever.
Oh brilliant, i will be buying that.
I have no idea when i will be taking it, what do you recommend? I have got the rasberry leaf capsules as my cousin has a left over from her pregnancy.
Have read good things about them :)
Also thank you for advice :) i will start taking them
Now and hope for results by three months

Good luck ladies

Keep updated

Some people only take them up to OV, I took them all cycle because I didn't Ovulate yet but it did bring my cycles down from 90 days to about 38 so far over 4 months so I feel like it's getting into my system to make me OV. Also it makes me AF much lighter and less painful which is always a good thing :thumbup:

I took 200mg a day 4x 50mg capsuals in the morning although I've heard that the ticture is better and works faster and I will be getting that next. :)

I havent heard about rasberry leaf capsuals? What do they do?


I see I see, that sounds good. But I have very light periods anyway so maybe i would take them upto when i ovulate and see what happens from there, thank you for the information :)

Rasberry leaf capsules, are usually used by women during the end of labour, as it shortens the labour as it strenghthens the muscles in the uterus

This is what i have found out (cut and pasted from internet):
*Begin drinking raspberry leaf tea at the beginning of your cycle and continue throughout the cycle. Raspberry leaf tea may help balance hormones to regulate your cycle
*that you can also use raspberry leaf tea as a fertility tool because it may help a fertilized egg stay attached to the lining of the uterus
*also helps to lengthen the luteal phase- The luteal phase is the second half of your menstrual cycle, when fertilisation and implantation may occur. This phase starts straight after ovulation and ends when your period begins.

Hope that information helps

I started this yesterday so im hoping to recieve results soon :)
Hello Ladies, hope its ok for me to join in. I'm 31 and trying to conceive baby #2. First baby was conceived after 5 cycles of clomid - 100mg. He is now eight and my new hubby and I would like a baby together- we been ttc for over year and half now. Just received results from my 2nd round of clomid 100mg and they were 1.2- so not ovulating. Have been advises to increase dosage to 150mg- I'm just hoping it works for me. I don't know anyone else struggling to conceive. My friends all conceive as soon as they decide they want to have a baby! They don't realise how lucky they are.

Baby dust to all xxx

Hi Tazzy, fingers crossed you wont be much longer, as clomid worked for you previously :)
I know they really don't know how lucky they are do they!
How long are your cycles?

This website is quite good about red rasberry leaf - but they talk about the tea rather than the capsules which i now take as i dont drink hot drinks :(
Thanks Becca, they sound really good, I will defo be adding them to my list of things to buy :)

diagnosed Pcos when I was 18, am now 26. I east told we wouldn't be able to have children without help, if at all. six months after trying I fell pg with dd. she's now 18 months and I'm ttc number 2 and hoping I get lucky twice :)
diagnosed Pcos when I was 18, am now 26. I east told we wouldn't be able to have children without help, if at all. six months after trying I fell pg with dd. she's now 18 months and I'm ttc number 2 and hoping I get lucky twice :)

Hi, this is very nice new to hear about your first baby congratulations :) you give me hope,

I do have that feelings i will be lucky next month, as i am at home in Wales while ttc so i would like to believe being home will make me lucky lol

How long have you been trying for number 2?
What are your cycles like? xxx
Thanks Becca, they sound really good, I will defo be adding them to my list of things to buy :)


No problem, im hoping that they will do the job :)

Will always keep you all updated with both good and bad news xxx
Ladies, I just saw a show where they diagnose people with things no one else could. All I had to do was listen to this poor girl's symptoms...and I knew she had pcos. I was glad to see we aren't alone. Btw-does metformin make anyone else sick? I feel really full all the time and still have diarrhea every day after 3 months.
Hi ladies--I just wanted to let you all know that I got my bfp for this cycle...delivering this message to you all is bitter sweet because I feel bad as God willing, this will be my second child, while many of you havent experienced the joys of your firsts yet. But I do understand your plight as it is mine as well and I am hoping that inspiration can be found in my news because I was told by 3 different doctors that I could not have children. This cycle was unmedicated and I took absolutely nothing but a multi whenever I could remember to...I am cautiously happy as I have experienced many many losses before my dd but I am happy that my body seems to be functioning as it should none the less. Stay optimistic ladies and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday
Hi ladies--I just wanted to let you all know that I got my bfp for this cycle...delivering this message to you all is bitter sweet because I feel bad as God willing, this will be my second child, while many of you havent experienced the joys of your firsts yet. But I do understand your plight as it is mine as well and I am hoping that inspiration can be found in my news because I was told by 3 different doctors that I could not have children. This cycle was unmedicated and I took absolutely nothing but a multi whenever I could remember to...I am cautiously happy as I have experienced many many losses before my dd but I am happy that my body seems to be functioning as it should none the less. Stay optimistic ladies and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday

I would like to wish you the biggest congratulations :)
This gave me goosebumps lol, very nice news to hear and very inspirational!
Thankyou for letting us all know and it does give me massive hope.
And you new it was your month :) which is lovely, thats a very merry christmas.
And have a lovely pregnancy and enjoy each and every symptom xxx
Congrats, Airy! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

Ladies, I took clomid days 5-9 and today is cd12. Do you think I should start opks today or will the clmid affect it still?

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